Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1326: Defeated

Tarsal Poison: The cursed suffers a violent attack, -20 life/second, duration: one minute.

Using the property panel to explore the truth, Xu Zhi has enough knowledge about this spell.

The duration is short, the damage is huge, a total of 1,200 points of life is removed, this is a very powerful spell.

Feeling that he was in control, Lien obviously had some pride.

In front of Hexis coveted each other's treasures, he was not wrong.

If he fetches treasure after killing Hexis, he may have difficulty encountering such a thing, at least the poison of tarsal bone will not erupt immediately.

The triumphant expression held by the winning ticket lasted only a few seconds, and Ryan began to sing the restoration spell with a serious face.

Behind the angel phantom lightsaber lifted high, just more than twenty seconds, the lightsaber in the angel's hand will be put down, turned into a little white light disappear.

"I can't kill Lien, you don't have to hide and protect me, if you hide it again, you will be imprisoned for thousands of years."

Lien is attached with guardian angel magic in life magic, and it is very easy to judge the life of the other party according to the magic.

Seeing the light and shadow disappear on Ryan's body, Hexis estimated it, only to feel a bit far from the goal of dying the other party.

The top immortals began to slowly break away from what they learned in the magic tower, each with their own cards, so that Ryan's divine imprisonment was so, and so was his tarsal poison.

The poisonous power of the tarsal bone is extremely powerful, but it needs the help of treasures or props to hide. It is not easy to form an effective blow.

If other people make a move, the poison of the tarsal bone will almost be entangled until the other party dies, but Pope Lien is different. The other party is too good at life magic, and the life recovery magic that is fast enough and enough to restore the amount will reduce this lethality to pole.

"Laozi hides a big watermelon, Hexis, where did you hide Laozi's thunder hammer?" Pollinger scolded.

He couldn't move, he couldn't fight back, he couldn't fight back now, and now he threw a big gun in his voice.

"Don't worry about the hammer, I don't ask you now. I know your card is instantaneously doubled in strength. It's a useless product now."

Feeling the passage of time, Hexis felt anxious in his heart, constantly looking at Leo, Spartz, and Irutan a little further away.

As long as Ryan recovers from the state of tarsal poison, he will definitely not have a good ending.

Pollinger was obviously unreliable, and Meng Ge, who was further away, was stunned again. Now he can only count on these three people to see if there is any way to limit Ryan.

Although they are enemies, they obviously have common goals to deal with at this time. If they don't cooperate, Ryan will be the winner, and none of the others will end well.


Ryan, who was recovering from the mantra, grunted, and the chains on everyone began to shrink and tighten, making it harder to move.

"My mark of revenge can only be used for tracking purposes, and it cannot kill people."

Irutan yelled in pain and spread his cards.

Rein brought extreme distrust between the five emperors. At this time, he must be open and honest, and he did not think about it. Irutan described his hidden cards.

"I'm a source of magic, and it's hard to use it at this time."

Mysterio sweated forehead coldly, glanced around and shouted, "Green skin, don't you come out quickly to save me?"

In his perception, the green skin that he brought was not dead, and he was alive and well, but he didn't know where he was.

"Your Majesty, we are buried alive and can't get out."

The faint sound coming from under the ruins made Mistreo a little desperate, remembering Xu Zhi's hiding place, this green-skinned appearance also looks worse.

Today's excitement is very exciting, the big figures are really intriguing, and Xu Zhimao's ears are very passionate.

The only regret is that he can't be the savior, unless he returns to the elemental realm at this time, Mistreo summons him to the lower realm again, and Xu Zhi may fall on this land.

"The pope is so powerful, he can beat a dozen," Kotzes muttered. "I don't know when the godfather will come to save me."

"You are dead, you are dead, you dare to whisper after listening to so many secrets, you think it is me, I can escape back to the elemental realm."

"Hey, hey."

Kotzes swallowed, feeling that he could not wait for Bob to turn over the bricks to save lives, before he would encounter this powerful pope.

"You can't escape, you will all die, and there are no exceptions for elemental creatures."

After a minute, Lien's pale face finally relaxed.

He wiped the sweat from his face and looked at the ruins, remembering the creature in the jungle fairy dress behind Mistreo. The white light flashed in his eyes, and he extended his golden staff to point to the void.

"Ryan, why not look behind you before controlling his life and death."

Spartan's cold voice came, leaving Lien cold behind him, and he was about to turn around. The shadow under him suddenly shot up, and ten dark claws caught his throat.

As if using the sharpest dagger, the shadow's claws gently stroked, and Ryan felt a huge pain in his throat.

The bright red blood spewed out, and he clutched his broken throat, and made a sound of ‘ho **** ho ho’.

Weak, coping with others, counterattacked by Hexis, and Ryan lacked sufficient protective magic.

Spartz's time to catch the neutral was almost right, and after a long time, he finally released the long-awaited hole card of Hexis.

The throat was broken, most of Ryan's magic was to be nullified, and it would be difficult to release it again.

The throat of a normal person is smashed, which is directly facing the death situation, and Lien can temporarily hold it, but his immortal has a strong vitality.

If there is no effective treatment, you will eventually die.

"You, **** ho ho~"

The golden staff supports the The powerlessness of the body comes, and the power and magic in the body are quickly disappearing.

The unwilling emotion flashed in Lien's eyes, only a little bit, everything was only a little distance away.

From the temporary calculation, to the smooth implementation, to the final loss of results.

He lacked a little distance, and even a little luck.

It would be great if everything could be started by killing Hexis first.

But everything is hard to come back.

If you fail, you must bear the consequences of this operation.

Lien can't imagine the problems he faces.

His eyes turned to Hexis, and finally he looked back at Spartz who decided the final result.

"With my blood, the demon that reverses the curse on me will not eliminate the blood curse unless I immortalize it."

With a quivering mouth, Lien looked at Spartz, who was terrified in his eyes, and a **** mark on his forehead flew out.

"Go away"

Spartz roared, his body constantly twisted and struggled, looking at the blood mark closer and closer, he could not do any effective dodge.

It was just that the mark was contaminated on his body, and his face was like being pricked with needles, and numerous blood-colored holes appeared, and the blood kept pouring out, and the roaring sound instantly turned into wailing.

After releasing the last power in the body, Ryan could no longer control it.

The imprisonment on everyone was loose, and the white chains shattered into a little light.

"Ryan, I'll go to your grandma."

Bollinger turned and jumped, kicking Lien.


The sound of crisp bones came from Lien's body, and the staff in his hand was loose, and he fell down softly.

A piece of immortal light emerged directly from the body, and in a flash, it has disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

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