Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1349: Survivors

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Compared to reality, the nearest elemental world is quiet.

No one was called in the lower realm. The long-term comfort made Xu Zhi wonder if he was forgotten by the lower realm.

But then again, he is only a reliable force for most of the contract callers.

Bob, who often called him before, should return to the Imperial City of Casa after completing the war with Hexis, without saving the world again in crisis.

Without fighting every day, it is impossible to summon him to the lower realm.

Xu Zhi's situation is that the product is good, but the demand is insufficient.

This has allowed him to study the languages ​​and languages ​​of Xiuluo in recent times, even in a dream world.

The handlebars led by Nito Meng gave a great help.

Systematic learning textbooks, coupled with a complete communication environment, are far stronger than the Xiliu language textbooks taught by Dongyue people.

The scum of Kip College ushered in the nemesis.

I did the least favorite thing in my life.

Following the fall of the second Ito Moe, the senior high school boy, Hatoyama, who also started her, honestly opened up the teaching ability.

Compared with their peers, these scumbags are scumped to a certain degree, but the repetition from time to time makes these people have a solid foundation.

If you want to be a leader in the college, not just relying on your age, you can dominate a bunch of gangsters. That is really to fight. At least the group of students who have beaten them at the same time can be the boss. .

If Ito Meng and Hatoyama are reduced in age by three or five years, the qualifications of these two can also be extraordinary.

This is the same reason that some middle-aged slags can be reborn in primary school and can be used as a schoolmaster.

These people have no problem teaching primary and junior high schools.

As for the high school curriculum, the foundation of a group of people is very solid, but at this time Xu Zhi has been able to learn completely by himself.

The stage of true learning of words and language is already completed in elementary school.

Junior high school is only to deepen this knowledge and understanding.

When I was in high school, I started to contact with practitioners, learning noun annotations in various types of practice.

Regarding the arrangement of regular courses, although the form and content are different, there is not much difference between Xiuliu and Dongyue as a whole.

Xu Zhi’s curriculum is only in the high school stage. In addition to language and writing, these courses, including higher-level university courses, have been difficult to enlighten him and do not require repeated learning.

Students have the world of students, as long as there is no problem, the senior people in the college will not take care of it.

Xu Zhi carried a little wave of the sub realm at the Kip College High School. With the continuous strengthening of his language ability, he no longer needed these people, and the wave gradually subsided.

Possessing a collective re-recording identity and proficient in language, Xu Zhi also carried the expenses of these handlebars for trouble compensation.

He Shi Shiran embarked on a journey to the city of Zheluo, the capital of the Western Kingdom.

In Zheluo, Dongyue has an embassy.

Abroad, it is true to have difficulty finding an embassy.

Through the embassy, ​​Xu Zhi can at least contact Dongyue domestically and be safe.

His small plan was quite simple, but he died directly in the long-distance ticketing hall in Kip Town.

"What? I don't even have the qualification to buy a ticket to the provincial capital."

"Yes, you only have proof of your personal identity, or ordinary students who have not graduated, no special invitations, nor are they members of special types of work, and do not have a registered residence in the provincial capital."

The ticket sales staff at the ticket purchase center patiently explained Xu Zhi’s public security regulations to Xiliu Guo. After several consecutive articles, Xu Zhi felt that his plan was dead.

Not to mention Zheluo, the capital city of Seliu, he can't even go to the provincial capital of Nalan Province.

The control of the power of the Western countries is not only a strong network restriction, but also a geographical restriction.

Through all kinds of planning and differentiation, talents will be filtered layer by layer, ordinary arable land will be cultivated with peace of mind, and fishing will be assured, while high-end talents will continue to be concentrated in more developed areas.

This is a far more severe pyramid model than Dongyue. At least Dongyue does not prohibit ordinary people from working out of the province.

The international students of Dongyue went abroad, and it was difficult to understand this situation without being at the bottom.

People who can truly study in Xiliu, or communicate and engage in business, have at least a certain background. Unlike ordinary people in Xiliu, it is difficult to come to such second- and third-tier cities.

It is normal for Xu Zhi not to understand. What he sees in the books about Xiuliu is full of words and good things, and he does not prompt this situation at all.

"If I sign up for a tour group, can I buy a ticket to Djero?"

"Yes, the tour group to Djero is once a year. You can pay more attention to the situation of the tour group in Kip Town."

The extremely enthusiastic ticket seller smiled and said: "Friendly remind you that the cost of the group is relatively high and the consumption there is relatively high. Prepare more money. Be sure to follow the route of the guided march, otherwise it will be very troublesome."


Xu Zhi silently.

He is troublesome now.

It has been almost a month since I left Dongyue.

The Greyhound did not return, and Qiantong did not receive anyone.

Yan Xuankong and others will probably be very anxious.

As a disciple, Xu Zhi felt that he was the most worrying.


There are always such minor accidents.

But it is not difficult to verify his life and death. Gu Yuxi has the yin and yang and feels the feeling of twin lotus. At least they can let go of this.

It is impossible to report to Ping An.

The road back to the country is long and long, and you can only find it slowly.

Demonstrating ability at Kip Academy and becoming a leader in the Academy, relying on the Academy for promotion, this approach will be accompanied by exposure. For Xu Zhi, exposure means uncontrollable risks.

Whether it is the identity of a master cultivator who he has intentionally hidden, or the official identity of Dongyue, or even the identity of the Yan family, once too many people know it, it will bring countless troubles.

There is no proper way to enter the West Liuliu country and someone is caught. It was not unreproducible that he traded Haruka Akako.

"Can I just wait for any merchant ship to accidentally drift to the port of Kip Town?"

It is difficult to come to the second- and third-tier towns like Kip if you want to use merchant ships to sneak back to Nanyang or Dongyue, Xu Zhi can only rely on accidents.

When returning to the resettlement house, Xu Zhi was still thinking about these messy problems.

"Bolypin Boss, you are finally back, we found a big event and a lot of fun."

After being beaten for more than ten times, Hatoyama finally determined the transfer of high school boys' status.

It is a little different from the idea of ​​Hatoyama's strong man being respected. Nito Meng's admiration for the small star, from time to time, the spring light is like the forty-year-old woman.

She still likes men's sex, and it doesn't seem to be the same as being next to her or showing up next to each other.

"It's a big bustle," Nito Meng thought and added: "After the disaster, the rescue team accidentally discovered a non-native savage."


"The big brothers at the top say that those savages do not belong to our Xiuliu Kingdom, and may have originated from the Nanyang Islands. I heard that they have magical witchcraft, and they can disappear with just a click."

"Their offspring can't "boom", they are all caught back, let's go check it out."

Hatoyama and Nitomi seem to be talking about the remnants.

The two men did not understand the ruins.

In a few words, Xu Zhi knew the matter.

Xu Zhi is also very interested in the survivors.

He has long heard that there are many survivors in Xiliu Kingdom. These survivors are not like the alien life of Dongyue, Xiliu and Northern Xinjiang, and even Yingguo, but human beings that are indistinguishable from the real world.

Like humans in the high-level ruins of Jianmen Mountain.

Some survivors were naturalized in Xiliu and lived in specific resettlement areas.

Among the thousands of mountains and hills, there may be some savages, and even villages are established to live a primitive hunting life.

These savages may have lost their way due to the impact of the hurricane and were discovered by the rescue team.

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