Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1327: no way no money

Pope Ryan took the lead in tearing each other's fragile relationship.

Relying on his strong body and strong resilience, the old barbarian was the second one to stand up. Compared with the other few people who could only lie on the ground, at least he can now act safely and his condition is much better.

The treasure is moving.

Even at their level is no exception.

If you don't move on weekdays, it's just the lack of temptation. If you want to obtain treasure from opponents at the same level, you will inevitably fight both sides.

But now, nothing is needed.

Lien has gone to resurrection, and the treasures on his body have fallen to the ground, including his own, as well as the treasures he had peeled off from everyone before.

Facing the choice of life and death, everyone's cards have been revealed,

Compared to Lien, if he has the intention, the safety factor at this time will be extremely high.

"You should be glad that there are not many powerful mages in the North Kingdom royal family, and no one likes to be a demon archer and assassin." Pollinger's eyes glanced for a few seconds before sinking his voice: "His staff should be a scepter of refuge, I take it back Leave a memorial."

His words reassured Mistreo and Irutan, including Spartz, who was still wailing, and his voice gradually lowered.

Like them, Lien has a lot of money, and Bollinger took the advantage of taking the lead and took away the most valuable asylum scepter. Everyone had nothing to say.

Ryan opened a bad head, and Bollinger pressed down on his inner greed to openly and mutually benefit each other and gathered together again.

As long as Bollinger does not have bad thoughts, no matter who will recover first, the barbarian check and balance will not make the situation uncontrollable.

After dealing with the internal relations, Bollinger turned his attention to Hexis which caused the incident.

If it weren't for Hexis to make these messes, Ryan would have a strange heart and turn his face.

The culprit.

"You stared at me for what we did, and we just worked very friendly once."

Looking at the killing intention in Bollinger's eyes, Hexis hurriedly, was approached by the barbarian when his body could not move, and he didn't know how to die.

In the case of taking the medicine in advance, the body's recovery speed is actually slower than Bollinger, and things have been out of his control.

In fact, from the moment the lightning energy storage device exploded, everything was out of his control.

Technology has brought great power and brought unpredictable directions.

Even the demonic creatures forcibly summoned by Hexis turned into ashes directly in the explosion, and the killer disappeared into nothingness.

It doesn't matter whether Bollinger has weapons or not.

At most, it's just a matter of one trick, you can kill him.

"Friendly, shit, where did you hide Laozi's lightning strike hammer, hurry up, and return me quickly, you can barely save this life."

Bollinger mentioned Ryan's scepter of refuge and knocked Hexas with a stick, feeling that the staff was completely useless than his hammer.

"I didn't take your Thunder Hammer, I swear, I swear again, swear in my honor and the old mother who died 322 years ago, nothing is here with me."

The whole body was hurt. Except for the eyes and mouth barely turning freely, Hexis felt that he couldn't even shake his head now, and there were too many sky thunders stored in the lightning storage release device.

If the current is not exported by the lightning protection device, the armored body protector and the medicine taken in advance are recovered strongly.

This is enough rhythm to get him to death.

The art of electricity is very dangerous, but this danger makes him a little intoxicated.

If the design is good, even the immortal of the five emperors can rely on the art of electricity to complete the killing.

Like Ryan, he lacked it a little bit. If he didn't take himself in, it would be a perfect night tonight.

"I don't believe your swear, you just have to give me back the hammer, or tell me where the hammer is. Meng Ge was fainted in your castle at the beginning. This matter has nothing to do with you."

The old barbarian did not eat Hexis at all, picked up the slightly torn battle axe, and interrupted Hexis' hands with the back of the two axes.


Hexius screamed and twitched while lying on the ground. His voice and Spartz were high and low, undulating, continuous and rhythmic.

Xu Zhi heard the screaming voice emptied.

If under normal circumstances, Hexis is okay to evade, the situation is now stronger than people, it is difficult to say that it has fallen.

Although he is still excited in his head, he always thinks about seeing other people out of luck, but now this situation seems to be slowly out of the lively category. He wants to return to the elemental world with his eyes closed.

"It was so bombed that you didn't say anything, and I was about to be called when I broke my hand, Hexis. It seems that you haven't been suffering enough. If you call it again, I will break your two legs."


The Bollinger threat was quite effective, at least Hexis turned into a low cry.

People are not iron hits. Although his call is exaggerated by seven points, it is also true by three points.

"I found a creature from the elemental realm, and I threw your thunderbolt warhammer into contract."

"Why don't you say that I threw my thunderbolt hammer into the lava hell, hell, I still don't tell the truth."

Two dull sounds came, and then picked up a high-pitched howl of Shanghai Hexis. Xu Zhi felt that Hexis's two legs were also broken.

"I'm telling the truth."

After a while, Hexis gritted his teeth, and his voice seemed to tremble.

"Lao Tzu believes in your evil, you will have the middle leg left, and if you don't want to stay, then forget it."

An artifact-level weapon, Bollinger does not believe that Hexis will be generous to such an extent, thrown into the elemental world, or thrown into lava Except for disgusting him, this can not bring any the benefits of.

"Thunderbolt Warhammer I transferred to Lien. Do you believe it or not, if you have one, you will cut it on Lao Tzu's head. Lao Tzu frowns to count me losing."

Xu Zhi was mixed between Ruiou and others. If both parties could solve the problem amicably, Hexis would not mind if a thunderbolt hammer replaced the future tranquility.

The only embarrassment is that Xu Zhi's identity was revealed and jealous.

These things can be resolved later.

But with both legs also interrupted, Hexis's temper also came up, staring at Bollinger angrily, the anger in his eyes seemed to swallow the old barbarian clean.

"Transfer to Ryan" Polling thought for a moment, thinking about the feasibility, and then screamed at the sound: "You gangsters, so we are ambushed by you is also the message that Ryan confided."


No one listens to the truth, some people believe lies.

Shit basin buckled on Ryan's head, anyway, Ryan couldn't refute at this time.

The enmity between Polling and others and Lien is not low this time, and Hexis does not mind adding another fire.

If these people fight and die a lot, he will be very happy.

"No wonder this white man hides so promptly, and also transmits this powerful energy to the sage, **** Ryan, he has been calculating us."

Bollinger walked back and forth, smashing the few gray hairs left and burning, and only felt very irritable. In addition to the prophet with great wisdom, the barbarian hated this kind of calculation most. Rao is that he is quite old at the age. It's hard to jump out of this game and see the problem.

"So, Hexis, you are useless."

Halfway, Bollinger looked at Hexis with his battle axe.

Ryan's use of his thunderbolt hammer was temporarily difficult to solve, but Hexis solved it well.

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