Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1343: Ruins fall into the big world

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() Flying in the air, Xu Zhi fleeing desperately.

Countless dust was flying behind him, and from time to time, stones popped out and hit him.

The sky was covered with clouds, and huge winds were formed, accompanied by strong thunder and lightning, which stirred the rolling waves and raised tens of meters of tsunami. Everything seemed to be a world-destroying scene.

What scared Xu Zhi was the huge land that appeared in the sky, and it was difficult to see the marginal land at a glance.

Countless thin mists wrapped the world.

That is the ruins.

A complete small world.

For the first time, Xu Zhi saw the ruins completely present in reality.

The whole piece of continent seems to be coming.

Just like the scene of the Tiger Mountain ruins that formed the sky, countless lightnings roared, constantly striking the layers of gray fog.

When lightning strikes into the gray fog, it can turn into a sky of purple thunder, illuminating the surrounding ocean.

The bottom of countless mountains is constantly disintegrating and fragmenting.

The dust and falling rocks floating in the air originated from the disintegration of these mountains.

If the whole world of relics fell into the ocean, Xu Zhi could not imagine the immense power it would cause.

Using a little bit of time to fall, Xu Zhi quickly points his remaining experience above the aura of magic.

The second-level magic aura can restore 0.2 magic per second, which is equivalent to the flying magic consumes a little mana every five seconds.

In addition to his own magical value, he can also rely on the aura to support ten minutes of flight.

A total of thirty minutes of flight time.

This is the longest time for him to escape.

The eyes have turned red, and the speed of the legs swinging to the extreme.

In front of this prestige of heaven and earth, even the powerful guru and grand guru, if they are in the wrong direction, they will die in this place.

If it is below the continent, it will be difficult to escape.

The Greyhound is gone.

Xu Zhi at the moment is only the last survivor of the Greyhound.

Compared with the chance of encountering a copper whale, the chance of encountering ruins to the world is even lower.

This kind of risk is greater, even if there are witnesses, it is difficult to survive.

Few people would believe this kind of thing, but many of the emerging islands in Nanyang will not come in vain.

In addition to the squeeze of the continental plate, it is likely that most of it comes from the world of relics, and many of the remnants of the remnant buildings distributed on these islands are proof of this.

The storm in Xiuliu and the shower in Dongyue.

All kinds of abnormal climates originate from these changes.

Without the meteorological satellites that could be monitored in the previous life, the incidents on the ocean appeared quiet, leaving only natural disasters that swept to the land.

The thunder and thunder rumbled into bursts of thunder and thrilled people.



Countless thunderbolts exploded, and various strange and strange shapes of lightning shot from the black clouds in the sky to the ruins of the fog.

The thunder roared, and the whole sky seemed to be burning.

The sky is trembling, and the ruins and the earth are shaking.




The sea fish rolled up by the storm,

Mixed together, united into one.

Everything that can be wrapped is mixed in.

Flying in mid-air, Xu Zhi has been unable to distinguish between north, southeast and northwest.

His face was black and muddy like paste.

The ears were filled with huge thunder and storm sounds.

On the ocean surface, large eddies have begun to form.

There is no way to escape from heaven.

Only destiny rushed forward.

Not running desperately at this moment, there will only be life waiting for death.

He must be a little further away from the place where this ruined continent came.

No matter who will melt the real world and the relic world, the closer this space is, the closer it is to the **** of death.

Even if there is a little more distance, this may be the distance of his life.

Xu Zhi could hardly perceive how fast he ran away when his death erupted, which was faster than chasing Sandro in his godly boots.

Almost numbness of the two legs has been running, leaving only the phantom that is difficult to see clearly.

Xu Zhi never imagined that in the face of such a scene, the strength of his master-level flesh was blooming for the first time.

The tremor was so unbearable that the roar was slowly declining, and the rain gradually became clearer.

He was gradually disengaged from the ruins of the continent and the circle of might.

There was a feeling of weakness in the spirit sea, and Xu Zhi knew that this was about to use up his magic.

Looking at the dark sea, he pierced his head and waved his arms quickly against the surge of the waves.

The extremely dull sound exploded in the distance.

It is difficult to perceive how loud the center is.

The ruined continent has fallen into the ocean.

