Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1360: Xiliu policy

The fact that Dongyue and Xiuliu fell in love with each other could not be said for several nights.

However, compared with the North Xinjiang Empire directly bordering Dongyue, the Yinguo State separated only by an inland sea, or the South Australia Alliance bounded by the Hengshan Mountains, the friction between Xiuliu and Dongyue is the least.

The ocean directly isolates the two countries. At least the two countries have never had a war, nor can they fight such a war thousands of miles away.

As a big country, Xiuliu is more fond of inciting behind the scenes, reselling arms and materials, or controversial incidents with the Northern Xinjiang Empire, which is only one strait apart from the extreme north.

This behavior of making war fortunes was once very unpleasant.

In recent years, the storms in Xiuliu have continued and the disasters have been severe. The outbreaks of the victims have made many people feel that God is helping to punish, and their hearts are dark.

For example, Xu Zhi, the same victim, is now suffering.

With Yuanzong Bokong's guarantee, he possessed the status of temporarily entering the Xiliu country.

But in order to prevent Xu Zhi from messing up, and also to avoid Xu Zhi from being messed up.

Yuan Zong Bokong temporarily brought Xu Zhi to his side.

"You said you should give me a small bottle of copper whale dan oil."

"I promise, I promise, if you don't deliver, you will interrupt my two legs."

"It's too kind, don't make such a big oath."

Yuan Zong Bokong waved his hands again and again, and he saw that he was quite satisfied with Xu Zhi, and the white eyebrows and white beards on the forehead shook.

Xu Zhi looked at Yuan Zong Bokong from the collar with a rather small recorder. After inserting Maximilian's information equipment, the voice of Xu Zhi's promise and guarantee was clearly heard in the video.

"I am not specifically aimed at you, but just used to record some memo information," Yuan Zong said with pride: "I am old and often forget things. It is convenient to have such a small thing."

"You are right, you are right."

There are a lot of people with a lot of eyes in mind. This is because he is afraid that he will still pay the bill.

"Maximilan, you keep this record well, this little thing can only record 24 hours, which is too inconvenient."

"You guys who are engaged in information, can't invent a record for ten or eight years. How can the storage medium capacity be so small."

Yuan Zongbokong complained that he handed the recorder with the size of a button pin to Maximilian.

"The recording capacity of this tiny model is already very large," Maximilian replied looking at the special recorder.

"Technology is developing, you have to look forward, more people study and research, maybe it will be researched one day."

"Yes, I will definitely tell the scientists who are working on it to work hard."

Maximilian responded in a muffled voice. He was just a user, not doing research work, but the bigwigs of these cultivation systems were always unclear.

"Scientists do not know how to move forward and need to be educated."

Looking at Xu Zhi's slightly surprised eyes, Yuan Zong Bo Kong explained slightly.


Xu Zhi nodded, carrying the barrel of silver arowana blending oil needed by Yuan Zong Bokong, and then walked along the aisle of the resettlement house.

In fact, the shadow that this old white-haired swordsman gave him was too heavy.

Now that the other party's attitude has changed, he hasn't adapted yet.

If it is true as Yuan Zong Bokong said, after doing one game, the hatred of that year has been put down, and the two sides are in harmony.

After all, it is a master cultivator at the master level, who is in a high position and is ten years old again.

As Mistelio said, different strengths and different living positions lead to different ways and ideas of looking at problems.

"You came from Dongyue to play so far, and Yan Xuankong didn't care about you."

Yuan Zong Bokong looked at Bolivar, who was testing in the resettlement house, and felt that Xu Zhi's crossing the sea to find someone to play was purely a pain.

But if he had any other purpose, he didn't think of it, and he would never go to the West Liuliu Kingdom to catch the hardship.

"Our Yan family is letting go of education, and the master never cares about such things," Xu Zhi laughed.

"He was a Hapy, and he didn't have time to control his son back then. What Yan Cizong ran out of the ruins of our Western Liuliu Kingdom, and then it took a long time to stop."

The incident of Yan Cizong was a taboo up and down the Yan family. No one ever mentioned it, but went to worship every year.

Xu Zhi didn't know how to die.

If you die in the ruins, there is no way to say it, who can justify it.

Anyway, Yuan Zong Bokong could still catch Tuo Guhong for a while, and the Yan family wanted no revenge.

"Don't worry, I am the most serious person. I rarely enter the ruins and run the safest caves at most."

Seeing Yuan Zong Bokong suddenly suspicious, Xu Zhi patted his chest to guarantee.

"I don't know anything about the topography of Xiliu Kingdom. I don't know where there are ruins and I won't get into it." Xu Zhi smiled and said: "I heard that you have two caves here. If you can help recommend it..."

"You are Dongyue people, unlike our Xiliu people, a bottle of copper whale sesame oil is not enough."

Yuan Zongbokong interrupted Xu Zhi's little fantasy.

"Those two bottles."

"Wait until you hand over the first bottle."

Finally, there are thighs that can sit next to each other, Xu Zhizheng wants to bargain.

Suddenly I heard that Bolivar, who was entering the house for testing, yelled'It hurts'.

The long sword on Yuanzong Bokong's back was flashed away.

"Legacy barriers."

Yuan Zong Bokong hummed and stepped directly into the room.

Inside the room, I saw an ordinary middle-aged man sitting on a stool. It seemed that he did not expect death to come so fast. He stared at the rapidly changing gray eyes and stared blankly at the people in front of him.

A thin double-winged sword with a thin blade was inserted in the neck of a middle-aged man, as well as the cervical vertebra supporting the head.

One blow is fatal.

There is no chance of rebound.

Yuan Zong Bokong raised his hand slightly, and the two-winged sword swept back on the back, before the blood on the opponent's neck was ejected.

This way of collecting swords and collecting swords is extremely arrogant, far more enviable than the chic, he looked straight at him with a long stick.

With a slight expression on his face, he held Bolivar trembling next to him.


Bolivar's face was pale and his teeth creaked.

"Master, is my brother arrogant and arrogant?" Bolipier said anxiously.

"No need to worry, he is just simulating the energy movement in the body of the survivors to cause some stimulation, which is beneficial and harmless, which is equivalent to withstanding the impact of a little relic effect."

Yuan Zongbokong said faintly, glancing at the middle-aged man opposite The man's complexion had begun to change rapidly.

Just as humans in the real world entered the ruins and died, the bodies of the remnants also began to decay rapidly, several times faster than normal people.

The two policemen quickly stepped forward to search the body. After some odds and ends were taken out, the other body was transferred to the quilt and hurriedly carried out.

"We give the second generation of survivors the opportunity to accept modern life and survival, they can continue to assimilate them and manage them, but for the survivors with all kinds of singular abilities, especially the survivors who are thinking about mixing in the disaster areas."

Yuan Zongbo opened the middle-aged man's relics, holding a light blue scroll with his fingers. The impact of the inner air instantly turned this healing scroll into confetti.

A little light blue water magic element flashed in the air, disappearing without a trace.

"Kill no amnesty."

The cold voice of Yuan Zong Bokong came to let Xu Zhilu immediately understand the policy of the Western Liuguo to the survivors.

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