Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1348: Teacher

The 1348th chapter of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master's Script, chapter 348, is a completely different form of learning structure from Kip Academy.

The college system puts all the academic year of study in it.

In addition to not accepting pre-school classes, the middle school grades are readily available.

Elementary school students, junior high school students, high school students, university students, including the students of the following research nature, are all in the same college, only divided into different areas.

This mix-and-match college has given Xu Zhi a lot of freshness.

Students can upgrade after meeting certain conditions, which is not much different from Xu Zhi's previous level jump.

There are also a lot of corresponding repetition personnel.

It is not surprising that some elementary school classes have children aged 15 to 16.

However, the latest graduation time of the college is twenty-four years old, and it is entirely up to the students themselves to obtain the graduation certificate.

In order to take care of the emotions of the victims, the college provides the opportunity to enter the school without a test.

As for the grade, you have to choose according to your own ability. When the assessment is to repeat or normal increase, everything will be clear.

Xu Zhiben wanted to choose a first grade elementary school to practice his language ability, but he failed to submit his application several times.

This made him a little sorry.

The freedom of choice of the college is limited.

After he continued to improve the selection requirements in the information equipment, to upgrade to the first stage before passing the application.

In the temporary data sheet, he was 20 years old. Xu Zhi thought that Kip College might have age discrimination, which is probably the age they can normally tolerate.

As for the piles of early school scum, that's the same thing. If you have the money to pass the days here, what can be done? If you're over the age, you will exceed it.

There are scumbags who do not move their positions in the lower grades and serve as college tyrants. There are also younger tyrants who are promoted to advanced classes.

The near-stocking model has produced a lot of talents, and there have also been numerous college bullying incidents.

For the old people like Kip College, it is exciting to have a group of newcomers in the lifeless college.

Like the brothers and sisters of Yunling College, they brought luggage to the new arrivals and sisters, but the long-term and upright newcomers were also inevitably watched by these senior students.

Men pursue women's colors, and women also look for men's colors without showing any signs of weakness.

In the area of ​​the resettlement house, Xu Zhi didn't cover himself up, and attracted seven little girls to smash.

It is even worse now.

In the best years, he is also in the master stage.

Knowledge is much more human.

Even if you have the intention to weaken your temperament.

Appearance, expression, manners.

He has also been far away from ordinary students.

Among the many gravel, it is easy to observe his existence.

Just a day later, outside the resettlement house where Xu Zhi stayed, we were greeted by a number of high school seniors who were turbulent in spring.

"Bolipin, open the door."

"Beautiful man, we came here admiringly."

"We know you live here, don't open the door."




"Smashing together... Hey, handsome man, hello."

The girls spoke very fast, and Xu Zhi didn't know what was going on until he heard the countdown.

The door opened.

"Speak slowly," Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows.

"Big sister, look at the handsome man."

Several girls with different hair colors screamed and looked at a red-haired girl in the rear.

The girl was about 20 years old and had a non-mainstream hairstyle that kills Matt on her head, but her appearance was not bad, and she could see it even if she took a break.

Xu Zhi only looked at it for a second or two, and knew that the girl was relegated.

All kinds of non-mainstream cultures have been popular in Xiuliu in recent years, with various red hairs, blue hairs, green hairs, colorful hairs, mixed hairs on their heads...

Even on the stage of the four-country exchange competition, this style cannot be avoided, and Xu Zhi still has a certain ability to accept it.

"Yes, I can be my No. 13 face" the red-haired girl nodded coldly.

"Maybe I can still be re-elected," a green-haired girl said happily: "Although he didn't have a good time, he was still in high school at the age of twenty, but those high school seniors were not as good-looking as he was, and he took out his face."

"Speak slower, slow down further," Xu Zhi said helplessly. These girls talked like a cannon and did not take care of the emotions of friendly foreign people at all. Now he has felt the suffocation of Sandro's communication.

"Sister, the beautiful man hasn't figured out what we mean yet, he has too little experience."

