Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1342: Copper Whale

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() The accidental shipwreck caused Xu Zhi to lose some color.

The danger is not just the sinking of the merchant ship, but also the figure just leaping under the sea.

At that glance, Xu Zhi felt that the figure was extremely long, probably over 20 meters.

The huge size, quietly sneaking near the ship, this is a very senior predator in the ocean.

The gray hull of the steel shell was bitten in one bite, and a small boat such as a lifeboat can be directly bitten into pieces.

It is difficult to know whether the purpose of this creature is for the boatmen to catch each other's food, or to deliberately target this merchant ship.

"1623, what the **** are you doing here, ran, and quickly jumped onto the lifeboat."

Dongyue's banknotes could not be used for a long time, and Xu Zhi gave money very easily, leaving a good impression on Chen Gou.

Chen Gou shoved over and let Xu Zhi recover slightly.

"Have you ever seen a huge white sea creature? It is twenty meters long, and it comes with its own light."

Xu Zhi grabbed Chen Gou and asked with a deep heart.

To get rid of or even kill this creature, he needs at least some understanding.

Lifeboats and sunken ships are difficult to borrow. Above the ocean, he can exert very little power.

Once inside the lifeboat, there is a high probability that it will be destined.

Human exploration is limited, and the knowledge of the ocean is extremely low. The knowledge of the data is not enough to let him know all kinds of strange creatures in the world.

In terms of marine life, he may not know as many people as Chen Gou who go to sea all the year round.

"What light, what twenty meters? What do you see?"

Xu Zhi's inexplicable question made Chen Gou feel nervous.

Even he did not understand the current shipwreck accident, but the numerous alarms from the hull can only make him decide to abandon the ship.

Those who do this risky business and become gold diggers have very few ordinary passengers, they are not weak, and they move very quickly.

On the port side and starboard side of the entire merchant ship, people were constantly jumping off and entering the lifeboat.

Chen Gou looked dignified, constantly scanning the ocean.

It is difficult to see any additional conditions under the rough black sea.

If there are really fierce marine life.

The small boat that is constantly floating on the sea is the best pathfinder at this time.

He looked at the last small liferaft on the side of the ship. Regardless of whether he could see it or not, he had to leave the ship at the last point when the merchant ship sank.

Xu Zhi mentioned the gilded gold armor, his mind was no different from Chen Gou.

Compared to other people, he can fly and has a certain escape capital.

But when the merchant ship sank, whether he wanted it or not, he had to leave this place, and the flying ability was not enough to support him to fly infinitely in the sea.

The two kept looking at the ocean.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking from the merchant ship, accompanied by many people screaming loudly.

"It's over there," Chen Gou yelled.

Whether it was the sway caused by the sinking of the hull or the violent sway caused by the external force, Chen Gou was very clear, not to mention the screams.

When he yelled, Xu Zhi raised his stick and tapped the soles of his feet, and people kept running towards the top of the boat.

A little yellow light slightly illuminates the sea area near the shipwreck, the light in the dark is easy to bring a feeling of security.

But this is the call of death.

Under the yellow light, there is a gigantic giant mouth, and the dark inside is hard to see.

The body is more than 20 meters long, but when this giant mouth is opened, it is fully raised nearly 10 meters long.

This is a very disproportionate size of marine life.

There is even a faint resemblance to the sea monster that Xu Zhi saw in the shadow of the void.

The escapers on the side of the ship's side were nowhere to be seen, only some fragments of the lifeboat were floating on the ocean.


Seeing that the ocean behemoth jumped back into the ocean again, the long stick was difficult to reach, and Xu Zhi had to point out a finger, releasing a spirit-poisoning magic.

A feeling of smoothness came, and Xu Zhi felt that the magic he released seemed to slip away from the other party.

Although it is a first-order magic, it is a nine-level poison.

This is the first time Xu Zhi has failed to cast a spell on a non-human creature.

The cultivator has internal energy, and can use the instant internal energy shock to get rid of magic, and these alien lives are probably derived from the resistance of the surface skin to magic.

"It's a copper whale, how come there are such big copper whales, oh my god, they have been lurking in the deep sea, how can they get to the sea."

Chen Gou jumped up a lot slower. He only saw part of the situation where the sea monster jumped back into the sea.

But this is enough to give him the correct judgment.

"Bronze Whale"

Xu Zhi egg hurt.

He went to Nanyang with a big goal is to meet a copper whale, and a big vote with master Qian Tong, let the two turn over financially.

This is an extremely rare creature, because the value of interest is great, the information of this creature is even in a state of confidentiality, and there are not many cognitive groups.

Chen Gou's ability to call out his name is considered to be well-known.

At least Xu Zhi hadn't seen the pattern of this creature.

He only heard in Qian Tong and Tuo Guhong's mouth that this creature is extremely difficult to deal with.

The copper whale came a little early.

The body is as hard as copper and iron, and ordinary swords are difficult to cause damage to this creature.

Without a professional whale hook, it is extremely difficult to hunt this creature.

Compared with the huge and hard body of the copper whale, his gilded gold armored rod is like a hard needle. In addition to hitting vulnerable parts such as eyes, it is difficult to cause huge damage to this creature for a while.

Perhaps the edible nature of these humans was unexpectedly discovered when they swallowed the dragon buds. This giant has a certain interest in this fresh food.

Only a few seconds later, a scream came from the other side of the shipwreck, and then it fell silent again.


The failure of the poison made the two sides not enter the fighting state, and saw the huge body of the copper whale located 50 meters Xu Zhi once again shot a little black mango.

For this huge creature, his means are also limited.

There is very little magic that can be restricted, and less magic that can form effective damage.

If it wasn't for Chen Gou, who was still standing nearby, Xu Zhi was very willing to release a plague magic.

This is another magic he can try.

The huge fish tail slapped the water, and the speed slowly slowed down.

The magic took effect.

"We are going to die, except for this abnormal copper whale, look at the schools of fish near the hull, storms, and storms are coming."

"How could there be a big storm? The goddess clearly said that the weather has been relatively normal recently and is suitable for going out to sea. Why is this happening, why is this happening."

"It must have been that I did not worship my ancestors before going to sea."

Chen Gou looked desperately into the sky, the rain had become extremely large, and the wind was becoming more and more wild.


A copper whale is big enough.


Storm in the ocean.

Not only Chen Gou, Xu Zhi felt that he did not worship his ancestor when he went out.

The shipwreck is getting closer to the sea, and Xu Zhi is seeing the dense fish creatures on the sea.

Countless marine fish are constantly jumping and jumping out of the water, seemingly trying to breathe the air.

The terrible black in the sky is almost the same as the gloomy sea. It is difficult to tell which is the sky and which is the sea.

How can I escape this robbery.


Nearby Chen Gou screamed, turned straight, and saw the other party lying on the ground with his head in his arms.

A rock with a big fist rolled down on him.

"How could there be stones."

Xu Zhi raised his head and saw countless gravel and dust falling on one side, and spread to him quickly with the wind and rain. Fu Pin Chinese

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