Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1325: Calculation

As an immortal, I am not afraid of death.

But if the treasure in the whole body is lost, this is a very uncomfortable thing.

As Hexis said, Bollinger, who has lost the Thunderbolt, is no longer the strongest barbarian.

If a super treasure disappears, their top immortals at this level will not be much stronger than those ordinary old immortals.

Wanting to hit two, one hit three, or even to outnumber the enemies, to play less and become more extravagant.

Horses rely on saddle clothes, people rely on clothes, the strength of the immortal needs the support of powerful treasures.

The body was seriously injured and was paralyzed by electric shock, making it difficult to move. At this time, everyone did not need to say that they unloaded their treasures and then opened the immortal space and put them in.

As the most recognized practitioner of life magic, Pope Ryan has not yet released powerful restoration magic to them, and Ryan's mind can already guess each other.

If you are in the other party's position and have such a good opportunity, it is difficult for everyone to predict their thoughts.

"Hahaha, Ryan, kill them, kill them all, and from then on your Xia Nong Kingdom will be the overlord of the Western Continent," Hexius muttered.


Pope Ryan made a deep voice, neither denying nor acknowledging.

Before he could determine the final strength of these people, he wouldn't act pretendingly, but he would be seen through by Rio, and he had to stand up at this time.

Even the powerful body of the barbarian Bollinger couldn't stop the tremor caused by the powerful current, and he was trembling like a sieve. These people had little resistance in a certain period of time.

"Hexis, what are you happy about, you think you can avoid it, we still have a life, everything is nothing when you die."

Pollinger looked at Hexis, not far away, and felt that he had fought the most inexplicable battle in countless years. The opponent's people hadn't touched him, and everyone was seriously injured in the blink of an eye.

"I don't build a country, there is no harm to Lord Lien, the ghosts and gods cause the organization to blame Apollo, maybe they have some use for Xia Nong."

Hexis grinned reluctantly and said, "I benefit a lot from him alive, at least Ryan still needs me to make a youthful immortality."

"Youth's immortal medicine."

Mistreo moved his heart and looked at Pope Ryan. After a closer look, he was surprised: "Ryan, you are getting younger."

The western continent is vast, but the real upper circle is not large. At least these top kingdoms are familiar with each other, and everyone is not unfamiliar with the appearance of Pope Lien.

The body was not attacked by the explosion and plasma, but the face mask before Pope Ryan was inadvertently lifted inadvertently, perhaps because he was thinking too much, and Ryan did not care about this detail.

It was pointed out by Mistreo that he didn't rush to fasten his face towel again.

Pope Lien had returned to middle age when he looked down on the old look.

This is the middle age of Lien. Mistreo will not be mistaken. In the past, he has seen this face hundreds of times.

For young immortals, immortality and youth are topics far away from them. For Mistelio, this is a matter of urgency.

It even includes the old immortal who does not know the wise man.

At the moment, the only one who can balance Pope Lien is perhaps the barbarian great prophet stationed beside the eyes of the sage.

"Don't care about this kind of details," Ryan laughed. "It's just a temporary effect brought by a potion. It lasts for hundreds of years. Youth stays forever and lives forever. Only the mystery of eternal life is worth exploring."

"God said: All gains are for future devotion."

"Your Majesty Ruiou, I want to borrow some magic weapons from you, how?"

The top immortal who also belongs to the field of the legal system, for the rich and rich Mistreo, even Lien couldn't help but get a little distracted.

Although it was borrowed, Lien whispered in his mouth, and a little white light formed a chain, winding Mistreo's immobile.

With a glance at the rest of the men, Ryan's golden staff waved, several white lights came down, and no one escaped, even Hexis who had only one life left.

"Bah, hypocrisy," Bollinger scrambled twice before scolding: "The magic of imprisonment in the light of the Holy See is simply an insult in the hands of people like you."

The Lightning Warhammer has been lost, and now it seems that the remaining treasures on his body will also go with it, which is simply a disaster.

"The sage will definitely record such things as you, Lien. Tomorrow you will be the most notorious person in the Western Continent, even if you are the Pope."

Looking at Ryan's right hand, Mistreol grumbled.

"He, huh, huh, a prophet who relied on the immortal loopholes of the foresight drill camp to be promoted. He was old and weak, and I predicted that he would have died unexpectedly at this time."

Lien gently took out the gem in his arms that connected to the eye of the sage and placed it on the ground.

I saw that the place where the wise man knew was messy.

The eyes of the black and white sage are like ink at the moment, and they are very dark. The sage's figure has long disappeared, and only a dead bone lies sideways.

"You actually used magic power to guide this kind of sky to the eyes of the sage, it turns out that you have already been a killer."

Looking at the ignorant sage who slowly turned into bone meal, Bollinger's heart was cold, and Ryan saw the opportunity too quickly. When they were dealing with Hexis, Ryan had already made other plans.

Prophet is not a panacea, especially difficult to predict himself.

Perhaps I do not know that the wise sage did not expect such a scourge so quickly.

"This is Hexis' shot, it's okay with me, isn't it?" Lien smiled.

"My hand?"

Hexis felt bad for a while, and picked up a **** pot out of thin air. This was not a good beginning.

"Yes, it was your hand. You also imprisoned the emperors of Casa, Apollo, Northland, O'Reilly, and only I was able to escape."


Not only does Hexis feel The remaining few also feel bad.

If he died unexpectedly, he would be resurrected at most once. If he was imprisoned, he would not be able to go out in this life.

"Later, under my siege, you were captured by the injured, but you insisted on not revealing the places where your majesty was imprisoned, tortured tortured and unfortunately died, and left with secrets forever."

Like planning the best script, Lien just narrates gently, which makes people fall into infinite despair.

No one can escape, four prisoners die, this is the plan of Ryan.

The five top masters spent countless energy to create, or obtained treasures, which is enough to arm the strongest batch of immortals.

"This kind of magic powerful feeling, ah, Rio, you are a real tyranny. If I have these treasures, who can break the shield magic I released."

"Our Xia Nong's fire arrow, the elven king's bow, huh, ilutan, without the elven king's bow, guess who will be the dominant group of elves."

"Regenerating armor, no wonder you are beating so well, right. Where is your lightning hammer?"

"Spartan, your gods are a little worse, but this dagger is really good."

"Huh, dear Hexis, thank you for calling the Scarab. This necklace is good. I accepted it. I will pray to you after death. Wish us a happy cooperation."

Like the most discerning diners, Ryan picks and chooses the super treasures on everyone, and removes all the fine items first, so that they can no longer turn over with the treasure, he looks at Hexis Now it's time to solve this Blaster.

"It is indeed a pleasant cooperation, Pope Lien."

Hexis lifted his head slightly, a dark flash in his eyes flashed.

"The poison of the tarsal bone broke out."

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