Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1347: Reporters who report seriously

After the hurricane, the weather in Kip Town looked a little dull. Mad sand net

The air circulation is slow, and the odor is lingering for a long time without dissipating.

The source has been cut off and the odor persists.

Except for some people who were injured in the disaster, the crowd chatting out of the resettlement room was very noisy.

Even the victims have nightlife.

The first time to insert this kind of collective life after the disaster is a bit new and a bit dazed.

Surrounded by seven young girls with blond hair, brunette hair and black hair, although their looks are ordinary, the courage is quite commendable, and twitter keeps talking, and the expressions from the eyes from time to time make Xu Zhi a little embarrassed.

After all, he is still a skinny person.

However, Xu Zhi's mentality was adjusted very quickly, and he beautified himself as Snow White, and the seven little girls smashed it into a little dwarf, and his mind was a lot happier.

He has advanced his listening skills, and he can learn a few words from these girls from time to time.

In such an unfamiliar place, no one can speak Dongyue with Xu Zhi, and no one can communicate in the languages ​​of North Xinjiang, South Australia, and Yingguo.

As long as you have a certain foundation of a foreign language and integrate into a completely foreign language atmosphere, the speed of learning a foreign language will be staggering.

Many children who study hard and learn foreign languages ​​in three to five years are not as good as ordinary people who live abroad for one year.

The environmental factors are huge for learning.

It was very pleasant to get along with the girls.

By the time of dawn, when several newspaper cars rushed to interview, most of the people who had gathered did not disperse.

"The reporter is here."

I don't know who shouted, and people who had negotiated swarmed up.

"Interview me, I was hit hard."

"I want to speak, I want to speak, I want to speak to my countrymen."

"We are wounded, let's give a little priority."

"Please pay attention to children, pay attention to education."


The scene was in chaos. The previous interviews were door-to-door interviews to see what the disaster-stricken people's needs were, and there was rarely such a swarm of bees.

Several reporters froze for a moment, and then quickly reached out the microphone.

"Please don't worry, we are reporters from the United Daily News."

"We are reporters of Chaoyang News Agency, and we need five people who cooperate with the interview."

"The Nalan Morning News needs to interview four people who speak clearly, and hope everyone will cooperate."

"Kip Public News, the most popular local newspaper, ten, ten, please cooperate."

"We are from Sha Diao Bao, and come here for random interviews."


There are national-level, provincial-level, and town-level newspapers, and there are also sand sculptures that are not too serious to watch the troubles, and can always change the tricks.

The network control of Xiuliu is extremely strict. Although the Internet penetration rate is high, people are not keen on the Internet and are more accustomed to reading newspapers, books and other debris to obtain the information they want.

Compared with other countries, the newspaper industry in Xiliu is quite developed.

"Shuaishuai, we will also take pictures and give an interview."

"You look good, they will definitely choose you to interview the masses."

"Bolipin, will you also study at Kip College in the future?"

The girls shoved Xu Zhi forward, Xu Zhi's very graceful backhanded rejection.

"Interview, give them."

He gave an interview and made any international jokes. He could only say hello and thank you for his lip service.

Xu Zhi did not like to be exposed in the West Liuliu Kingdom. Some people always have a strict eye, and when they look at his photos, they will show signs.

Repatriation and repatriation is the best end.

If convicted of smuggling, he would be very uncomfortable.

The information of people like them has already been marked on the list, and it will be unclear by then.

His record of leaving the country was only that Dongyue went to Nanyang, not entering the territory of Xiuliu.

If you can swim from Nanyang to Xiuliu, if you are so big, why don’t you swim back?

In addition to accepting official inquiries that may exist, Xu Zhi also had to take care of the aftermath of the bitter teachings in the western countries.

Xu Zhi feels that he is likely to be on the list of must-dos in hardship education. He can’t do it in Dongyue, so he can relax abroad.

There are too many potential risks from exposure, and Xu Zhi is not willing to be under such risks.

