Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1366: Murder

One is Qingchuan Shixiu, who has been eunuch.

One is Harukawa Akiko, who is almost broken.

There is also Xu Zhi who is not sure whether he will succeed.

The state is of course better than one.

Compared with these two people, Xu Zhi feels that he has the dignity of a man and has the highest status among men.

Although Xiuwei fell, Qingchuan Shixiu also had the demeanor of a master. The conversation was generous, at least not because of the matter of Qingchuan Akiko.

The other party's attitude seemed very kind, but Xu Zhike made a few sentences, and he just didn't know how to talk to the two men about the unspeakable secrets of men.

This is a difficult topic.

Especially these two people are sicker than him.

After a while, he said to me: "I heard that Yin and Yang and the twin lotus are powerful, and Yin lotus and Yang lotus have a wonderful effect..."

"I'm not ill again, I'm fine now" As if the cat had stepped on its tail, Akiko Akikawa cried out.

"Children are still normal," Shiukawa Shiukawa also helped.

Not sick, good, normal.

Line by line.

Your own body, you have the final say.

But I don’t want these.

Can you mention the effect of taking Yinlian plus Yanglian?

"Master Yan has been in good health recently, has he also gone to Xiliu Kingdom?" Shichuan Qingqing started to change the subject.

"He is in good health, he can eat eight pounds of beef a day, he is full of energy, and the old tree has sprouts, which may add to the Yan family."

In order to turn the subject back, Xu Zhi pulled the master in without hesitation.

As for where Yan Xuankong is, Xu Zhi doesn't know anyway.

Qingchuan Shixiu's eyelids blinked at his words, and he looked envious.

"Speaking of my youth, I also took a drug called dolphin bone. Although it is the main calcium supplement, it is also beneficial to male abilities." Xu Zhi took the initiative to start the topic.

"real or fake?"

Harukawa Akako became interested in this topic.

Compared to Yinyang and Tsang Tseng Lian, which is a treasure of heaven and earth, the dolphin bones can be counted on the ground to spread goods. If he needs, he can buy a ton and come back to nibble slowly.

"Of course it is true. It is normal for you not to understand. This is the aphrodisiac potion of the civilians in the city. It can also have some effect on us." Xu Zhi determined: "If there are yin and yang combined..."

"Nephew Xu, a friend of Chizi has reserved a room for us. Let's take a step first."

Xu Zhi wanted to turn back to the topic, while Akiko Akikawa had a little interest in dolphin bones.

The two of them were mixed with small purpose to discuss, and then was interrupted by Qingchuan Shixiu.

"Stupid, he hasn't even broken through, you can still believe that he has experienced this kind of thing..."

Stepping out, Qingchuan Shixiu and Qingchuan Akiko walked away.

The voices of the two came from far away, making Xu Zhi very unwilling.

What's the matter without breaking through, can't you pretend to teach yourself, and promote the truth of men?

"I don't understand much. It seems to be discussing male topics. Do you guys like to talk about this when they meet?"

Bolipier looked at Xu Zhi, and then looked at the more aggressive Bolivarian.

Their level of South Australian language is extremely limited, which is no different from that of Xu Zhi’s previous language.

When Xu Zhi and the other two whispered, they made a good audience.

"Don't have dirty ideas, we are talking about pharmacology, which is very deep knowledge," Xu Zhi said unhappy.

It's hard to meet Shiukawa Shihsui in private occasions. He didn't get the answers he wanted, and he was a little unwilling.

Walking in the city of Castelos, most of the city residents have already begun to rest. The arrival of outsiders caused a little disturbance, and then quickly calmed down.

There are about seven thousand or eight hundred people entering the city for the quota of more than a thousand people. Compared with cities where tens of thousands of people live, the number of outsiders is not too much.

But few indigenous survivors came out to look at these strangers.

In addition to several regular military practitioners who maintain order, there are also surviving militia groups patrolling around.

The former mainly controls outsiders, while the latter is responsible for the survivors.

Xu Zhi's strange boundaries are so strange that he can see this kind of scene in Xiuliu.

Some better accommodations were vacated in advance.

As long as they are willing to spend money, outside practitioners will be able to have a residence in these eight days. Of course, these residences are also rented out on a daily basis.

For how to make money in Dongtian, Xiuliu seems to have reached its limit.

Using the unique conditions, the wealth of the practitioners is continuously exploited.

"I want to own a house."

Boli Pingle untied the simple tent he was carrying and found a slightly clean place to start building.

Everything is afraid of contrast. A brick building that is usually dismissed looks like a mansion when compared with a tent.

This made Bolipier slightly lost in his heart.

Xu Zhi is on the left, Bolivar is on the right, and the two surround the girl's tent.

"Looking at your sister a little bit, she is too weak. I haven't found anything weaker than her along the way."


Bolivar sighed deeply.

Outside of him, he uses his own practice level to get better treatment.

In the younger sister, he inherited the development of the newspaper and provided funds for his cultivation.

As he continued to move forward, Boli Pill also contacted more and more people and things.

The world of cultivators that can be routinely contacted and the world of high-level cultivators are very different, limited by knowledge, and the extremely savvy sister is also mentally retarded.

What Xu Zhi said was exactly what he worried about.

The tents they camped in were selected within the areas set by the order defenders.

There are always corners that are hard for the order defenders to watch. If his sister died, she ran around and was slapped to death.

Dongtian, this is indeed an extra-legal place. If you want to survive safely, you must follow the planned route.

The two whispered for a while, and Bolipine got out of the tent.

"Then I'll go to rest first, if you need a shift, you can call me at any time."

Xu Zhi nodded at Bolivar and then returned to his tent.

Living in a foreign country and in the middle of a hole in the sky, Xu Zhi did not dare to go to the dream world to rest even with the patrols of the order maintainers.

He fell asleep shallowly, keeping a certain level of vigilance, and his sleep was not deep.

Nearly in the middle of the night, when he heard a clamor outside, someone immediately said, "Dead."

"It's a female body."

" Don't panic, find out who it is first?"

Order defenders began to intervene, and some of the patrol's remnants continued to mumble.

"My sister is gone."

Xu Zhi was not interested in the liveliness of this kind of murder, but the voice of Bolivar outside the tent surprised him and immediately opened the hook.

"Where did she go?"

"Don't know, I drank her some water and fell asleep soon."

Bolivar shook his head vigorously. At the moment, his head was still awake, but he was awakened by the sound of the noise outside and woke up a bit.

"You get rid of the sleeping pills in the body, I'll take a look first."

Only a little perception, Xu Zhi knew the situation of Bolivar, he stepped on the foot, and immediately stepped out.

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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