At least a hundred kilometers apart, the sound has been heard first.

Xu Zhimeng pierced his body and drilled continuously under the ocean.

Rather than withstand the impact of an explosive wave on the surface of the ocean, he would rather hide deeper into the sea and use the current to slow this impact.

A shield of heaven wrapped around the body, and in a blink of an eye, Xu Zhi's inner qi also came out through the body.

Huge water pressure rushed.

Just a second of effort, the shield of heaven took the lead in breaking.

Then Qi was compressed into the body.


The mouth was filled with seawater, and the pure thick inner air brought by the thick soil mystery was squeezing the squeezing force from the seawater.

At this moment, he is a thick-shelled fish in the ocean.

Only by being a part of the ocean, with this impact, can we go further away from the center of the explosion and slowly weaken this wave of seawater impact.

Like Xu Zhi, countless fish in the seabed are desperately swimming, moving forward, and jumping out of the water, and there are swimming fishes trying to sneak down regardless of the pressure of the bottom.

There are also countless fishes whose bodies cracked in an instant and crushed into flesh, and the complete fish corpses rolled over their belly on the water.

The second wave of impact is coming, and the impact under the sea has slowed down a bit.

But without the shield of heaven's shield.

The instantaneous impact forces the internal air directly into the body.

A little blood foam overflowed from the mouth.

The conversion of internal interest was destroyed, and the chest suddenly became stuffy.

He must run faster than this turbulent wave impact to avoid the impact again and again.

A cold stream of water hit, Xu Zhigang was about to lift the internal air barely, and behind him a yellow lamp flashed quickly.

A huge sense of familiarity came from the huge closed mouth and pale white under the light.

The opponent was walking three feet under Xu Zhi.

Looking at the tentacle on the head of the copper whale, Xu Zhi stretched out his hand and quickly pulled it, and the person had moved quickly with the body of the copper whale.

For this unexpected guest, the copper whale seemed very irritable, shaking his head twice, his tentacles swaying back and forth.

With the third deep-sea impact, it cracked in many parts of the body and it gave up drove the free rider.

Carrying this unexpected guest, Juwei swayed continuously.

Keep moving away in the distance and get rid of the huge explosion impact caused by the fall of the ruins.

A storm blew up.

A shower also fell heavily on Dongyue.

The summer vacation of the Yunling Academy has come. In addition to the ancient bags, everyone who has something to do has left the eight buildings.

There was no one in the busy hall in the past.

Keeping the ancient bags that got up at three in the morning to learn, closed the windows before returning to the table.

She stared staringly at the quiet surroundings, and then to the rainstorm that suddenly struck the window.

No one would like to get up and study at three o'clock in the middle of the Even with more effort than before, she is farther and farther away from the members of Bazonglou.

Family background, heritage, wealth, chance.

Item by item keeps the distance between each other getting farther and farther away.

The topic circle and the communication circle begin to become strange.

With her best efforts, she was at the initial stage of a senior cultivator at this time, and she could only listen to other people's discussions in silence.

This group of people is the best cultivator she can contact, and the pioneer who is the closest to her.

She knows nothing about the feelings and experience of the expert stage. She can only rely on memory, combined with the video recorder arranged on the martial arts field, to take a pen and record these people's words about cultivation.

Closed to the recorded "Ba Zong Lou Cultivation with a Small Zha", the emotions of the ancient bags appeared a little bit lost.

"I don't know if Brother Xu has arrived in Nanyang."

The early Xu Zhi at the same table is a belief that supports the practice of ancient bags.

Ordinarily born, Xu Zhi walked far in front of such family sons like Yan Jinbai.

Ordinary people can also spell their own piece of sky. Compared with ordinary people, her conditions and opportunities are much better.

If you don’t work hard, you won’t succeed. If you work hard, even if she fails, she will still feel at ease.

Gu Baobao frowned, teardrops kept falling, condensed in the palm of his hand.

It was just blown away in one breath, and the pearly tears in the palm of my hand turned into a little mist, and splashed onto the pot of grass on the table.

Like the most common weeds.

A meaningless talent.

Maybe just like her constant efforts.

Gu Baobao hummed softly, and weeds like her gently swayed the blades, as if dancing continuously with the song. Fu Pin Chinese

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