Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1356: Meet each other


The lower realm began to unrest.

The elemental world also has Sandro the **** stick.

He has seen the ruined continent fall in the ocean of the real world.

The clashes of the survivors in the Xiliu state, coupled with Xu Zhi’s not stable status, made it difficult to travel to other regions.

Xu Zhi felt that he was in such a chaotic environment for the first time.

The things we face and the environment we face are constantly changing.

Many people are still ignorant, when he did not know it, he saw a little chaos.

This is not a peaceful and prosperous world. Under the cover of prosperity, there are all kinds of chaos.

No country can escape, and no one can escape this influence.

Whether you want to protect yourself or protect others, this kind of chaos requires luck, strength, and even the tone of your heart.

The courage to continue to fight hard.

Whether it is a jungle fairy lord in the dream world, or a master-level ability in reality.

Proud to be proud, but not complacent.

Hundreds of people were fighting, he took a small step, there were still many people in front of him, and the road was very long.

The heart of the disorderly coming to Xiliu country slowly calmed down, and the martial arts that Xu Zhi did not practice in recent months were released in a small resettlement house.

Whether it's claws, sticks, or Qi training, these abilities are not abandoned.

Xu Zhi's inner air flowed slowly, and his fists and feet oscillated slightly in the air from time to time, shaking, accompanied by a soft sonic boom.

The more experience you have, the more you feel about cultivation, and the continuous accumulation will continue to advance in the direction of qualitative change like the continuously accumulated quantity and energy.

When he thought about something in his heart, he only listened to someone knocking on the door in a very rhythmic manner.

"Anyone? Is Mr. Bolipore? I'm Bolipore."

A beautiful female voice came from outside the door, and the extremely standard official language of the Western Liuliu Kingdom was exactly like the host of the TV station.

The other party's words left him confused, and Xu Zhi suddenly remembered the reporter from Shadiao Daily.

"Our president's daughter-in-law is also called Bolipan."

This is really the name collision, single name and single name are very easy to conflict, such as Zhang Wei, Wang Wei, Wang Fang, Li Wei, Li Na, Wang Jing...

The software that duplicated the names inquired a little, and these people screamed like two or three hundred thousand people.

If it is a three-character word, it will be less. If it is a four-character word, it will be even less.

But this is not to come to the door.

Male Boli Pill and female Boli Pill met and chatted. For this fate, Xu Zhi refused.

This makes no sense. He is not a ten-year-old and eight-year-old child, and he is also interested in this kind of rebirth.

固幺赽繽奇奇novel fiction|w~w~w.

Besides, his real name is Xu Zhi, and there are many people in Dong Yueguo and his same name.

Hurry up and hurry up.

People are not there.

"Mr. Boli Pill, I heard your voice. Open the door. I am a reporter from the sand sculpture daily. Boli Pill. I feel that the topic of the name is very interesting. Let us do a special issue of the name of Daxiliu. The Sand Sculpture Daily."

Renamed topic.


Be interviewed.


Keep away from exposure and protect safety.

"I specifically applied for an interview fund of 100,000 yuan, which can give you 50,000 yuan."

"Hurry up."

Xu Zhi took a towel to cover his face and quickly opened the door.

No matter what the topic is boring, it is interesting to bring money.

Chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, each item needs to be supported by money.

Lack of ways to monetize and convert, and no property available to Xiuliu, Xu Zhi has so far relied on the disaster relief donations in the Shadiao Daily.

Some money was stripped from Nito Ito and Hatoyama, but the high school students were pitiful with little money.

If all the paper money of these western countries is exhausted, Xu Zhi can only rely on these younger brothers to collect protection fees to feed themselves.

Now that he has the opportunity to enter the account, he has to make a fortune to earn money.

"I'm so happy to see friends with the same name and surname, especially a beautiful lady. It's incredible, God! Please sit down."

The iron door opened, and a girl with a dignified appearance and wearing a little white dress came into view.

From silence to extreme enthusiasm.

Fifty thousand yuan seems to play a very big role.

The reporter's hand in Bolipore remained on the door knocking. She looked at the Xu Zhi of the Arab-style face-closing method, her expression a little stunned.

I can only see two eyes. This is what I'm doing. With a thick towel on, I'm not afraid of impaired breathing.

The reporter's professional qualities made her recover faster, and began to look at Xu Zhi's small resettlement house.

The room is extremely standard, neat and well-organized, and the lifestyle of this male Bolipor seems pretty good.

It is not a shame to have the same name and surname.

"Mr. Chip, the decoration on your head is a bit strange."

"Hahaha, the sea breeze is blowing too much, the facial skin is chapped, and you need to moisturize it."

Xu Zhi's face was non-hearted and nonchalant, and he looked at the cameraman with a sunhat behind him.

The interview was taken casually, and the photos and records should not be messed up. As long as the camera is turned on, he can only maintain this kind of dress. It is moisturizing throughout the interview.

"You are really well maintained, and the maintenance style is very special."

Looking at Xu Zhi's fair-skinned hands, Boli Phaner compared himself.

He is fair and the other is sheep fat nephrite, which is not comparable at all.


"If you are interested, you can also try it. This is the maintenance secret of our children in the harbor. The average person does not know. By the way, how long will the interview last."

Xu Zhi is quite concerned about the issue of the interview. After the interview, there is money to take this kind of good things.

Shadiao Daily is really a bodhisattva who saves his sufferings.

"Ah, interview, let's start the interview. Can you remove the towel from your head?"


"How about I add fifty thousand?"

"Man, husband, if you can't, you can't," Xu Zhi suffocated, and whispered, "If you are willing to add money, turn off the camera first, and make sure not to take pictures. I can still take the towel."

"Brother, quickly turn off the camera equipment. I'm curious about how the people with the same name and surname look."

Boli Pian waved at the camera man, who hummed and mutely turned off the newly turned camera.

A long towel turned over and the face wrapped under the towel emerged.

"Yeah, you..."

"Lying trough."

Turning from the Arab to his face, Boliphal looked at each other, only to realize that the room was bright

The people in front of me are not the kind of elaborately crafted ones, but they are of the most attractive type.

Boli Pianer's face was slightly red, and the sound of a little exclamation had just come out, so he heard a ‘reclining’ behind him, and the iron door closed quickly.

"Xu...Xu Zhi, why are you here on our side?"

The cameraman took off the visor on his head and looked at the person inexplicably.

"Bolivar, does your family open the sand sculpture daily?"

Xu Zhi looked at Bolivar When this guy introduced his family, he didn't say which newspaper company he opened.

The Shadiao Daily is normal in Xiliu, and it takes courage to introduce it in Dongyue. No wonder it was not directly revealed at the time.

Bolivar wanted to use this newspaper to expose the facts on the battlefield of death. Xu Zhi felt that he would become a joke when he went to the sand sculpture daily newspaper.

How can such a newspaper smell the reputation of others.

Bolivar also looked at Xu Zhi speechlessly, using his sister's name, not knowing whether it was a slap or a straight one. Xu Zhi now dared not even use his real name, for fear of running away.

The two asked one by one, leaving the real bolipid aside.

"My master is in Kip Town today, you better not go out and run around."


The only one with a slight gap in Xiliu Kingdom is Yuan Zong Bokong, and he will not be killed if he does not take the formal route to this side. However, after learning the information, the pain of eating skinned meat is likely to make the Yan family redeem.

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