Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1369: Missing

Bolipine's mood is depressed.

Eyes staring straight at the top of the tent.

Not only does Xu Zhi not cooperate with her actions, but also limits her ability to move.

Struck by Xu Zhi twice, she couldn't move and couldn't spit out her words.

"This is our ancestral massage method for treating insomnia. It is extremely effective. You try it first."

With a finger on her forehead, Bolipier only felt his eyelids sink, and his head fell asleep.

When she was awake, she only listened to the countless noise outside.

Occasionally, loud yelling and shouting can be heard.

The body has returned to normal, and the nerves tightened in the past seem to relax a lot.

The comfort came, and Bolipine felt that it had not been so comfortable for a long time.

She opened the tent's adhesive buckle, and then saw Xu Zhi and Bolivar sitting on the ground outside the tent.

The two were whispering something, Xu Zhi's face was normal, but Bolivar had some ugliness.

Seeing Bolipine drill out of the tent, he waved at her quickly.

"You took my initiative to drink my potion, that's not my business." Bolipine took the lead to shirk its responsibility.

"That's not a problem," Bolívar said, rubbing his temple on his head. "The guardian of the order, Aldridge, is missing."


Bolipier was surprised, and then he noticed the scene outside.

Not only were the survivors sitting on the ground in zones, but the cultivators who entered were also forcibly confined to the original area.

It turned out that there were only more than a dozen guardians of order, and now it has surged to more than forty.

From time to time, the order guardians shuttle back and forth to continue to check the practitioners, and there are also order guardians searching for residential areas.

There were some survivors discussing the farm work in the morning.

The swearing of cursing is more due to some practitioners who are delayed in going out.

Aldridge is the guardian general responsible for the order of the city of Castelos.

What it means to be missing in Dongtian is irrelevant. Some people already know in their hearts that this guardian may have been buried under a corner, and it is difficult to survive.

In just a few days, this once powerful cultivator will decay until the bones are gone, making it difficult to make any trace.

The first suspicions are the cultivators who entered, especially those who have the strength to kill Aldridge.

There are not many cultivators of this type. Three masters and sixteen master cultivators have been put into the list of doubters.

The remaining practitioners have not fallen.

Killing a master-level cultivator is not only a battle, it can be completed with fierce poison and mutual cooperation.

All kinds of tricks and tricks, as long as you have the heart, far more than you think.

The last group of people are the survivors, especially the horses and horses of the city's lords. These people are weak and weak. It is hard to tell if there are any hidden means.

Some of them were investigating nearby, and some cultivators conducted quick investigations in the outer area of ​​the city, trying to find the traces or bodies of Audridge and find useful evidence.

At least wait for these people to complete the inspection, they can slowly leave the restricted talents.

"Is it dead, who killed? This is a big event, I'm going to hurry up and interview."

Bolipine drank the pasty breakfast that he passed in one bite, picked up Mike easily, and her reporter got guilty again.

"When we come back, what is the purpose of our newspaper?"

Bolivar grabbed the emotional sister.

"Interview only with sand sculptures," Bollyborn said dumbly.

"Now, Xiao Pian, your mind is getting bigger and bigger now," Bolívar said with a headache: "We are far from being able to act arbitrarily. It is possible to grow a newspaper office, but don't make a fuss about some events that cannot be interviewed."

"This is a big event, exclusive news, valuable, ah~ you let me go."

Boli Pill struggled a bit, and finally sat down in vain.

A microphone was caught in Bolivar's hand.

Demonstratively, the Bolivarians said: "Honestly taking pictures of the scenery, diligently and earnestly going to interviews, not involved in pornography, politics, or provoking ethnic opposition, interviewing sand sculptures, and pleasing the public. This is our newspaper. The code of survival to this day, if you cross the red line, don’t take this sand sculpture Mike, I’m more appropriate to smash it."

"Don't beg you, my dear brother, that's my lifeblood. I bought it for 680,000 yuan."

Bolípelle reached out his hand and looked at Bolívar with a worried expression.

She is not very clear about the ability to fly around, but her brother can smash bricks and smash a thinner wall, that is the skill she has seen.

If Bolivar is going to crush a mic, then it doesn't matter.

"You have a lot of expenses. Master Yuanzong said that if you enter the master stage, the resources you need will increase tenfold. If we do not transform and grow, we will not be able to afford you."

After a long silence, Bolipine vomited.

"Slow down, I'd rather slow down, not want you to get involved in any risks."

Bolivar shook his head: "This kind of thing is not discussed. You will not have any major problems when you are messing around outside. There are a lot of accidents in the sky. Don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble."

"Is there such a big difference in Dongtian?"

In the past, there was Xu Zhi, who was calm and peaceful, and later, Bolivar's forcible suppression, as well as the disappearance of Aldridge and the woman who died.

Boli Pell felt that everything in the sky was strange.

She began to understand the reminder of the two when she entered.

There is no electricity, no monitoring, no laws, and no restrictions.

This world is really a place outside of law.

"What about the kind of ruins you said?" asked Boliburn.

"Fight, fight, kill, kill, you can think of all kinds of stimulating behavior, there are people doing it."

"In the environment of that kind of jurisdiction, the evil of human nature will be completely released, and the things done are unimaginable."

Hearing Bolivar's words, he nodded his head.

Not to mention the ruins, it is in the cave that the people of Northern Xinjiang dare to kill the king.

He is no exception.

The werewolf ruins have not killed many civilizations.

Grab treasure and kill people.

Conflicts with the creatures in the ruins, as well as the entrants.

If it is in reality, few people will directly put the conflict on the bright side, and fight against you in a flash.

The remains, or the short duration of Dongtian.

Enlarging the evil of human nature has also accelerated the speed of many things.

When time passes, all the past will be buried.

Only the final winner take all and after the review is over, we can check various previous buildings in the city and get familiar with the style of the survivors. "

"We can also go to the psychedelic tower, to the ruins of the spring, to the lake of good luck, there are many places we can go."

"You can take pictures everywhere, go out and introduce them."

"No matter how we blow it, the public will only listen to this kind of thing as a fantasy mountain and sea scripture, or think this place is a film and television city."

"In addition to the relationship with the master, we are also from Shadiao Daily. No one believes the truth, otherwise you think your interview video equipment can be brought in when it passes through security."

Bolivar whispered for a while, and decided where everyone was going today.

These places are not far from Castelos, and it only takes an hour or two to walk, which is very convenient.

If today's inspection is passed, then these places are the punch points for their trip to the sky.

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