Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1354: Scourge

The communication with the lord of Phoenix is ​​inexplicable.

However, the other party does not feel bad, and they all live in the elemental world.

"I tell you that I am very dissatisfied with this contractor. I never read my name every time. I wouldn't be happy to help if it was not for the sake of the contract."

"He doesn't understand bird language. He only calls three words at a time. It's the worst thing. Hey, how did you learn bird language."


Encountered an object with a distinguished long name, the Phoenix lord applauded for quite a while with interest.

It is not difficult for San Theo to read the real name of the Phoenix Lord completely, but Xu Zhi thinks that when the other party is dangerous, he will read the name of the Phoenix Lord once, and he may have died long ago.

"It's really remarkable to enter the lord class. Xiaotian usually rarely looks at other creatures, and sees that it likes you very much."


Lord Phoenix shouted, and apparently he heard the unpleasant three-character name again, shaking his head with great dissatisfaction.

"Yeah" Xu Zhi responded.

You can have a snack, Lord San Theo.

No matter how sweet it is, it doesn't like you very much.

Lord Phoenix has been falling off the chain and constantly improving the level of contractual objects, which is not without reason.

After healed the little grass chicken, Xu Zhi looked at the lord of Phoenix on several blood slots on his thigh, and released several medical magics.

For the Lord of Phoenix, the level 9 medical magic seems to be somewhat stretched, and the level of curative effect plummets, which can only be compensated by the amount of magic released.

"Oh, after becoming a lord, I haven't enjoyed treatment for many years, it's so comfortable, Krovin Alekseyevich... Squeak, you are awesome."

Lord Phoenix narrowed his eyes slightly, and the instantaneous recovery ability brought by magic made it a little comfortable.

The higher the biological level, some low-level low-level magic works very hard.

Just like the immortals and the warriors who lead the ability to resist magic, they will be immune, or weaken the power of these magics (including beneficial and harmful magic) to varying degrees.

Except for some summoner professions, Druids rarely develop in the direction of life magic, and it is difficult for summoning creatures to enjoy healing.

Like San Theo, the basic life magic has never been practiced, and the treatment is impossible to talk about.

"In general, Julie Angela Alexia..., if my staff is in my hand, it would be great if I could get medical treatment."

"Staff, I have several human staffs, what do you want?"

Lord Phoenix took his head against San Theo, his body swayed, and it turned into a shimmer.

"What are you tweeting birds tweeting? Xiao Tian Tian asked me to summon."

San Theo's face was amazed. He grabbed a fruit of the life tree stripped of its shell and quickly portrayed the magic circle. Just now the contract object returned to the void.

"Apart from tiger language, do you understand bird language?" San Theo doubted.

"Slightly understand slightly understand, are a little bit of standards."

Xu Zhi waved his hand, he could communicate with the plant of poison bee grass, and he could listen to the grandfather's speech...

Not to mention other abilities, Tanan gave this jungle goblin the language ability of the body, it seems to have opened the creation god.

Bird language is not a problem.

"It may want to go back and take the root method..."

Before Xu Zhi's words were finished, a huge red figure reappeared beside San Theo.

I saw five staffs in the beak of the Phoenix Lord. In contrast to the huge beaks, those staffs were like a few straws in the human mouth.


Nodded at Xu Zhi, the staff shimmering with magic shimmer spit on the ground like a tatter.

"My staff of summoning is so distressed with so much bird droppings on it."

One of the rods that was dropped obviously belonged to San Theo. When he saw that the weapon that had been cherished in the past suffered, he whispered and tried to turn his head away.

"I'm very hygienic, but my child is too naughty, these sticks look a little bit worse."

"Huh, why is this staff in your hand?"

The purple sacred saint's staff is very familiar. There may be many saint's staffs in the world, but there will be only one engraved with "Greek, the 28th son of the Xia Nong Guangming Holy See".

This is the Saint's Staff that Sandro took from him.

Xu Zhi picked up the saint's staff and cast a mantra on it. The saint's staff that strengthened the double healing effect obviously brought a different feeling.

"Human sticks are really easy to use. Do you know this staff?"

Lord Phoenix looked at the wounds on his leg with satisfaction. The wounds brought by several blades were constantly healing. The effect of magic was far faster than the healing of his body.

"I still own this staff more than half a year ago, and was robbed by a skeleton."

"Skeleton, oh my god, you also know that annoying skeleton, he is a **** thief, a robber, I only drove him away last week."

"That's right, he was a robber who robbed me of many things. The sword that released the magical flame, the black armor, the small cloth bag, the golden helmet, the medal, he also took my underwear."

Xu Zhi nodded his head, forgetting that he had grabbed the magical book of Sandro Elemental Monarch.

He needs to be promoted and Sandroo survives.

Both of them are hard-handed people, and it is difficult to make clear the grievances and grievances between them. Both have their own disadvantages.

It's right to call Sandro the robber.

There was no news of Sandro for a long time, and I did not expect that the other party would go to the lord Phoenix.

In this way, Sandro is now quite far away from Dongfang Village.

"That armor turned out to be yours. It was so annoying. It broke my child and cried for a long time."

The Lord of Phoenix clearly had a headache for the cursed armor.

Without targeted magic, as long as Sandro turns on this artifact, he can easily restrain many powerful creatures.

The Phoenix Lord is no exception.

When the two sides contacted, no one could help anyone, but Sandro might have suffered a little, after all, the saint's staff was lost.

The lord aura with eight levels of deterrence, within the aura of the lord phoenix, may cause the fear effect carried by the ugly mask.

This is almost the same as the ability of Gulong Maratha in the Ruins of Hushan.

If Sandro is making a move, it is inevitable to suffer a loss, but he has a strong defense, and the guardian's robe is immune to damage twice a day, and the chance of escape is great.

Xu Zhi thought for a moment, and saw San Theo turned his head unwillingly.

"Sir, you help me ask Xiao Tiantian, what conditions does it need to return the summoning staff."

Xu Zhimou was thinking about Sandro, but San Theo's head was a staff he had not seen for many years.

Although this kind of staff is rarely needed now, he couldn't help feeling a little sad when he saw the miserable appearance of the staff.

"No problem, let me ask you."

"Right, Julie Angela Alexia..."


Lord Phoenix made a series of exclamations before whispering: "You mean, I can let this contractor do something else, like?"

" use your imagination, as long as it is not too excessive, he should be acceptable."

"Oh yeah, he can say a hundred times to the sky'Dear Julie Angela Alexia..., I was wrong, I will call you your full name in the future, and never call that one again* Is the three-character name'?'

Except for the lip service, this requirement doesn't seem too high.

Xu Zhi recounted this task, which was repeated a hundred times.

San Theo began to ache, he thought it was his mark of iniquity, and hit himself, and he also began to need repeated punishment.

While San Theo shouted at the full name of the Phoenix Lord, Xu Zhi waved to the Phoenix Lord who was very satisfied.

"Let’s discuss how to deal with that skeleton. I don’t think he’s good for a long time. I don’t have any other skills. I have a way to restrain that armor." I want to chat with more like-minded people. , WeChat pays attention to "Reading Literature", talking about life and seeking friends~

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