Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1362: Wenxiang knows women

In Yuanzong Bokong's manor, Xu Zhi passed like a salted fish.

The time to sleep, the time to get up.

Occasionally go to the elemental world to punch a card, and then come back if there is nothing important.

The extremely relaxed and laissez-faire attitude of life made Yuan Zong Bokong feel that this child was a little obsolete.

You need to persevere and advance bravely in the early stages of cultivation.

Even after three days of fishing and two days of exposure to the net, it will remain the same.

Once it is completely comfortable, it is a continuous retreat.

Having lived for nearly a month, he hasn't even seen Xu Zhi's normal cultivation state once. This guy seems to have really come to Siliu to find Bolivar.

But Bolivar's diligence and hard work gave him some comfort.

Not affected by this guy.

Mind can be made.

The low-level cultivators encountered malicious attacks by the high-level cultivators prematurely, either to break through their state of mind, to rise up bravely, or to be in vain and hard to succeed.

Yuan Zong Bokong did not know whether Xu Zhi could get out of his shadow.

"Fortunately, the first thing was over a hundred, and the two old guys in Yan's family who didn't come to me didn't come to trouble me."

It's okay to say that it's hard to beat, but at least Yuanzong Bokong doesn't want to encounter Yan Xuankong, let alone see Yan Xingxia.

Xu Zhi, who was outside the window, lay on his wicker chair for the elderly, watching some soap operas in Xi Liu Guo from time to time, occasionally sweeping the way of Bolivar practicing double swordsmanship, and then withdrew his eyes lazily.

Cultivation is not dare to practice.

Pretending to practice is useless. Once you are really engaged in the state, it is a master-level method.

Xu Zhi had to pass the time in Yuanzong Bokong pension.

While watching soap operas, I kept thinking about what I learned in practice, and occasionally took a look at Bolivar's double swordsmanship.

Perhaps because of family pressure, Bolivar practiced extremely hard. He spent 29 days a month in Yuanzong Bokong Manor, leaving a day or two with his family and being pulled by Boli Pill Run around.

Bolivar practiced the prototype of Yuanzong Bokong's double swordsmanship, which was restricted by the level of practice and the other party's play was limited.

This double swordsmanship didn't have too many tricks under Xu Zhi's eyelids, but after looking at it, Xu Zhi lost his mind.

About seeing Xu Zhi's too salty fish boring, Yuan Zong Bokong also sent Xu Zhi a copy of the video recording that followed the'White Peony'.

This is a windfall.

Thanks to Yuanzong Bokong's good habit of carrying miniature video recorders with him.

At least Zhao Mu has never released a video of Baishao within the inspection department.

Xu Zhi saw the real image of Baishao for the first time.

The figure is slim, but the black cloth wrapped up and down the whole body is like the costume of the three cheap men in the east. Except for the figure, there is no other place with characteristics.

The white peony in the video is not only good at light body technique, but also extremely alert.

It was about discovering a possible crisis, constantly evading and jumping with the help of buildings, and getting rid of tracking. When entering a street, a smoke bomb burst out, and the video came to an end.

"Although her light body technique is clever, depending on your ability to fly, it should not be difficult to catch such a practitioner," Xu Zhi doubted.

It is difficult for Xu Zhi to discriminate Bai Shao's true cultivation, expert cultivation, or master cultivation.

The light body technique in this video is more showing the light body exercises of the small class. It seems that several light body techniques are covered, and the fusion is quite complicated.

Without long-distance flight, it is impossible to determine what the other party is doing.

But "Bai Shao" is definitely far less than Yuan Zong Bo Kong. Yuan Zong Bo Kong, as the seventh guru of Xiuliu State, as long as he intentionally captures the other party, the time of shooting the video is an opportunity.

"Sneaky guys like this, naturally they want to catch uprooted ones, and no one stays."

Yuan Zong Bokong said it was extremely murderous, but it was difficult to cover up the fact that he chased the embarrassing person. Seeing how the old guy's white eyebrows jittered, he was obviously very dissatisfied with his chasing Bai Shao.

