Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1370: For justice

() At the campsite, everyone is waiting for the coming verification of the order guardians.

Bolipier was so depressed, wiping his interview baby from time to time.

"Friendly remind you, if your interview equipment is expensive, try to switch on as little as possible, otherwise it will be easy to damage before you go out."

"You don't need to do all kinds of wiping, and the faster the wiping, the faster."

The relics are particularly fast for firearms, soldier blades, various modern instruments, corpses, etc. If they are not noticed, the clothes are easily damaged.

Xu Zhi's reminder is no exception.

"It's distressing. I spent 2.36 million high-end cameras. No wonder the color is a lot old. I have also scrapped a gold layer in this place."

Xu Zhi's reminder seems to be a bit late, and belongs to the hindsight.

"I thought they sold me inferior goods."

With a distressed look at her expensive camera equipment, Bolipier felt that she was losing money into the hole.

No wonder the news about Dongtian and the ruins is scarce.

In addition to the qualifications for entry, the high entrance fee and the wasted interview equipment.

It is difficult to make up for such losses with big news that sells well.

If you shoot more, the equipment may still be broken, and even the recorded news can't be taken out.



An order guardian stepped forward, and now it was their turn to check their area.

"Xu Zhi, Dongyue man, male, 21 years old, expert cultivator."

"Yes" Xu Zhi nodded.

The information was filled in by Xu Zhi the day before yesterday. The guardian read it again and checked his tent again.

"Bolipin, reporter, eh, you also carried interview equipment in your remarks."

The Guardian of Order looked through the information in his hand and from time to time looked at Boli Pill, also staring at the instruments in her hand.

He took a closer look, and then took out the short-range intercom to speak in a low voice.

After a while, the guardian of order said cautiously: "Miss Bolipell, our guardian needs a credible reporter to interview this event, can you interview us?"

"Huh" Bolipier looked at the guardian, remembering his brother's entrustment, hesitated and shook his head hard: "I'm sorry, we don't involve politics, we don't interview political, military and other working people."

"They are from Sand Sculpture Daily."

There was a guardian whispering next to him, and the guardian who sent the invitation instantly had a toothache.

"Please be sure to interview us, if there is no fair person, we will be dealt with by the military law after we go out of the cave."

The guardian who sent the invitation seemed to be the group of people who maintained the order in the city. After thinking for a while, he had to bite the bullet and he greeted him a little and called the other two guardians.

In addition to this little reporter, Castellos did not enter the reporter.

Sand Sculpture Daily, no matter how sand sculpture is.

As long as it is a reporter at the moment.

"That's right, please interview the incident, and give us a report that is correct, objective, and detailed."

"The militia of the garrison will not listen to our one-sided words at all."

"There are still so many people notarized. How can I find these people when I go out."

"Don't talk about it, we won't be able to suppress it in a moment."

After a night of rotation, the sir was gone.

In addition to trying to find Aldridge as much as possible, these guardians also had to find another way, trying to restore the incident as much as possible, and to reduce the punishment after the hole.

These people know exactly what it means to be missing in the sky.

If there are no special circumstances, Aldridge may not be able to return.

If you have correct and objective records, you may find it useful to find out the real murderer in the future.

The Bolipine in the Shadiao Daily, not to mention life-saving straw, can at least help a lot.

"No, no, our aim is to only interview sand sculptures."

Bolipine glanced at his expressionless brother, shaking his head.

"We are sand sculptures, look at us, look at us well, all three of us are sand sculptures."

"If you think sand sculpture is not enough, we can find a bunch of them."

"Today we are all sand sculpture people, we are also fans of the sand sculpture daily, and we have to buy the latest version every day."

The three guardians fired at the same time, and Boliphal moved for a moment, remembering Bolivar's request and shaking his head vigorously.

"Aldrich's body is rotting underground, and his soul is bound to this land. It is difficult to release, and he is constantly shouting to us."

"You have the heart to let such an upright, kind and brave garrison soldier sleep underground."

"It's not just for us personally, but also to give Audridge a chance in the future."

"Our fairness and our justice can only ask you."

The high-ranking garrison generals asked the little reporter to preside over fairness and justice. Bolipine felt his head a little dazed.

This is very abnormal, in reality, how can this happen.

Dongtian really is a magical land.

"For justice."

Boli Pianer's face was firm, and she seemed to have made a certain determination. She lifted up the custom Mike of Sand Sculpture Daily.

The thin light of Chen Xi shone on her face, and the whole person suddenly radiated some strange look.

"Yes, for justice," the three guardians said happily.

"Eight Million" Bolipier looked up.

"No need to give money," the guardian smiled and said: "I know your interview rules, but we don't need to pay the entrance fee, and we don't have such a high entrance fee for sand sculptures."

"2.336 million specially-customized cameras, 680,000 customized microphones, 30,000 customized interviewing machines, 350,000 special a-level memory cards, and consumables totaling 3.42 million"

Boli Ping calculated: "My qualification to enter Dongtian spent 4 million. If I do interviews for you, I will not be able to complete the next interview plan, and there will be a loss of work."

"So, if you want me to interview, the cost of eight million dollars must be given to me," Bolipier said seriously.


The guardian's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

They were probably the only people in the sand sculpture daily who demanded paid interviews.

"For justice, I will conduct a correct, objective, and detailed interview report to confirm that every entrant in the city has been interviewed," said Boli Penger: "After the interview, a special A-level special memory card will be sent to you guys."

"You can also customize the interview time. The consumables in Dongtian are damaged relatively quickly. I am only responsible for the If the record is damaged or unfinished, you should bear the consequences."

After hearing the words of Bollypin, Xu Zhi nodded slightly, and the girl's head finally understood the rules.

As long as you hand over the most relevant memory card, she can stay out of the matter.

Maintained her righteousness of justice, roughly fulfilling her certain desire to interview.

At the same time, it also helped the guardians, and sent the homicide record of last night directly to the military department of the garrison.

The recorded information was submitted, and the information was not published in the newspaper. She only assumed the intermediate role of media, and she still did not get involved in politics.

The brain is flexible and can do business. By the way, he also sold his old camera and other consumable equipment as new.

In one fell swoop.

"The deal."

The guardians of the sand sculptures have a pain in their faces, and they have begun to use the intercom to discuss the cost sharing.

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