Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1345: Early arrival

In addition to Dongyue's native language, Xu Zhi is fluent in spoken languages ​​of Northern Xinjiang, South Australia and Yingguo. Mad sand net

Relying on Somra's brainstem conversion, it was only half a day. These three foreign languages ​​let him directly reach the eighth level.

In the middle of these three countries, he was like a fish, and he had tricked people a few times by the sound of no foreign accent.

But for the language of Xi Liuguo, Xu Zhi had a strong heart but not enough.

In his senior year, he had nothing to do, and he minored in several languages ​​such as Xiuliu, Motuo, Siam, and Aska.

There are so many choices, that is, he has a headache watching various languages.

If you look at a subject with a headache, then choose the next one.

Learning a language with no foundation and no corresponding language environment from scratch, Rao is that his wisdom has been developed to a certain degree, and it is also under pressure.

A total of eight foreign languages ​​were selected, with five subjects with zero points and three subjects with one point.

The official standard language of Seouliu belongs to that one-point subject.

According to the standard, his language level in Seouliu has reached level two.

As long as the other party slows down, with gestures and scenes, he can understand 70% of the conversation in life.

But a detailed reply is impossible, and now he can only choose some very simple life words to answer.

"Hello" "Yes" "Okay" "Thank you" "Speak slower, slow down" "How much?" "No" "This, that" "I want it all"...

Xu Zhi thought about the poor Xiuluo language in his mind, but he didn't expect to be so far away.

The place is Moses Kidd, a small fishing port in Nalandang Province, the western country.

Xu Zhi is unfamiliar with Moses Kidd Fishing Port and has some knowledge of Nalan Province.

Not only did it come from a map of the world, the place where Wang Xing took Wang Zhongwang's vacation to study was a college in Nalanhang Province, which made Xu Zhi very impressed.

Merchant ships with faster speeds, such as Wang Xing's large freighters, can reach Nalan Province in about ten days. Chen Gou's Greyhound may take about 12 to 15 days.

The islands of Nanyang are far away from Dongyue and not far from Xiuliu. It takes at least four to five days for the boat.

For the ten or so small folk rescue fishing boats in Moses Kidd fishing port, you have to play rafting for a tenth of the distance.

Unless he happened to encounter a long-distance freighter and secretly hitchhook a boat, for a period of time, Xu Zhi could not go to Nanyang.

"You have to find a way to go back to Nanyang, or you will sneak back to Dongyue and then run to Nanyang."

Without going through the normal customs procedures to enter the West Liuliu country, Xu Zhi's current share is a black household, which is no different from stowaways.

The black card cannot be recognized, and Dongyue's banknotes are useless unless a black market for exchange is found.

Bolivar, an international student who had no relatives in Xiliu and barely regarded as a friend, did not tell Xu Zhi about his family address. Where did he go?

Not only did the fishermen's continuous language of inquiries like machine guns cause headaches, but Xu Zhi also had a big head for the next life.

"Speak slower," Xu Zhi waved again and again: "Slower."

The language of the fishermen is not the pure official language of Seouliu, but also mixed with some local features. Xu Zhi is very difficult to understand and whispered for a long time. Now he hasn't even figured out the meaning of these people.

"who are you?"

"where is your home?"

"How about your parents?"

"How did you escape this hurricane?"

Two older fishermen slowed down, and Xu Zhi finally understood what these people said.

This is the inquiry after normal rescue.


Xu Zhi pointed to his head and repeated it again.

"Bolipin, this is not the surname on Moses Kidd's side."

"You see him with dark hair and black eyes, not like our locals."

"The temperament is not like our fishing. The skin is white and still very strong. Maybe it's a rich man who comes here for a holiday. No wonder I can't understand our soil."

"Look at the thing in his hand, is it pulled from the king squid, the sea monster has such a long tentacle."

"It's not easy to escape from this monster, I'm afraid it's..."

The fishermen had a lot of discussions, it seemed that they were taking care of Xu Zhi's thread. These people didn't release the cannons anymore.

"Young man, what about your parents?"

The leading old fisherman has gullies on his face, rough skin like an old tree bark, and extremely thick hands with blue muscles and bumps showing that his strength is not as old as his appearance.

Xu Zhi shook his head heavily.

"Dead?" the old fisherman asked.


Xu Zhi replied that the limited vocabulary immediately responded to the concerns of the old fishermen.

"Another homeless orphan."

The old fisherman sighed.

The uncle was right. His parents died early, and he is still homeless, eager for help.

"Bring back to Kip Town first. The Moses Kidd fishing port was completely destroyed. There are less than ten survivors. This place can't stay."

Xu Zhi arrived just in time.

After the whistle, these small fishing boats will also leave this small fishing port and go to the nearby town.

The extremely strong tsunami, mixed with hurricanes, hit several areas in Seiliu, and small areas such as the Moses Kidd fishing port were severely damaged.

From the booing of old fishermen, Xu Zhi also learned that this is the strongest tsunami they have encountered in recent years, and the hurricane power brought by it can also be encountered for decades.

Post-disaster reconstruction will take a long time.

The survivors of the fishing port will be taken away from this place to the resettlement houses in the town.

The old fisherman Morian said that there are less than ten survivors in the Moses Kidd fishing port, and the number fluctuates up and down. In fact, he only made up three.

A young man with a broken leg was treated with a simple medical bandage and was lying and humming.

The other is too old, about forty years old, and his face is silent. Although fortunately survived, but this kind of family ruin makes him feel ashamed.

When the small fishing boat started, the middle-aged man burst into tears.

"this and that."

Xu Zhi pointed at several long bags and pointed to the tentacles he was carrying.

"I want it all."

The copper whale's tentacles did not have this adjustment ability when he floated on the surface of the water. The originally very elastic and tough muscles had changed through the water pressure, and then entered the air, which had become loose. , Let these old fishermen look away.

Without treatment, this kind of death will quickly become bad and smelly after entering the dream world for an hour or two, and Xu Zhi has to mention it in his hand.

Copper whale oil is more derived from the liver of this creature, and its content in muscle is extremely scarce and difficult to extract.

Tentacles are no exception. There is no precious dan oil inside.

But according to Qiantong tentacles of the copper whale can be fried, the smell of the oil boiled is very unique, added to the edible oil to reconcile, it is excellent for cooking, not bad for self-use, and also give gifts Shot.

It is not surprising that Xu Zhiyao came back. The gifts that can be taken by master cultivators are not low in value.

"Just use it, you are all sad people."

The old fisherman Morian looked at Yi Hem, two others who were crying, and then looked at Xu Zhi who kept stuffing in the bag.

"Is this tentacle used to honor your parents?"



Even the sticky, greasy, greasy, dead can also talk.

This is a feud eater, biting his blood, hate breaking through the sky.

Xu Zhi's guy is white and tender, but I didn't expect the taste to be too light.

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