Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1350: Hell

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The survivors were locked in an iron cage and were pulled back by the truck. They appeared in Kip Town for a long time.

It is not too difficult for Hatoyama and Nitomi to hear the news from others.

Interested in the remnants, Xu Zhi is even more interested in the relics drilled by the remnants.

Can produce offspring, this may have established a village, settled in reality.

The location of the ruins may not be far from the wilderness village.

It was difficult to find a way home at the moment, and Xu Zhi's mentality was temporarily put down.

In addition to survival, he obviously wanted to find a point of interest at this time.

Money, medicine.

Life needs to continue, and cultivation also needs to continue.

The ruins are one of the entry points.

Compared to the creatures in other ruins, humans are good at making and building.

There is a pretty good market for various relic weapons. There may also be traces of star axes and psychedelic towers in the relics, as well as the Garden of Truth.

From Somra, Xu Zhi could clearly know these characteristics.

The two star axes in the high-level ruins of Jianmen Mountain are examples, and there are also two psychedelic towers in the cave of Xiliu Kingdom.

If you find a suitable human remains, whether it is money or cultivation, the harvest may be very good.

"Where are those wild people's villages?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Everyone wants to find out where their village is, I heard that their weapons are very valuable, and some people say they are hiding magical treasures."

"We want to watch the excitement a little early, and I heard that the provincial capital will come down tomorrow, and it will definitely isolate us far away by that time, and we can't even see the silhouette."

Hatoyama said that the figure can not see the fact that you do not have to wait until the next day.

Xu Zhi experienced it in the afternoon.

The place where the survivors were detained was the Kip Town Women’s Prison. When they arrived with a group of little sisters and gangsters, nearly a thousand people had gathered in this place.

It's almost the same to see the townspeople, and there is no drama for the survivors.

"We came a little early, and they will definitely have to wait for dinner," Hatoyama promised.

"It's all human, there shouldn't be anything to look at. It's small to skip school. If we don't rush back to the college, it will be a big deal if we don't eat dinner. It will take a long time in the car."

Lvmao Yasizhi rubbed her stomach, her thoughts drifted to supper.

"If people don't have anything to look at, why did you rush to the boss of Boliburn."

"That's not the same" Huaye Saori was thinking about what left-behind people had no characteristics of the times, and the boss of Boli Pill was so beautiful that he whispered and said, "If only we could go in."

"Study well in the future, this place is easy to get out and difficult to get out."

The girl knocked a flower ruler to weave a wooden ruler and gave her a little memory, before the girl shut her mouth.

"Bolypin boss, aren't you hungry?"

"I collected a protection fee today, and everyone can have a good meal."

"Boss, let's go back to the college for a big meal."

"Ah, why should I watch this kind of excitement."

After all, the lively interest could not keep up with the power brought by the hunger in the stomach. It was only two or three hours. Before waiting for the other townsmen to leave, Hatoyama could not rest, and wandering around around Xu Zhi.

"I'm not reconciled, we didn't even see the figure." Erito Meng lowered the telescope.

"Then go."

Xu Zhi nodded and walked around for a long time. He was already familiar with the terrain. He could only wait at night to see if there was any chance to enter this prison.

Xu Zhi, the younger brother, did not want to participate at all.

Xiuliu has different standards for food hobbies and likes the fresh taste of ingredients.

For example, sashimi and half-cooked beef, as long as they are dipped in sauce, it is a delicious dish for them.

Xu Zhi had eaten Hatoyama's big meal, and his chew was covered with blood foam, and he still can still taste the **** taste of beef.

It was easy for him to think of the famous candy of the West Liuliu Kingdom, blood collapse chocolate, the effect of the two is not much different, just a random one, it is like vomiting blood.

For food, Xu Zhi is now a half-canteen, half-self-reliant, eating college for lunch, and making his own dinner.

The newly acquired copper whale tentacles and fats will produce different flavors when combined with different dishes, and the taste will also become very unique and delicious.

After slowly eating dinner, until almost twelve in the evening, Xu Zhi quietly pulled the door and headed towards the women's prison.

For the prison that most cultivators have difficulty entering, it is not a place where he is guarded.

As long as you can find a suitable foothold, teleporting magic can take him over many obstacles, and it is not difficult to sneak in.

Visiting the prison, eavesdropping on the topic of communication between the descendants of the remnants, he now has to try more or less, maybe he can find some clues to the remains.

Hiding in the shadow near the prison wall, Xu Zhi quickly changed into the red clothes of the three cheap men in the east.

The body jumped, and the person had fluttered into the air.

Barbed wire, sirens, monitoring devices, sentries, officers on duty...

Xu Zhikong calculated all kinds of avoidance methods, but when he did not let Dongfang Dahong back his pan, a slightly sweet blood came from his nostrils.

In the women’s prison, the sentries tilted their leaned their heads next to each other, and at first glance was put down.

Xu Zhi looked intently, and saw that these people had arrows in their throats, and black blood leaked from the wound from time to time.

This is a very obvious poison arrow, the throat was sealed with a single arrow.

There was not much blood flowing out of the throat wounds, and the deaths of the sentries were extremely short.

The eight outposts patrolling the prison were killed almost simultaneously.

The minimum number of people entering the prison is a basic cultivator. Xu Zhi's melee attempts to kill people of this level are effortless.

But shooting at the same time from a long distance, the difficulty becomes quite large.

The jailer's archery is at least strong.

His heart shook and he quickly found a place to hide his body.

It’s not as good to catch up as soon as possible. If the women’s prison is not just holding the daughters of some gangsters, the accident will come from the survivors.

Just after waiting for two minutes, Xu Zhi heard several small footsteps coming from the prison.

A man in a black robe holds a bow and arrow and leads six children through the shuttle.

The older child was only 14 or 15 years old, and the younger was only 5 or 6 years old, wearing white and blue prison uniforms and closely following the black robe.

The black robe was about to reopen the outside door of the prison. Suddenly, the lights of the prison were bright, and the eyes of the white light stabbed people.

"While walking in prison so lightly, I really want to see which survivors are hiding so well."

A voice just came, and then murmured and lowered.

Faced with the sudden situation, the black robe counterattacked quite fiercely, and the talkative voice was obviously killed by seconds.

"The enemy is faster than I thought. We need to hurry up and run quickly."

The familiar Elasian language came, and Xu Zhi finally confirmed that these people were the remnants of the prison.

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