Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1361: Easy Xu Zhi

Some Wilson robbed the prisoners, and some Yuan Yuan Bokong shot the survivors directly without asking the reason.

When the survivors truly entered reality, everything they faced and faced became complicated.

Just as it is difficult to adjust, there is always a voice of disunity.

Perhaps in the early days there were attempts to engage in peace and integrate peacefully, but the cumulative contradictions have turned everything into nothingness.

Xiliu may have left a path for the second generation of the survivors, far away in northern Xinjiang on the other side of the ocean, and has never given any survivors the possibility of survival.

Almost facing the shame of dying, the people of Northern Xinjiang and the survivors did not have any need to communicate. If they found a ruin, they would do their best to eliminate it.

Eliminate everything and eliminate all adverse effects.

Suddenly Xu Zhi was fortunate that most of Dongyue's territory belonged to the remains of the undead.

Undeads have a completely different concept of life from normal people, thinking that death is the real beginning of life, and undead are qualified life.

Including Nags, Degar, Sandrew, Heath, Vedina, Catherine, Aisha, Rodhart and other higher undead.

Temptation, depravity, indifference.

The undead have various understandings and opinions about the living individuals.

If these undead can enter reality, Xu Zhi dare not imagine what Dongyue will become.

Will it be like the high-level ruins of Jianmen Mountain?

Zombies and skeletons in wild mountains.

Become a purgatory on earth.

Without the magic element, the real world cannot provide the ability of the undead to support the body.

Even high-level undeads are equivalent to chronic suicide in the real world. When the magic power to support the body is exhausted, the body will fall apart.

Undead remains are the most harmful and most restrained by the real world.

Now thinking about it, Xu Zhi also has to sigh that this world has a drink and a peck.

"Director, the patrol flying regiment has discovered the remains."

Maximilian looked at Yuanzong Bokong, who closed his eyes and nurtured his soul.

Among the victims of more than 600 people, two survivors were found, the ratio is already extremely high.

Through the storm disaster, they mixed with the victims and obtained temporary status.

From the beginning to the present, and then to the general census, these people, like Xu Zhi, did not show many flaws.

Xu Zhi had difficulty guessing what these people thought.

To integrate into the real world, I still want to see the outside world, or spy on some intelligence.

Relying on the ability to return to the ruins at any time when the ruins are turned on, they have a certain amount of courage to explore the real world and also have the confidence to resist the laws of reality.

Wilson is not the first to enter, and it will not be the last.

"Go on, it doesn't hinder."

Maximilian was afraid of Xu Zhi in the neighborhood. This guy is not a Xiuluo nationality, and there are some inconveniences when speaking.

Hearing Yuan Zong's voice, he continued: "It is a relic that can accommodate expert cultivators and master cultivators. It can enter twelve people. It lasts for 16 days. It is opened once every two years. It is now past. Fifteen days, it was near the end of the time of the ruins."

"it is good"

Yuan Zong Bokong suddenly stood up and applauded: "It is actually a rare high-level ruin. I only hope that the situation inside is not too chaotic, so that the master cultivators can activate this ruin successfully."

The higher the rank of the ruins, the stronger the ability of the remnants encountered.

However, the strength of the outside cultivators who entered accordingly is also different. Compared with the lower-level cultivators, the speed of the master-level cultivators will undoubtedly be very fast.

For example, only two or three generations of Dongyue can develop the complete low-level Hushan ruins, and a high-level ruin may have the opportunity to be fully developed in 30 to 40 years.

Promote higher-level ruins, or form caves.

Yuan Zong Bokong stood in the parlor, constantly thinking back and forth.

"Expand the patrol scope. If the descendants of the survivors are found, they will be sent to the survivors' resettlement area. If there is a survivor's resistance, they will be killed on the spot. Obediently, they will be electronically shackled and marked, and they will be sent to the survivors' resettlement area."

