Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1328: Deceit

The barbarians of the Northland have straightforward personalities.

Never beep when you can do it.

Doug Wuge is so.

Pollinger is no different.

As soon as he started, Bollinger's battle axe struck Hexos' head.

He fully satisfied Hexis's previous request.

Cleave the head.

"Be slow"

Mistreo stretched out his right hand with extreme difficulty, and retracted it.

Looking at the axe stuck in Hexis' head, it was no good and slow.

"What else?"

Bollinger turned back.

"Want to ask him about the immortality of youth, you start a little bit faster."

Mistreo has a bit of a toothache. His things are very important, but his body can't move. It must be Pollinger's priority.

The Lightning Warhammer is Bollinger's lifeblood, who knows that this old man is actually lost.

Without finishing the two sentences, he hacked Hex directly with an axe.

The words that he wanted to ask were held in his throat. Mysterio only hated Hexis for not killing, and lived a few minutes less.

"What youth immortality medicine, what is the meaning of living for so many years, chaotic, chaotic, not as good as pigs and dogs."

"We pursue a difference."

It seems that the old man is alive enough, but Mistreo has a different idea. As a mage, he studied completely differently from the physical warrior.

In short, the two have no common language in this regard.

"Hexis is dead, Ryan is not dead, you can go find him."

Spartz had a great feud with Lien, and Mistreo had a need for Lien again. If he added himself, the old man no matter how lazy he thought, he knew that he would attract more people.

Lien is in the bright Holy See in the capital of Xeron’s capital, Reros. Even if his combat power is at the top level of the mainland, if he wants to rush into that place to regain the thunder and lightning hammer, it is difficult.

He is not Spartz, can sneak into many dangerous places, and it is difficult to get the treasure out of it.

It is also extremely difficult to remove the treasure from the immortal space of Lien.

Only by forming a trend and suppressing by partnership can Lien be forced to make concessions.

In the siege of Hexis, Lien’s approach was quite chilling, and he did not pay a great price. He did not want to return to the previous relationship circle.

No country has the ability to fight directly against the Xia Nong Kingdom. This is a very helpless way of getting along. The other party clearly wants to imprison everyone, making people obscure until they die, but they have to compromise when facing it.

The coexistence between the nations, the strength of the top emperors is only one of them.

Before the relationship is completely broken, they are far away from each other in a large war.

But obviously, no one would take the pope to play with each other in the future, and everyone would have a great sense of guarding against Ryan.

Even Lien will be routinely admitted as an unwelcome person, and there will be various risks in entering certain countries.

"I will definitely find him. This hatred of stripping is really unforgettable in this life."

Mistreo slowly stood up, as the object of the main care of Lien, the outer robe of the body was directly ripped off, the inner armor, the guardian's robe and other objects were directly peeled off. At this time, he and the previous Mongo It makes no difference, they are all naked.

Trembling back his treasures one by one, the familiar power returned to himself, and Mistreo was relieved.

Healing and medical magic have been continuously released.

Only the level of advanced life magic, his healing ability is not strong, but it is better than nothing.

At least Spartz could stand hard against the ground and start to stand up, and Irutan lurched over in the distance.

"Leon, the Pope's bright robe, I accepted it."

Stripped by Lien, Mistreo also took each other's clothes.

"I didn't get much credit. I took this distracted cloak, Spartz. You can take a few of them. Ryan's regenerative ring is good and can alleviate the damage of the blood curse on you."

"Blood curse will explode once every three days. As long as Lien is still alive, he will be entangled. Even if the resurrection will exist, he will be far stronger than the curse developed by death magic."

Irutan looked at Spartz, who was the worst hit, and was very close.

"It's entangled, hey, it's more than entanglement. The blood curse can only curse one person. Either he dies, or I die, and I have a life and death feud with him."

Spartz's eyes were full of hate, and his resentment against Lien broke through the sky.

For Ryan, the moment of defeat was probably the same mentality for Spartz.

The hatred of the two is far different from the attitude of Bollinger and Mistreo towards Lien, and it is destined to separate life and death before it will cease.

"How can I not have the Xia Nong Kingdom? I don't believe that I can't do Ryan. He made me blood curse, and I will make him restless in this life.

After taking a few relics from Ryan, Spartz couldn't care about the crowd at the moment, his body twisted, and he turned into a faint shadow and left.

"Two people, high in mountains and long in water, welcome to Apollo if you have time."

After silently reciting the prayer of nature to Rudolph, Irutan summoned a phoenix and waved away.

"Old Rio, throw some more healing magic to my nephew."

The dead are difficult to be reborn, but those who haven't died can be rescued. They fluttered the street in Longdao twice in a row, but Mengge tenaciously supported this tone and didn't die.

"The level of my life magic can only be emergency, you have to go back and drink more healing remedies," Mistreo suggested.

"Your thousand years of magic practice is too bad," Bollinger shook his head. "You can't study this important restorative magic in depth."

"You haven't had a little work, so why not delve into it."

"I hate magic, and watching the pile of symbols has a headache."

"I also have a headache."

The two were firing their mouths, Mistelio kept on his hands, occasionally chanting spells, and the healing magic was continually spread.

"I feel corona again, what happened?"

Meng Ge stretched his body, only to feel pain everywhere, looking at the pieces of peeling skin, he took a breath of air, this time the damage was far worse than the last time ~ ~ "bang" sound at the time, Is this a poke?

"I said that his thing is very powerful and will discharge. If you don't listen to me, you will all suffer."

"Shut up."

Bollinger said frustratedly, and he still hasn't been able to tell whether it was the strange device that he had hacked up Hexis or the fire of the fire arrow of Irutan.

This matter will probably become an unsolved case.

"Are our hammers coming back?"

"A hammer with a ghost egg, no."

No matter which pot is not opened, which one is raised is one thing, and two things are raised in succession. Still in front of Ruiou, this is quite a face-cut.

Bollinger looked at Mongo, who was badly wounded, and withdrew his hand for a while.

This slap must be kept for later play.

"It's impossible. The hammer must have been taken by Hexis, and you didn't interrogate where he put it, and let him die?"

Looking at Hexis with an axe in his head, Mongo felt that the hammer he inherited seemed to be going away.

How to ask the dead for a hammer.

He felt a headache.

"Go to Hexima of Nima."

In the end, he kicked the body away with a hateful foot, and he felt a little comfortable.

"Don't you die yet?"

Mistreo wiped his eyes.

He just seemed to see the corpse in the air move slightly.

It was an active move, not the form that Meng Ge kicked off, with subtle differences.

This is a natural protective action for human beings when flying.

But as soon as this action was mentioned, it was put back stiffly, and it seemed extremely uncoordinated before it was seen by Mistreo.

Was it really dead, or was Hexius swindling to death.

Mysterious representative, Mistriou, is now suspicious again.

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