Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1355: Western confusion

After the destruction of the elemental city.

Elemental creatures rarely have races with complete civilization.

The Phoenix family is no exception.

After hundreds of years of survival, apart from hunting and other survival skills, the IQ and thinking of the Phoenix Lord are not much different from those of teenage children. They are not thousands of years of fairy foxes.

With a little bit of pureness in mind.

Xu Zhi was extremely relaxed in communicating with such living individuals.

He didn't need to think about any calculations in his head, and everyone who came together was a friend.

A green skin, a big bird, just like the old ladies who had a bunch of chickens and ducks in the countryside, quacking for a while, beware of Sandro who might steal the fish again, and also conspired when the old skeleton could be Caught.

Xu Zhi couldn't figure out where the Phoenix Mountain was, and the Lord Phoenix did not understand where the fairy elf was.

How far apart the two sides do not know.

But this does not prevent them from becoming friendly elemental neighbors.

Xu Zhi is satisfied with the powerful neighbors in the Elemental Realm. The Phoenix Lord is also very convinced of Xu Zhi's medical skills. The creatures in the Elemental Realm that heal the wound are too rare.

"It's over."

After shouting thousands of words to the sky in a row, San Theo's throat was a little hoarse. He drank a large glass of water before slowing down.

"Quak quack, here you are."

Lord Phoenix nodded with satisfaction and called to the translator Xu Zhi: "This contractor is much more stupid than the few unlucky ghosts I have encountered before. If I yell twice a day, I will not be tired after yelling for fifty days. , As long as he agrees, I will return the staff to him."

"makes sense."

Xu Zhi looked at San Theo sympathetically. This was not the first time he saw San Theo. The high priest was very powerful and sometimes unlucky.

"My baby staff is finally back."

San Theo carefully removed the bird droppings from the Summoning Staff and rinsed it off, then he hugged him.

"Thank you for the staff."

"This is yours."

Compared with what happened to San Theo, it was much easier for Xu Zhi to take back the Saint's Staff.

This time the lower realm regained the lost property, it was a surprise.

It is necessary to strengthen exchanges in the lower bound.

The elemental world is vast, and many powerful creatures want to meet is not an easy task.

But in the druid contract call of the lower realm, it became possible to meet each other.

Creatures in the elemental world are constantly selecting contracts, and the druids in the lower realm are constantly screening their contract objects.

Strong and unique creatures will become the object of their final agency contract.

This brings powerful creatures together.

Even the little grass chicken with its head down on the side, in the elemental world, it is also a powerful party.

The starting point of the third-order creature, the elite-level Griffon is already at a very high predator level.

"San Theo, what's going on in the hills?"

Seeing the contracted creatures of the special agency recover from their injuries, Ji Yi couldn't help but ask San Theo.

San Theo is not the commander of the defense against the invasion of the Orioles, but the situation of San Theo against the situation is better than anyone else.

With the Phoenix lord, detective, chasing, fighting with the opponent's strong and suppressing the overall situation, San Theo knows more than his second-line master.

"What about the retreat, Spartz died, the successor of Spartz II, what is the young king of Spartz Madikes crazy, biting people everywhere."

"Spartz is dead?" Xu Zhi surprised.

The emperor of the country of Thousand islands, Orelisio, the leader of the Assassin's Union, the king in the shadow, and the aura of Spartz is not weak.

In addition to the terrifying master stealth ability, Spartz can even temporarily substantiate the shadow, just like the body has the ability to kill opponents.

Pope Lien had suffered this loss of ability.

Hexis also had some heart palpitations when talking about each other's abilities.

Such a powerful immortal king suddenly died, causing Xu Zhi to be surprised.

The death said by San Theo is obviously immortal and extinct, and re-incarnation is no longer relevant to this life.

"Dead, some people said that it was Shannon’s fake and serious curse, some people said that he was poisoned by Spartz II, and some people said that Spartz cultivated himself into a shadow and could never walk out again, and It makes no difference to die, it can only be passed on to future generations.

San Theo glanced at Xu Zhi, but did not expect Xu Zhi to be quite interested in these gossips in the lower realm.

"it's a pity."

Xu Zhi regretted that in the blood curse of Pope Lien, Spartz was likely to be taken in by others, and it is estimated that the death was unknown.

"It's a pity that when the old assassin was alive, the border was stable and stable. Aberro and O'Reilce were all together, and the death was messed up."

"However, we can breathe a sigh of relief now. Madikes took the Andoran Hills area, and the main force turned around and went to play Collison."

The words of San Theo reassured Jiy. The druids had a lot of headaches against the undefeated assassins of Ourisio. Now that these lunatics are going to deal with Collison's skeleton zombies, the elves finally have a chance to breathe.

"Looking at both countries, it seems that Spartz II is really crazy."

Quite calm in the western continent, because Spartz Madikes took the lead in making trouble, and there was a trace of confusion.

Irutan may still be restrained, so that the elves are mainly defensive, and Baron Feng Tajin can't tell clearly. The temper of the undead monarch is quite unpredictable.

"Not only the two countries, Madikes declared that he would hit the Shannon Kingdom to avenge his father Spatz."

"Want to fight the strongest empire, his ambitions are great."

"It's impossible to win, but O'Reilly is one of the great powers. If it can really go to war, it will also cause a headache for the Shannon Kingdom."

"No wonder the above instructions are ambiguous, only resist, do not make counter-attacks, is this giving way to them?"

The conversation between San Theo and Ji began to whisper.

Xu Zhi just listened to the news hookup.

The turbulence of the lower realm and the elemental world have a certain involvement. If the Abero Kingdom truce, the involvement is not so big. After all, most of the druids called by the Lord are in the Abero Kingdom.

Xu Zhi felt more concerned about Sandro's information.

He specifically urged the Phoenix lord a few times to try to maintain communication, it is best to be able to position each other in the elemental world, so that the realms of the two parties become a real relationship of mutual help.

"Sir Sancio, do you have the eyes of the sage and the window of the sage? I want to borrow it."

Xu Zhisi thought about Hexis's advice, if these two treasures could be used, it would be easy to accomplish these two things.

"It's a coincidence that you asked, no."

San Theo looked at the green skin. The other party's joy just appeared on his face, and he turned into a bitter gourd in a blink of an eye.

"This is a treasure, and there are very few. It is usually stored in the treasury of the major kingdoms. If you want to borrow a treasure, you are asking the wrong person."

"That's a little trouble."

Only the kings of the major kingdoms can open the treasury.

Xu Zhi didn't figure out whether Mistreo had made a contract but didn't see it, or whether Mistreo ignored him.

"Timber cart, gem box, mercury bottle, crystal statue, sulfur brazier, are there any?"

"Don't ask such a thing about a poor Druid."

After going around for a long time, from sweeping the Laifen maze to peeling the fruit of the tree of life, San Theo seems to have not made a fortune.

"What about the void stone, I can exchange it for gold coins."

"No, I'm gathering money to buy one from Rio."

No question, no question, Sancio’s poverty is not unreasonable.

The high priest may go to Mystra and buy void stone. This is the only good news.

"Please take me with me when buying stones, and I will follow you to buy a few."

"How many?"

San Theo felt that the heart that had just felt comfortable immediately tingled again.

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