"How can you tell that she is about thirty-five years old and not yet married?"

Xu Zhi turned around and looked at it dozens of times. Except that the other party's chest was bulging and he could see that she was a woman. The light body technique was good, but he didn't see it.

"Hahaha, you are too young to understand these men and women," Yuan Zong Bokong said slightly proudly: "Only adult men understand it. Besides, it is difficult to see such details on the video."

"You will introduce it and let us these little young people open their eyes."

Xu Zhi smiled and greeted Bolivar who came to rest after practicing double swordsmanship.

"Hurry up and sit down. Teacher Bokong has started classes. We will certainly be able to use this knowledge in the future."

"Then talk casually, after all, there are still very few senior men like me."

There was no one else in the outdoor practice site of the manor, and Yuan Zong Bokong began to talk happily with the two young guys.

"In a more scientific way, everyone has their own physiological smell, which we usually call body fragrance, which occurs only after youth has matured."

"This kind of smell is hard to detect. I can't smell it. Only others can deeply feel it, especially the opposite sex, such as men smelling women, women smelling men. I don't say anything else, the province will destroy you."

Yuan Zong Bokong smiled a little after popularizing science: "Women's scent was just like a flower bud when it was just formed. When the age grows, this flower also blooms more and more luxuriantly, and then with the age, the flower It will wither until the goose-hair cranes hair, no longer a trace of it."

"This unmarried woman is like a snow lotus blooming in the frost and ice, and the smell of the married woman is like the delicate red chrysanthemum moistened by the spring rain, with subtle differences."

"Women who have experienced different ages will be able to remember these breaths in their minds. When they continue to strengthen, they will be able to understand them."

"This is what the so-called smelling woman knows. Age, whether married or not, only need to smell it to make it clear."

"If Bai Shao did not advance to the stage of master cultivator, she could slow down her aging. At that time, she was thirty-five years old. If she was a master, she would have to extend her age a few years."


Yuan Zongbokong's interest came, and he took a pen and paper to describe the scent of different women at each age.

The thinner lines are the body fragrances of unmarried women, and the thicker lines represent the body fragrances of already women. The length of the lines indicates the continuous change of body fragrance concentration.

The simple line drawing made the two of the students suddenly understand.

"You really know a lot," Xu Zhi praised. He had never smelled any woman's body fragrance, at most the smell of some cosmetics and perfumes.

"Master, you know so much, how many women have you experienced, and at different ages, I think that those little girls in their twenties are okay, when I think of you, those flowers are withered, and the cranes have hair, I can't stand it, ah~"

Bolivar's idea was peculiar, and he was soon hit by Yuan Zong Bokong, holding his head and crying there.

"That's why I said that I am a senior male. What's wrong with goose-head crane hair? I'm now with goose-head crane hair. I like a few beautiful old ladies."

Yuan Zong Bokong is obviously a very demanding woman. Even an old lady must be a beautiful old lady.

"My ability is more due to the nose's talent for fragrance There are very few people who are suitable for inheritance, and it is a pity to lose it."

After washing the iron pan three times, you can smell the whale scent. Xu Zhi has long felt that Yuanzong Bokong might have a second talent for his breath. Yuanzong Bokong has developed this ability very well.

"You're lucky," Yuan Zong Bokong looked at Xu Zhi, who was very salty, and said with a smile: "Last month I submitted a relic information. The Congress originally allocated me two places to enter the cave every year. This year it became Twenty, do you want to buy one to play in."

"Can you credit?"

Xu Zhi came to the spirit in a moment. He wanted to see the cave of Xiliu very early. It is said that there are two psychedelic towers in one cave day. I don't know which one Yuanzong Bokong sold.

"You can still take credit," Yuan Zongbo nodded and said, "You said that two bottles of copper whale sesame oil would count."


"Then give you a credit, and you can go to Castelos to relax yourself the day after tomorrow."

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