Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1351: Wilson

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Arrows in hands, arrows in sleeves, arrows in mouth, abdominal archery, and bow and arrow.

There are many ways to black people in prison. All kinds of hidden weapons and doorways on the mechanism are used in archery. The diverse and powerful play style has opened Xu Zhi's eyes.

In just a few moments of confrontation, several people who turned on the prison lights had fallen together.

With six children, the man in black shuttles from time to time in the alley.

Xu Zhi was quite surprised that he was not alone in tracking these people.

In addition to him, there was at least a wave of people hanging behind the men in black.

As a second-tier or even third-tier town, Xu Zhi can confirm the strength of the cultivator here from the information column of the instructor of Kip College.

There is no guru, and a few master cultivators.

If you don’t come from outsiders, the master-level cultivator is likely to be the fighting force at the top of Kip Town.

Exploring the prison is not difficult for Xu Zhi, who has many means.

He was purely annoying, and he wanted to try whether he could get the appropriate information about the ruins of Xiuliu before he followed.

Did this wave of people come from the top of Kip Town or from the provincial capital?

He happened to be that these people were probably prepared, watching the guard in the prison slaughtered, and his mind was quite decisive.

If you want to track down these hidden survivors, find out about each other’s settlements, and even the remains behind them, there may be all kinds of them.

Xu Zhi suddenly understood the reason why Xiliu Guo controlled so strictly.

It's true that every country has its mess.

Listening to the words of the unnamed person who died early in the mouth, it is very likely that a certain number of survivors in the West Liuliu State have been integrated into the society and it is difficult to be discovered.

If it is a stable life, then it will slowly assimilate. If you have other thoughts, the situation is difficult to say.

To Xu Zhi's surprise, the men in black drove around and ran with the children in the resettlement room.

A run in the middle of the night, it was almost going back to the same place.

This makes Xu Zhi a bit of a toothache.

In the middle of the night, there were only a few dim street lamps shining in the resettlement house area, and the victims who had temporarily settled down had already fallen asleep.

The environment seemed quite silent, leaving only the sound of low footsteps.

"The resettlement house cannot enter the area as a relic, and it has nothing to do with the village of the survivors.

"Does he want to mix the descendants of these survivors into the affected groups?"

"They didn't do this kind of thing in previous years, making it difficult for us to distinguish."

"The resolution is quite good. Even if the appearances of these survivors are not different from ours, they are difficult to speak our language fluently and can only pretend to be deaf."

"After all, there are some clever survivors who can learn the language. They can't practice inner qi. This is the biggest difference between them and us."

"There are too many civilians who haven't cultivated internal qi. How can there be any difference? They don't cultivate internal qi and they are very strong. What should we do now?

The pursuers apparently had divergent opinions, and the pursuit of the men in black did not achieve the imaginary results.

The prisoners killed in black, and the men in black had to deal with them, but they did not find the survivors’ groups behind the opponent, and the survivors’ villages had no direction. The ruins were impossible to talk about, and the pursuers were very unwilling.

"That man in black is very harmful. I will use a gun to kill him remotely."

"Relying on the opening of the relics, they can return to the relics. Some of the remnants are too presumptuous. If I make a mistake in killing, I can use those few relics to threaten them if necessary, so that he cannot be separated from our world."

"Tomorrow will arrange a large investigation of the personnel in the resettlement house area. All people who cannot speak Mandarin fluently will be detained first and sent to the survivors' district after the trial is clear."

"It would be nice if I could find out where the remains are."

After a long silence, only the final opinion came out.

This made Xu Zhi, who overheared nearby, lament his good luck. Fortunately, with the help of men and women carrying a combination of handles, this month, he had completed the primary school junior high school textbooks, and there was no problem in uttering words.

Otherwise, no one knows what will happen if they are arrested.

Even if it can escape, it will inevitably be traced and wanted, which is more trouble than the exposure of the newspaper.

A giant firearm was erected.

Master-level dedicated firearms.

Except for many instructors in Hushan, Xu Zhi rarely sees gun-type masters. After all, this is a money-burning business.

The damage rate of firearms and the consumption of special bullets are far greater than that of cold weapons.

But it has to be said that below the Grand Master rank, gun cultivators have a huge advantage.

If the weapon is suitable and the distance controlled is appropriate, this is a profession that can almost dominate the first honor of the entire profession.

More than two hundred meters apart, the man in black was still waving his hands to let the children of these survivors quickly go upstairs. He just noticed that when he turned around, the gunshots sounded.


The gunfire in the middle of the night was quite crisp, and the lights of some resettlement houses quickly turned on.

"Persons are not allowed to go out at the 16th pivot, so beware of accidental injuries."

Someone sipped, and his body shot past.

"Scattered Escape"

The oldest of the children yelled, and they were grabbed and slammed down by the members of the hub who were rushing to the ground, stepping on the ground and unable to move.

The agency is an organization similar to the Dongyue Patrol and Law Enforcement Corps, which is a violent law enforcement agency under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Committee.

Unlike the police station and the inspection department, the two agencies have different areas of responsibility.

"Remove the black cloth on his face to see who he really is and under whom."

The forty-year-old firearms master, who was over forty years old, hurried away after receiving the firearms.

"Record faces and compare censuses in Kip Town's database."

The black cloth was unveiled, and a middle-aged man with curly yellow hair and yellow whiskers came into view.

"It's Wilson, the chef of the women's prison in Kip Town. He...not good."

Wilson's eyes that were shot through his chest suddenly burst into a burst of ice from his right It was a scroll with aqua blue, but it was just the moment of activation, the ice ring was everywhere .

The light of the air inside the corridor flickered, and some continued stubbornness, and some disappeared in an instant.

Five members of the agency fell directly.

A little blue light also rose in Wilson's left hand, converging on his chest from time to time, causing the flesh to start to wriggle quickly.

"Ice Ring" and "Healing"

Xu Zhi, the magic scroll in Wilson's hand, is no stranger. The scroll in the other party's hand is very new. Obviously not the old stocks they have seen in the past, and even improvements have been made, from the magic guide to the one close to the new world. This kind of charging type can be released in the reality of the lack of magic.

The Frostbite of Ice can hit objects outside the non-magic release center area.

The healing is the direct recovery of the injury.

The healing effect in the ruins is far more than the healing magic possessed by Xu Zhi, and it is likely to be in the status of advanced medical magic.

Few people in the real world can use it. These scrolls are extremely difficult to play, but these people do not include the survivors.

As long as there is magic power in the body, it can trigger the power carried by these scrolls.

Just as some people in the dream world have difficulty understanding the real-world blaster, people in the real world can't understand the power of using a piece of paper, and it's even hard to notice the power of the scroll.

"Damn remnant."

The master of the firearms was covered with stars, and a long sword around his waist was taken out and cut off instantly.

"I will come back to find you."

Wilson's eyes lying on the ground stared at the people in front of him, but in an instant, his body had disappeared to the ground.


The long sword chopped to the ground, making a dull sound, echoing the unwilling voice of the master firearm.

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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