Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1372: Lord Queen will return in 1 day

It is a small number of people who spend 400,000 nights to experience the customs of the survivors.

But interviewing these people is very time-consuming.

Noble officials, foreign friendly people, not only have complicated language, they are also responsible for photographing the environment in which these people live.

Some small details began to catch everyone's eyes.

Looking at the coolly dressed and well-dressed women in several rooms, Xu Zhi understood what it meant to experience the customs of the survivors.

Although the charges are high, they are reasonable.

The homicides of the survivors must come from the hands of these people, and the people in the residential area have the strongest connection with the disappearance of Aldridge.

"No wonder these people are very cooperative."

"All in a hurry to get rid of the suspicion."

The Bolívar brothers and sisters opened their eyes very much and talked in a low voice.

When it is the turn of the tent area, much less time is spent.

Many entrants waiting to be interviewed opened the tent early in the morning to understand the interview process, and these people were the main actions.

Although there are nearly 600 people, the speed of the interview is obviously much faster than the residential area.

"Xu Zhi, can you sign the survivors?"

"will not."

What is the sign language, listening comprehension level eight, and whether the first-level Elasian language should be listened to.

This time it was assisted by a guardian translator.

The census of the survivors cannot be missed.

Combining sketch portraits and gestures, the translator expressed his meaning slowly, trying to make the remnants understand their own problems.

"We don't know anything."

"The adult can fly, and we can't fly, how to catch up with him."


"You haven't given us a beautiful account of Chris."

"The city master is still praying in the temple, and I really hope he can slow down."


The remarks of the squatters made the translator very big. She expressed her meaning clearly, but it was also a very difficult process to understand the words of the squatters.

"They probably don't know anything." The translator finally summed it up.

"Would you like to pat the dead woman's body?"

After many interviews, Boli Pian'er's throat has dried up. From morning till night, it is almost dark now that she has completed this'justice' job.

"The top priority is to trouble you to take every detail of the woman."

The remnants did not decay rapidly within the cave days.

The situation of filming Kris is very important, but compared with the possible destruction of the scene of the murder case, Kris's body shooting is put to the end.

"Go, go to their white church."

The place where Kris was placed was in a large white temple building.

The upper steps on the bottom of the temple are nearly 80 meters long and 40 meters wide.

The temple is surrounded by two rows of huge stone columns on three sides, with nearly a hundred in number.

The root stone pillar is ten meters high, carved with various exquisite patterns, supporting a larger roof.

This is a place enough to accommodate thousands of people praying.

Under the undeveloped industrial conditions, it can create a huge masonry city, and even these large-scale buildings with unique styles in front of him, Xu Zhi also had to sigh with the creative ability of the legacy.

Standing in the center of the hall, surrounded by huge stone pillars like a forest, the sight everywhere blocked, a mysterious and deep feeling suddenly emerged.

The faint voice of Brahma came, and the soul returned to peace.

In the center of the temple is a warrior-shaped idol with a height of more than ten meters, holding a sword and holding a shield, majestic.

Beside the warrior idol, there are two female idols over six meters high.

A female idol has a quiet face, holding a book in her left hand and turning pages in her right hand.

Another female idol held a net bottle as if to scatter the water in the bottle to the earth.

Below the idol is a large altar.

Xu Zhi is no stranger to the altar. He had seen this altar in the city of Adini in the ruins of Jianmen Mountain.

According to the unreliable introduction of Kemoro, the altar is a place where the **** of light looks, can receive divine grace, drive away evil spirits, and restore peace of mind.

It was Caitlin who was lying on the altar last time, and this time it was the little girl who died, the lord, Kris.

Including the city lord, there are more than ten family members of the city lord, and an old priest wearing a brown sacrificial robe is praying constantly.

The bursts of Sanskrit sounds originated from the priest's lead vocalist, followed by the accompaniment of the city's main palace and others.

For many of the guardians and Xu Zhi who came with the equipment, these people did not have any change in their looks, and they still murmured in their mouths and kept praying.

"Someone died, let's talk a little bit."

Before the filming, the guardians discussed a few words before the interpreter walked to the city master and others and kept making gestures with gestures.

"Evil people, you will be punished someday."

It seemed that he had been kneeling for a long time. The city owner staggered when he got up. He supported his body and stood up, looking like a promise.

"Let our civilization break, bully our people, treat us as pigs, and kill my daughter."

Facing the gestures of the translator, the lord of the city answered some irrelevant words with strange compliments and smiles on his face.

"We can't find any justice, but one day, the Queen will return and pour anger on your land."

"Wait that day, Vickers will take off this puppet costume and charge ahead as a soldier."

"Erasian people will never succumb to aliens."

He paused, raising his hand and begging the guards to move at will.

"Chrissy, my father can only do so much for you."

Relying on outsiders who do not understand the ancient language of Elasia, the city owner is very brave.

He seemed to speak to himself, or to everyone who was still kneeling on the ground.

Xu Zhi saw a young man with a reluctant face struggling to get up, his head lifted slightly and then hung down.

From the words of the city owner Vickers, the disappearance of Aldridge may have something to do with these survivors.

But why not go to kill the real murderer in the residential area, but anger on Aldridge.

Is it insufficient capacity?

Still very dissatisfied with Aldridge's approach.

Xu Zhi's mind flashed the images from the Boli Pell camera, and meditation on what he saw, saw, and heard today, and he kept shaking his head.

Aldridge's disposal was already quite a compromise.

It's just that Aldridge didn't get through the duration of Dongtian.

In addition to the deterrence of the murderer, he also suffered revenge from the dissatisfaction of the remnants.

Kris on the altar had put on her thin coat, her body became stiff, her eyes fell, her face was bloodless and pale.

Bolipier touched it slightly, and the bunny generally took his hand back.

"Good ice"

"Of course the body will be cold after death, don't touch it," Bolivar urged.

A guardian of the "Faded clothes post-mortem" commanded coldly, and then said to Boli Pelvin: "Please also make the final record, so that we also have an explanation."

"no problem."

Tickets were recovered, and instrument money was also earned back. The strange trip of the trip to the sky was equivalent to giving away for free. Boli Peng answered very simply.

Compared with what she had seen before, UU Reading has several black patterns like tattoos on her body.

Xu Zhi just looked at it and closed his eyes.

He glanced at the three statues in the temple.

Looked with interest.

"Prayer of the God of War."

"Silence of prayer can gain the courage of the God of War."

The sacrificial prayers engraved under the huge warrior statue, Xu Zhi watched it silently.

A little strange feeling was born in my heart.

After reading the prayer, he just looked up, and he saw that a golden light seemed to fall on the statue of God of War.

There seems to be more courage in the body.

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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