He just wants a share now, and he solves his communication problems by the way.

Xu Zhi pushed away several times before escaping from the girls' kindness.

A little further away, a few interviewed people have already started a heartbreaking performance.

Multiple angles, different interview questions, and different examples have brought the value of news rendering to a very high level.

"A large number of interviewees are missing. Those who want to be interviewed will come over soon."

Everyone wants to be interviewed, except for the newspaper that accepts it.

"I really can't have fun today, please trouble find someone else."

"Our atmosphere today is sad and not suitable for funny."

"When you get into your newspaper, how can we fight for welfare?"

Sha Diaobao’s reporters are the most rejected today. Even if the victims who want to be interviewed have no choice, they do not want to be interviewed by this newspaper.

The catastrophe is hard to be funny.

"We are serious interviews today, we have changed our spirits, and you have to believe us."

"I would rather be a sand sculpture than a person who believes in the sand sculpture."

This report of achieving happiness with the pain of others is not only based on ordinary people, but also on the cultivator section. Many cultivators who take medicine to cause various strange states are their interview targets.

The positioning is too precise, that is, Xu Zhi also heard the reputation of the sand sculpture in Dongyue.

A reporter who has sincerely changed his mind and turned to each other for a while, and can only wander around nearby to photograph the masses of people.

"Go back and make the little editor happier. The guys are obviously pretending to be pitiful, a wave of irony."

"Okay, aren't we too cruel to start? Isn't this a salt spread on the victims' wounds?"

"We didn't do much about that kind of thing."

"makes sense."

The reporter and the camera nodded to each other. Since they couldn't be more serious, they could only play to their strengths. Anyway, they broadcast nobody's serious, just to watch fun.

"A bit stinky."

"It's smelly, it seems that they are not paying attention to hygiene."

The reporter and the camera who wanted to make a news lighted up, and countless headlines circulated in their minds.

"Shocked, the source of the stench of the resettlement houses?"

"Heavenly smell, is it a natural disaster or is it?"


The two people who traced the source came to the place where the smell was most obvious.

At the moment, Xu Zhizheng blocked his nose and wiped it around. This is where he lives temporarily. He has to maintain it a little, at least to be able to live.

"Excuse me, it's you, hey, it tastes so great."

"Please wait a moment, we have to shoot and make a record of the scene of the massacre."

The reporters of Xi Liuguo have great rights to interview, even celebrities are inevitably disturbed, not to mention his black households.

Xu Zhi looked at the two suddenly coming guys, walked slightly behind the door, covered his face with his hand, and avoided the other party's camera.

"Mr. Xiao, what's your surname?"


The "Good Name" reporter nodded and said: "We are a family in this way, and our president's daughter-in-law is also called Bolipier."

"Ha ha"

Xu Zhiqian laughed aloud, and the name was very feminine in Xiliu.

I knew that he would not follow the former friend Bolivar, and Yuan Zong was definitely a man, and no one repeated it.

A few words back and forth coped with these two people dryly.

"You can see that you are really sad after the It's hard to talk about the grief in your heart."

"You are the saddest victim I have ever seen. In this odorous environment, I still pretend to be strong and accept our interview in a few words."

"Reporting, we are serious. This is a little care for our relief work in the sand sculpture newspaper. Please collect it."

The reporter from the Sha Diao Bao was caught off guard and was very happy.

Xu Zhi couldn't help but hold five thousand pieces of Xiuliu banknotes. According to the exchange rate, this is a Dongyue banknote worth at least 2,000 yuan.

For ordinary people, it is of great value, and it can at least cover the cost of renting two rooms and two halls in the bustling area of ​​Kip Town for half a year.

This is probably the total amount to be distributed to several interviewees.

However, the Sand Diaobao underestimated the power of their newspaper office. When selling badly, few people were willing to be interviewed by a funny newspaper.

At the time of the penniless wealth, he accidentally made him a fortune, and made his living expenses temporarily fall.

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