Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1365: Everyone came out to relax

The order of entering the sky is divided by steps.

Some military cultivators who set up equipment to maintain order entered first, and then some large cultivators entered the quarantine.

After some time, members of some large families and some senior members of the West Liuliu Kingdom also followed.

Bolivar did not receive special treatment because of Yuan Zong Bokong's identity, and belonged to the last batch of entrants. Xu Zhi was also involved.

"Dongtian lasts so long, you are not in a hurry to eat, what anxiety."

One white hair and one green hair, the two kept talking about cooking, flowers, chess, and so on. Occasionally, some simple words mixed with life, life understanding made Xu Zhi very interesting.

In addition to cultivation, the two seem to slowly shift their focus to life.

He lowered his body and fell from the position of a high master, living like a normal person.

Return to the hidden pastoral.

The two seem to be returning to the original.

In the guru class, Xu Zhi rarely saw such people who could return to ordinary life.

Lanster and Yuanzong Bokong are two of them.

Guru Zang Suxin, whom Xu Zhi saw in his early years, is one of them.

According to Li Chuyang's description, his grandfather Li Huaien did the same. If there was no special business, he carved some small objects at home all day. At that time, Li Chuyang also took photos of Li Huaien's sculptures to Xu Zhi.

"We can slow down, they need to fast up," Lanster laughed. "Pulsatilla, don't be crooked, your apprentice."

"Don't talk about those old things, I won't teach him how to smell a woman and how to be crooked," Yuan Zong Bokong said unhappily: "This apprentice is very timid, and he has no other problems besides eating. He was beaten to death by me at most. It is impossible to be killed by others."

"Let's go quickly."

Bolivar heard a little panic, and moved a lot faster.

There weren't many people in front. Several people were at the end and didn't need to line up. Looking at the dark space like a starry sky, he stepped in.

"Look, the courage is very small, and scared away in one sentence."

Yuan Zong's voice was still echoing in his ears, and Xu Zhi followed Bolívar into the cave.

At the entrance is a grass field that has been trampled by the mess.

Xu Zhigang stood steadily and heard a horse's hissing sound.

"Horse hitting, horse hitting, go to Castellos city one hundred thousand, go to the psychedelic tower 160 thousand, go to the relic spring 120,000, go to the good luck lake..."

"The horse rental is coming soon. The last ten horses are 500,000 a day, as long as 500,000 a day..."

Castelos Dongtian exerted the characteristics of adapting to local conditions, and at least controlled the remaining people in the cave.

In the distance is a small pasture, some survivors stand respectfully on one side, wearing burlap clothes, the clothes are clearly distinguished from outsiders, and can be recognized at a glance.

Several cultivators who kept order screamed vigorously, selling mount services to the entrants.

Not only is there a simple carriage ride, but you can also rent the yellow horses on this ranch.

The denominations of the banknotes in Xiuliu are only a quarter of Dongyue's value, but even for the amount converted into Dongyue banknotes, the prices of these services are still high.

Boli Pian'er carried some notes that he brought in, his eyes looked a little confused.

Although she is very generous, the consumption of these practitioners in Dongtian is obviously beyond her imagination.

"We can buy two horses for half a million people outside. These people are doing black business in the sky, big news, I want to expose them like this..."

She murmured a few times, and wanted to take a recorder and a microphone to interview, and was immediately hugged by Bolivar.

"I beg you to see which unit those people belong to."

"It's really an extra-legal place in the cave. Those who do business in the dark, ah, let me go. I'm a very just reporter. They can't do this if they are SASAC."

With the addition of a reporter, or a sister of a reporter who does not understand the rules of the sky, Bolivar appeared to be very big and was in a hurry.

"The little girl is too impulsive, we are clearly priced, and we can't talk about doing black business."

In the distance, the ears of cultivators heard the voice of Bolipier. He smiled and said, "It's only natural to do business for eight days in four years."

Castelos caves are opened once every four years and each time lasts for eight days.

Xu Zhi and Bolivar begged Boli Pian, who was unwilling to pay, and got on a simple carriage that could carry six people.

The city of Castelos in the direction of the carriage, as long as you reach this city, will be closer to some of the relics and buildings, even if you walk by.

According to Bolivar's data, there are about 80,000 remnants in this cave.

Compared with the huge cave sky, the number of people appears to be small, but this is the first time Xu Zhi has seen a cave sky with so many people left.

The carriage journey will last approximately six hours.

"You are used to compromise, you have to learn to say "no" to high prices..."

Her brother can accept this kind of high-priced behavior, and Xu Zhi can also accept it.

The interview did not receive the same kind of effect as the enemy, and Boli Peng'er looked sullen.

The coachman is a survivor, and the mood is quite good. A person humming an inexplicable song in the front of the car.

"You can control the survivors, why didn't you get their language and writing?" Xu Zhi doubted.

"Their inheritance culture has been broken. Most of these survivors are mainly local people. There are few literate people. They can only learn their meaning through gestures. This is also true of the outside world."

After Bolivar explained normally, he only whispered to Xu Zhi's ear: "I heard the master say that those high-ranking people of the remnants are gone, and they have gone to other ruins."

The two whispered and talked about some topics, but they were not lonely.

As the ruins neared dark, Xu Zhicai saw a stone brick city in the distance.

That's Castelos.

The only city in the cave that still exists.

The off-white masonry wall seems to have experienced countless years, and it looks mottled.

Headlights have been hung on the towers on both sides of the castle to make the surroundings bright.

Various lights and fires are scattered in the city.

This is the first place chosen by most cultivators who enter Dongtian.

At this time, they are carrying their respective light sources and constantly walking around the city.

There are stables outside the city pond, and horses of all breeds roar.

Xu Zhi also found six tamed griffins on one side. These huge birds were tied to their seats. It seems that they are also being used for rental, but I don't know what the price is.

"God, there are such legendary big birds, big eagle heads, and lion bodies. I'm going to interview them."

"Advanced City."

Bolivar held down his sister, who was full of thoughts, and just wanted to greet Xu Zhi to rush into the city to find a place to rest.

But he saw a blue figure passing by, reached out, and directly caught Xu Zhi.

"You dog thief, how can I meet you everywhere?"

"Haha, Brother Chi Zi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xu Zhi laughed and took a step back slightly, avoiding the palms caught by Qingchuan Akiko.

Xu Zhi didn't expect to hit Qingchuan Chizi in the cave of Xiliu Kingdom.

Looking at the sullen face of the other party, it seems that he has not come out of the shadow of Xing Huang's remains.

After all, I saved the life of Akiko The two of them did not fall to the point where the enemy's road was narrow, and they cut off when they met.

It was just that Xu Zhi took advantage of it, and Qingchuan Akiko was extremely reluctant. He almost branded Xu Zhi's image deep into his soul.

"Uncle, do you come to Dongtian to relax?"

There is a man standing next to Akiko Harukawa, who is extremely thin, and does not need to be white. Although the frown is mixed with a trace of sadness, the overall image is extremely handsome.

Also wearing cyan clothes, looks similar to Harukawa Akiko.

The other party is Shiukawa Shirakawa.

Xu Zhi checked the information and it was not difficult to identify it.

I thought that this man, like himself, once took Yin and Yang and put on the twin lotus according to the specifications of Yin and Yang.

Xu Zhi was eager to move, but he said hello cheeky.

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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