Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1344: Contain

Follow the copper whale to travel through the ocean.

At the beginning, Xu Zhi was still able to rely on his internal energy to continue to support him. After a few minutes passed, his internal interest also became unstable.

After all, he is not a fish and can breathe freely in the seabed.

Especially under the premise of such high-speed movement.

Xu Zhigang wanted to stretch out the tentacles of the copper whale that he caught, and somehow he remembered the book of auxiliary martial arts he had obtained in his early years.

"Hanzhang Qigong".

This is the cultivation method that he killed the master cultivator Yihu black a few years ago. Although this book has been shaken by Lu Shengan into a pile of ash, the text of this set of books is deeply reflected in Xu Zhi's mind in.

To practice this apnea technique, the body needs to be under water.

The harder it is to breathe, the faster this volume of assistive skills will be practiced.

Ying people always like to engage in some suicidal exercises.

Violence is full of danger.

Such auxiliary exercises are prone to suffocating people.

In the early years, Xu Zhi was warned by Lu Shengan not to practice this type of exercise.

But it has to be said that this kind of practice simplified to a certain extent has unique uses.

Compared with Dongyue's regular Qigong practice, it takes many months and years of continuous practice, and the practice time of "Hanzhang Qigong" is much shorter.

Compared with a few years ago, Xu Zhi's changes are huge, and can be described as earth-shaking.

At that time, he was only a basic cultivator level. Lu Shengan was not only worried about his accident, but also worried that he learned too many acrobatics too early, which led to poor practice and wasted time.

Senior senior care is very reasonable.

If it is at the level of a basic cultivator, it takes a very long time for Xu Zhi to get through this book, and the cost of cultivation is also very high.

However, with the continuous expansion of his knowledge, there was no difficulty in the past for the exercises that were difficult to understand. He could even adjust and modify this set of "Zhang Qi Gong" according to his personal conditions to make this set of exercises It fits better with itself.

Just like the junior high school problems that make people rack their brains, I will see him again after a few years. I feel that it is so easy and simple, and I can give you a way to answer them.

The internal air circulates continuously in his body, and the oxygen demand of several organs of the body is almost reduced to the freezing point.

The blood is no longer hot, as if it is exposed to ice, it slowly cools down.

Lying on the body of the copper whale, Xu Zhi's body seemed to be integrated with this sea monster.

Only the thick inner Xuan Jing passed from time to time the passive glory of the inner air, proving that little difference.

Xu Zhi's eyelids became abnormally heavy, except for the passively running Thick Soil Profound Scripture, the body seemed to fall into a state of suspended animation.

The gentle breath of life brought by the Hou Tu Xuan Jing condenses in the internal organs, maintaining the low activity of the body.

The demand for oxygen has become extremely low, and the skin on the surface seems to slowly absorb some free oxygen from the sea water.

When a little light penetrated into the deep sea, the body of the fast-moving copper whale suddenly accelerated.

The quagmire magic that Xu Zhi released at the time has expired.

Suddenly the speed soared, and Xu Zhi's body stuck to the copper whale was unable to adapt. At the moment when the internal energy increased passively, his body was dumped.

Perhaps the copper whale did not expect this sudden increase in speed, which was almost twice as hard as before.

The four to five meter long tentacles with lights were pulled down by Xu Zhi, and the luminous object at the forefront of the tentacles quickly dimmed.

The copper whale, desperately swimming until its nerve collapsed, made a very sharp voice.


The first time I saw a creature like the copper whale, it was also the first time that I caught the opponent's tentacles and shuttled some unknown distance. Xu Zhi heard the cry of the copper whale for the first time.

The copper whale panicked, and Xu Zhi, who was awake, also panicked.

He does not know how to die due to his current physical strength and internal gas reserves, and fighting with this creature in water.

After rolling several times in the water, the copper whale set off a huge wave, and finally swam away in a panic, Xu Zhi's heart was released.

The copper whale likes to swim in the depth of thousands of meters underwater. Perhaps the uniqueness of the relics and the world blends. The depth of this copper whale under the water is not too outrageous.

Under the extremely deep sea, at least Xu Zhi can still see a little light above his head.

That's the sea.

Without the involvement of the copper whale, Xu Zhi's body slowly rose.

He is also constantly adjusting his state to prevent his body from adapting to the environment deep in the sea for a long time, and not adapting when he quickly changes to the sea.

The master-level body is far from the concept of ordinary people.

After the inner qi forms a closed loop, the body changes all the time.

Ordinary people, even expert cultivators, must wear deep water equipment to enter the area, which is much simpler for master cultivators or people with higher levels of cultivation.

At least Xu Zhi got rid of these equipments at this time. Master Qian Tong could even dive directly into thousands of meters underwater and use special tools to hunt copper whales.

His body rose bit by bit, and his body muscles slowly relaxed, no longer as tight as a stubborn iron.

Without blood, the pale body began to return to blood.

The glory of the inner air covering the eyes faded away.

When Xu Zhi gently waved his left hand, his body had surfaced on the sea.

Under the mild sunlight, the body has more vitality.


Greyhound sinking, copper whale hunting, thunder, rainstorm, wind, whirlpool, falling rocks, dust, shock wave, ocean pressure, lack of oxygen.

Although it was only one night, Xu Zhi felt that he had experienced the biggest natural risk in his life.

It is harder to have a disaster greater than this scale.

Despite slowing down the speed and adjusting the body, Xu Zhi's eyes were full of red blood, except for the hardest brain, the whole body was painful all over.

The regenerative radiation at 12 o'clock in the morning must have taken effect. The body can still be damaged like this. Xu Zhi only felt that he was dead.

Lying on the water, thinking of the spell, several medical magics swayed down, and his body was comfortable.

The complementarity of the two cultivation systems allows him to be at ease many times.

It is difficult to locate in the deep sea, and Xu Zhi can only close his eyes and recuperate, drifting along with the waves.

Every once in a while, he would look around to see if he could find an island or even some coral reef islands.

Eating, restoring qi, restoring the body, the body must be restored to a complete state before he can make other plans.

When he tried to close his eyes again, a low engine roar came from his ears.

There is a boat.

Xu Zhi looked up and was overjoyed for a while.

After more than two days in the ocean, and drifting to the moment when the sun is close to falling to the sea, he finally heard a sound of human activity.

Looking far away, the boat on the sea was extremely small.

It seems to be just a small fishing boat with some kind of energy storage.

After a glance at the nearby area, the boat changed its direction and quickly drove back.

"Wait for me, someone here needs rescue."

Xu Zhi's hand kept waving Looking at the fishing boat that didn't look back, he began to swim with his hands sullenly, which seemed to be impossible to take.

This type of ship is underpowered continuously and belongs to civilian use. It will not be too far away, which means that the land is close at hand.

The direction of the fishing boat's U-turn is probably the correct orientation.

Xu Zhi didn't panic.

When the last light of the sun was swallowed, Xu Zhi finally saw the figure of the earth in the dim light ahead.

More than a dozen small ships continually roamed around the broken port, and from time to time a long siren sounded, as if to mourn the sudden disaster.

"Twenty-one ring, this is the sea funeral ceremonies of the West Liuliu Kingdom."

"How far did the dog whale take me to swim."

Xu Zhi took a breath, but he wasn't completely sure yet, but if this was really the coast of the West Liuliu, he went a little too far under the Nanyang.

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