"Go make it clear."

A few non-mainstream 叽呱呱 plus gestures to express, after half a ring, Xu Zhicai said: "No."

"Sister, he said no."

"Give him a great look, we are invincible in the high school group."

Xu Zhi thought that the little sisters were going to cut people, and in a blink of an eye these people took out wooden swords, wooden swords, and wooden thorns.

"Look at my sword swallowing technique."

"I can cut twelve small cucumbers with two knives."

"Are you afraid, beautiful boy."

"Never follow us?"

The room was messed up, the twelve small cucumbers used for Xu Zhi's dinner were chopped into dregs, and were scattered everywhere.

He is preparing to try the flavor of the copper whale sesame oil.

He died before the first time.

"Money, lose money."

Leading Huang Yin to shoot on these scum girls, stacking these dumb girls into Luohan.

Xu Zhi took a wooden sword and shot it against his butt, and of course he couldn't let it go.

It is shameful to bully these children at his level, but the children are too much trouble.

A few lessons are necessary, otherwise it will be difficult to calm down in the future.

"Don't fight, I will give the money."

After being photographed for a few times, the face of the red-haired girl who had just looked cold also turned red.

"One hundred is enough."


"Two hundred, ah, three hundred...One thousand five, I have so much, you hurry to pack money."

"Big sister, my mother gave me 300 pocket money."

"I have two hundred."

"Why are you all integers, I have 276 yuan."

"Thirty-four blocks will not work."

The high school began to mix the rivers and lakes, the handlebars are too poor, Xu Zhi holding 5,000 yuan in hand also gave birth to a sense of superiority.

Money is not the point.

Listen to the countless voices of the girls.

Xu Zhi recovered.

Kip College does not let him go to the first grade of elementary school. The starting point of the first grade of high school is too high. It is difficult for him to integrate into it at one time, but he can let these few scums to teach.

At least it’s okay to learn the younger courses.

With the foundation of the Western-language writing he possesses, with this indigenous foreign language and from time to time communication, under the premise of having the overall knowledge system of Dongyue, his learning progress may be relatively fast.

"You guys, first grade, to, senior three, books, I want it all."


The elder sister is very confused.

Xu Zhi repeated it again, it was because he tried very hard to express it, and the other party could not understand what to do.


"All for you, all for you, Huaye Shazhi, bring over all the books you haven't turned over before."

After being beaten three times, the red-haired girl finally got it. After all, try it first.

The girl with green hair is called Huaye Shazhi. After Xu Zhi relieved the imprisonment on the other side, the girl ran to the door while touching her butt.

"Second Ito Meng, do I want to call someone."

"You're a ghost, hurry and bring the book over, this man is crazy, my **** is about to be smashed."

Looking at the tentative questioning of the girl, Xu Zhi continued to draw a few wooden swords mercilessly, so that the handle named Eryi Mengmeng strengthened the idea that the good girl would not eat the immediate loss.

After half an hour.


The first grade textbook was quickly put on the table.

A total of six girls, one person is responsible for one course.


For Nito Meng, the world is crazy, and she has to suffer such punishment.

The most unwilling thing to do is to learn.

What's more, I still read the textbooks of the first grade of primary school.

Shame and shame.

She looked back at a few young girls who couldn't That was the little eyes that were waiting for her to read the textbook.

"Language in the first grade of elementary school, read literacy..."

"Speak slower, slower."

Effectively controlling the rhythm of Nito Meng, Xu Zhi slowly fell into the time when he was studying characters in Dongyue.

No choice, at that time he had to learn Dongyue's language and writing.

The same is true now.

You must learn the language of the Western languages ​​and integrate into this society to walk freely.

It was only at this time that his learning ability and comprehension ability advanced at least dozens of times compared to those years.

In the absence of textbooks, Hexis can quickly learn the native languages ​​of the jungle fairies by relying on Somra and the little green skins within three months.

Not to mention his current condition.

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