"To report on the status of this ruin in Congress, I want the right to enter the ruins, the right to explore, and to form the right to distribute in the future. They should be very clear."

Having seized the opportunity of this site, Yuanzong Bokong seemed very happy.

Whether it will come from use or distribution of benefits, this trip is worthwhile.

"Envy, jealous? I heard that there are no master-level ruins in Dongyue. The distribution of ruins in your country is really awesome."

Can show it, Yuan Zong Bokong showed it without hesitation.

Serious old man.

The object of the pendulum is obviously the Dongyue kid in front of him.

Yuan Zong Bokong didn't know what he was thinking about.

Maybe Dongyue's revenge trip was sullen by Xu Zhi, his newly-approved apprentice was also turned, and he co-opted to deceive the master, somewhat trying to make the other party unbalanced.

"High is high, low is good," Xu Zhi laughed: "It's a pity that this kind of high-level ruins killed a master practitioner."

"You haven't felt the high-level ruins, there are countless strong creatures to fight, and there are countless magical places to enhance the strength, maybe you can rely on this different scene to promote the grandmaster, that is simply amazing. "

Seeing that Xu Zhi didn't have any interest in his face, Yuan Zong Bokong was a little unwilling.

As a cultivator, I really have no interest in the remains.

Just want to get some benefits in the peaceful cave?

It wasn't this character on the battlefield of death.

The young man was hard at work, even he was pitted, so far Yuan Zong Bokong has not understood why his three swords are ineffective.

"I heard there are some high-level ruins here, and quite a few masters have died in it."

"On the site of Yan Cizong's accident, the ghost only knew what was going on in it, and entered a few dead ones. Now no one is going in, and whoever dared to come out and kill him directly."

Yuan Zong Bokong looked at Xu Zhi who was a little ignorant, this kid really didn't know anything about what happened then.

"Every year in your Yan's family, someone will come to Sanyongxiang when the ruins are opened. It happened just in December this year. You can wait for that time to return to Dongyue with the Yan family."

"Master, I will hold a four-nation exchange meeting in Dongyue in September this year. Let's take Xu Zhi to the past." Bolivar, who kept the Golden Rooster independent on both sides, interjected.

"Shut your dog's mouth closed."

Yuan Zong Bokong scolded Bolivar, who had eaten inside and out, before turning to Xu Zhidao: "Yes, Xu Zhi, you have registered as an expert cultivator, maybe you can get a good ranking this year."

Bolivar's intervention made Yuan Zong Bokong very depressed.

He has never seen an apprentice with his arms turned out so far. This is education in Dongyue, and he was assimilated into Dongyue.

"I didn't sign up for the Shikoku Interchange," Xu Zhi shook his head again and again: "Before you were scared out of the shadows, you now feel palpitations when you see a fight. You may need to recuperate for a few years. You see I'm running around now. "


Yuan Zong Bokong couldn't believe his ears.

"Are you really afraid of don't want to fight, didn't sign up for the four-nation exchange?"

"Yes, yes, I promise, I promise, if Bolivar has been here, I will play until December."

Xu Zhi nodded for a while when the chicken pecked rice, his face full of sincerity.

Wherever he dares to fight now, the fight may reveal the stuffing, which makes it easy for Yuanzong Bokong to know the ability of his master cultivator.

The expert cultivator Heihu can solve this problem by relying on a bottle of 100ml copper whale sesame oil. The price of the master cultivator Heihu is more than that price.

What's more, he was a master cultivator of his age. He didn't dare to reveal information in Dongyue, and he didn't even want to in Xiuliu.

Xu Zhi's mind was very strong, and on this topic, he directly blocked the possibility of Bolivar's discussion with him, so as not to shake out any unpredictable consequences in the future.

"This is a broken state of mind. It is no wonder that I have been pursuing comfort. At most, I just want to go to Dongtian."

Yuan Zong Bokong sighed secretly, and thought about Xu Zhi's investigation suddenly lost a bit.

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