Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1359: Hard work changed my record

  Chapter 1359 of the Heroes' Invincible Grand Master textbook changed my records. Yuanzong Bokong is probably a natural dog nose.

   A pot that has been brushed three times can still smell the smell of oil.

   "Old man, are you hungry like this?"

   The old guy was pretty scary when he raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes.

   Xu Zhi looked at Yuanzong Bokong who licked the pot and smelled fragrant, his voice shivered involuntarily.

   "Not hungry"

   Yuanzong Bokong dryly asked the waste man: "Where did you get this pot? Why does this oil have the smell of whale, where did you buy it?"

   Yuanzong Bokong picked up the silver arowana mixed oil bought by Xu Zhi in the supermarket, opened the lid and smelled it, his face was intoxicated.

   "The pot was issued uniformly. The oil in your hand was bought at a nearby grain and oil stall. Has my pot and oil committed anything?"

The "criminal" Yuan Zongbokong paused and replied: "Yes, the quality of these two products is wrong. I even found a trace of evidence on this pot and oil. I want to take them away. Do you have any comments? ?"

   "No, you are a big man at first glance, you have the final say."

  Xu Zhi shook his head, he had some toothache, Yuan Zong Bokong what kind of thoughts, even the pot with oil wants to be taken away, is it crazy?

   "Very interesting, young people still have a certain future, and work hard in the future."

   Cannibalism is short, and the tone of Yuanzong Bokong is slightly softer.

   "Okay, I will work hard."

   "Come here, go to the nearby grain and oil stalls, and temporarily seal off all the blended oils of the silver arowana, and then put this manufacturer, Eh, Guangli Group, this is my holding company."

   Yuanzong Bokong just waved to two police station personnel, and then saw the manufacturer of silver arowana blending oil, and immediately fell into deep contemplation.

   The air was filled with a little embarrassment.

   "Healthy enjoyment, true gift from nature, Guangli Group, be a good person, make good oil, hahaha, it must be only this bottle of oil is a little abnormal, hahahaha."

Yuan Zongbo blankly laughed twice and patted Xu Zhi's shoulder with a barrel of oil: "Boy, you are very lucky, you have encountered a substandard product with a one in ten thousand chance. We are holding a prize verification product For quality activities, you can go to the Guangli Group to get one million... Hey."

   Yuan Zongbo shot the shoulders quite quickly. Xu Zhi just turned around and turned around. He didn't expect the other party to shoot up.

   "The body is so thick, it is impossible to be a person of Pei Yuan Gong. This Qi is very familiar, it is the Qi of Tuojia, who are you?"

   clever makeup, so that the distance is a few steps, even one step away is no problem.

   can be photographed by Yuanzong Bokong.

   Xu Zhi instantly felt liver pain.

   Even if he relaxes again, a trace of his natural resistance still exists.

   includes the natural response of the flesh, as well as the little inner qi.

  Bolivar is also discolored.

   His master was suspicious.

  Eat inside and out again, this is a run to be beaten.

   "Yuanzong Bokong Grandmaster, junior Xu Zhi said hello to you" Xu Zhi finally had to clenches.

   It was impossible to hide, Xu Zhi straightened up and began to get acquainted with the old acquaintance.

   "Xu Zhi"

   Yuanzong Bokong apparently remembered his own Waterloo.

   The beautification of the Western Liuliu media can't change his original helpless situation. Although the war situation was even, even Tuo Guhong was seriously injured, but he actually lost.

   The reason for the loss is this decadent **** stick.

   "What are you doing here in our country?"

   "Find Bolivar to play with."

"Play?" Yuan Zongbo turned to Bolivar and said, "What about bullying the master and destroying the ancestors? I said you are a Bolivar. I think you are a son. s things."

  He just wanted to kick out, and saw Bolivar honestly bow his head and kneel down.

   This guy's attitude of admitting mistakes is quite fast, that is, the death is not changed.

   Yuanzong Bokong felt himself a headache.

   "You're quite busy, how did you get here, how did you get into the refugee area."

   searched all the way down, but none of the survivors found it, but it was surprising to find Xu Zhi's loach.

   "He came by boat, I don't know why the ship sank," Xu Zhi said honestly: "I am also a refugee now."

   "Refugee" Yuan Zong Bokong said strangely: "Why not go to your embassy for help."

   "I can't pass, the identity certificate is lost in the sea, would you please help me make another one?"

   "Maximilan, transfer the application information of this young guest to the customs and print another copy."

   Yuanzong Bokong looked at the decadent Xu Zhi.

   I haven't seen you in two years, this young man is disabled.

