Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1363: Castelos cave days

It is extremely difficult for the natives to enter the cave, let alone foreigners.

Yuan Zongbokong previously said that Xu Zhi paid not enough for this reason.

The quota in his hands has been given out, and there is no good relationship between the two sides. The price of the copper whale sesame oil is not worth his open face to say hello.

The caves in Xiliu Kingdom are not like the ice and snow caves in northern Xinjiang, which have the effect of suppressing and healing. You can apply for entry by spending a lot of money.

Like Dongyue's Wanguidongtian, it belongs to the distribution system.

Those with excellent domestic capabilities, pragmatic contributors, and diplomatic and friendly forces all fall into the category of distribution.

Submitting information on the ruins near Kip Town, the two places owned by Yuanzong Bokong were instantly expanded to twenty.

Can be sold, can be transferred, can be humane.

This is one of the awards given by Congress.

Knowing the information of the remains, Yuanzong Bokong's handling methods are extremely old-fashioned.

Also got the corresponding benefits for the first time.

When going to the sky of Castelos, Xu Zhi occasionally thinks about the ruins of Jianmen Mountain.

Because the Jin family was in trouble, the ruins information was also submitted.

What means will the government use to extract the remains?

Whether to seal it, or try again.

Sandro has left the ruins, and the ruins must be suitable for development. It can be judged only by trial and error.

How many humans are left in the ruins, and whether there are remnants who enter the world to survive.

Compared with countries such as Xiliu and Northern Xinjiang, Dongyue's attitude towards the survivors is in a state of ambiguity.

Not trusting, but cooperating with each other again, Wan Guidongtian is an example.

The Luojia ruins, which are more complex types of survivors, are surrounded by various poisonous thorns, not only to prevent outsiders from trespassing, but also to protect the survivors who may escape.

There are elves appearing in the Bagong Mountain, but these creatures of completely different races from the real humans seem to choose the mountain forest as a habitat, and have not been integrated into modern society.

Xu Zhi's thoughts spread farther away. He remembered that the ruins of the ocean continent came to the big world, and his heart was faintly cold.

There are many large and small relics in the world, and the impact of falling in the ocean may not be that great.

If it is on land or near a town, once it falls, the damage caused cannot be estimated.

The real world and relics are not only the integration of biological populations in constant exclusion, but the worlds of both sides are also integrated in constant exclusion.

The changes in the world may eventually exceed his imagination.

"Xu Zhi, I'm so sorry. It happened so suddenly that it was too late to prepare the ruins for you."

Bolivar's voice interrupted Xu Zhi's idea.

"It doesn't matter, I just walked in the past and took a look," Xu Zhi smiled.

Castelos Cave is not a double psychedelic tower, but there is also a psychedelic tower in it. If you want this tower to run, a thousand gold coins are indispensable.

A thousand pieces of Bolivar were prepared as early as a few months ago.

The qualification of Yuanzong Bokong to trade to enter there was not much time for operation. Bolivar ran for most of the day and did not find a smelting and casting enterprise that was willing to take over immediately.

Compared with Xu Zhi and others' ability to mobilize resources a few years ago, Bolivar is far from the same.

He hasn't been able to teach yet, he can borrow Yuanzong Bokong, but he can't make use of Yuanzong Bokong's influence to force some companies to do things.

"We can spend money in Dongtian, I brought a lot of money."

Boli Pill didn't make up this thousand pieces, and could only save the country through the curve.

In addition to the heavy wallet, drinking water and food, she also brought her most professional interview tool, thinking about going to the ruins to see if there is a suitable sand sculpture news interview.

"It's okay to spend money to exchange some unqualified defective products. How can I buy a thousand complete ones?" Bolívar murmured, breaking his sister's little fantasy.

"Actually, you don't need to bring these banknotes. Even if there is demand, you can sign a contract in Dongtian, and you can pay it out," Xu Zhi reminded.

Bolivar had a ruin next time, and Bolipan was a pure newcomer and one of the extra candidates for this trip to the sky.

Both of them have some lack of experience, Yuan Zong Bokong is lazy to manage such small things, ready to let them suffer a little bit to understand themselves, Xu Zhi has to say a few sentences casually, there is nothing to do with this load, Yes, stop and go, rest for a while, more tired than National Day travel.

"Huh, you can sign a contract, in case someone is gone..."

"This is Dongtian, not a ruin. There are very few dead people. Most people are very willing to accept the signing. Your family is well-known and still in Xiuliu. You can't rely on it."

"Say the same," Bolivar nodded.

"Mr. Xu Zhi, there should be very few people who are willing to pay you credit."

"I really just went to enjoy the scenery."

Xu Zhi looked at Yuanzong Bokong, who was lying on the sidelines, pushed back the big cloth bag brought over by Boli Penger, and once again showed his original intention to play.

With two hundred and thirty-five points of magic, a second-level magic aura, and the ability to restore magic, he can shuttle back and forth nearly two hundred times between dream and reality.

It is not difficult to carry tens of thousands of gold coins from the elemental world in a short time.

The Psychedelic Tower might have been busy with him sometime.

Xu Zhi was quite interested in the fact that Dongtian had a certain amount of aboriginal remnants, not only maintaining and maintaining ancient buildings, but also constantly creating new buildings, just like a human race with a unique culture.

Under the strong maintenance of real-world cultivators, outsiders can make some initial contact with the aborigines.

Just as they went abroad to see what other cultivators learned in other countries, some of the unique cultures in Dongtian even gave a little enlightenment to the practitioners.

This surprised Xu Zhi.

Cave days with such harmonious internal and external relations are really rare, at least Xu Zhi is preparing this kind of cave for the first time.

"Yuanzong Bokong has such an advantage, haven't you delved into the language and writing of the remnants?"

"Some of the nation's deceased survivors, why should we spend a lot of energy to study, just low farming civilization, study how they died."

Yuan Zong Bo Kong chuckled, and when he didn't care, he had some insincere words.

Xu Zhi nodded thoughtfully.

"Dongtian is here, so many people."

The aircraft hovered towards the ground for a while, and finally landed slowly at the designated position.

"Pulsatilla, you old clapper, you usually make food at home every day, how come out today."

Yuan Zong Bokong had just stepped out of the aircraft, and he saw someone nearby stepping in with a smile.

"Do you want to take advantage of the large number of people to show us the high-level ruins that you found?"

When the words fell, the other party also came to Yuan Zongbo.

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