   It's such a thing, so decadent to look like this.

   "Hey, you are face-changing."

   Yuanzong Bokong looked at Xu Zhi's whole body from time to time and carefully examined it for a while before discovering the clues.

  Based on its own prototype, make small adjustments in face and muscles to make changes in temperament.

   true and false doping, that is, he also neglected the past.

  If you don't grasp the familiar inner air in the other person's body, you can't recognize the other person at all.

   "A little trick."

  Xu Zhigan smiled, his face slackened a little, and his eyebrows suddenly opened up.

   "Are you afraid that I recognize it or what happened, don't you want to see me?"

   "Afraid of being beaten by you."

   "It has been cleared of hatred and resentment. I am also a guru anyway. I can be so careful."

   Seeing Xu Zhi's eyes turned to the bucket of blending oil that was carried in the palm of his hand, Yuan Zong Bokong na stopped his mouth and placed the silver dragon fish blending oil on the ground.

   Copper whale sesame oil is very rare, less than copper whale dan oil, if it is taken out by Dongyue Yan's family, this is not a wonder.

   Xu Zhi was very embarrassed, and his behavior today is quite shameful.

   especially hit his own company.

   This black material is properly mocked.

   "Director, we didn't find the entry information of "Xu Zhi" in our system."

  The voice of Maximilian outside the door broke this little embarrassment.

   "No, this is impossible, search again."

   Yuanzong Bokong pointed to Maximo, who was knocking on the telematics equipment, and smiled: "It is estimated that there is something wrong with our system."

"Guess so."

   Xu Zhi nodded, if he had any record of the application to enter the customs of the West Liuliu, it would be strange if Maximilian could find it.

   "No, I couldn't find it at all, and I didn't have any entry information for the past six months."

   Maximilian checked three times in a row, and finally confirmed the reply.

   "Who made your customs system, the quality is not good" Xu Zhidao.

   "It may be a little bit wrong" Yuan Zong Bokong shook his head and said: "The patch they said, the patch is applied once a month. You say that the more patches, the system will not be damaged, and there are too many clothing patches to wear."

   "You are right, it's not good to patch too much" Xu Zhi echoed.

   "Contact the General Administration of Customs and send a remote urgent telegram to Dongyue in my name to ask about the situation in the past and add a copy of the information."

   "Master Yuanzong Bokong, you really helped me a lot. I will give you a bronze whale sesame oil when I return to Dongyue."

   "Hahaha, well, the quality of this oil is excellent, and it belongs to the best of the best. We have no pursuit in our lives today, we can only have a little appetite."

   Yuanzong Bokong looked at Xu Zhi, and for the first time felt that the other party was so pleasing to the eye.

   "Director, the General Administration of Customs just replied that there is no record of Xu Zhi applying to enter our country. The Dongyue General Administration of Customs verified that Mr. Xu Zhi entered another country, and the specific country was not announced."

   "What?" Yuan Zong Bo was surprised.


   Xu Zhi exclaimed, and secretly scolded the customs guys for being too honest. Fortunately, he did not directly say that he was going to Nanyang.

   "So, are you now a cross-border black household?"

   Yuan Zong bokong questioned, he looked up and down Xu Zhi from time to time, not knowing what to think.

   "The customs system on our side may be There are too many patches, you know, there will be problems if you patch too many patches."

  Xu Zhi looked at Yuan Zong Bokong's puzzled eyes, and his head suddenly turned around and said: "It must be that the hardship education has made people tamper with my customs clearance records. The guys are very bad and always want to pick the starting point."

   It's just a problem with the customs software of Xiuliu. Dongyue also has a problem, and it's unscientific to have a problem with his own data out of thin air.

   Anyway, **** the basin first.

  Bite education is the most suitable object.

   Yuanzong Bokong was also a victim of hardship education. At that time, the hardship education arranged the customs to enter into Dongyue. This matter did not last long.

   Xu Zhi said this, he nodded suddenly.

   The kid's identity does not need to be smuggled.

   There is no possibility that the software of the two countries is at the same time.

   But if it is hard work, it is very reasonable.

   "Fortunately, I met you, and the gang of thieves thought about dying a few more people. If someone arrests and kills you with the rules of cross-border and undocumented cross-border, things will be a little troublesome."

   "Maybe your shipwreck incident has something to do with them."

   It’s great that you are willing to think so.

   Xu Zhi burst into tears, feeling that the hazy sky would be brighter after coming to Xiliu.

   This big brother who had a gap, as long as he didn't kill him, and took a good hand with a good heart, he would be unimpeded in the West Liuliu Kingdom.

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