Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1373: Control

"Visit the temple and pray there for a while. Your morale is so high that the state cannot affect the body."

"This state can continue a battle, and it will be invalid after the battle."

After reading the attribute panel's record of him in Dongtian, Xu Zhi felt relieved and had no more thoughts about the abnormality of his body.

I have experienced the effect of negative morale several times before.

This is the first time he has received a positive morale bonus in this environment.

Negative morale can make people cry, and Xu Zhi is very resistant to that state.

As for positive morale, he seems to have some extra thoughts in his mind.

For example, I was very ignorant and fearless, thinking of beating Qingchuan Ako in front.

This kind of dangerous thought made Xu Zhi feel that he was cursed, so he returned to the dream world to check the real situation.

It is very late at night, and the area of ​​outside entrants is very lively.

In addition to selling residential areas, it even provides services for some surviving women.

Tonight's Castelos City also offers a full cow feast.

If you want to eat meat, eat the original beef head in the ruins, no problem, just pay.

With regard to the economic capabilities brought about by the development of Dongtian, Xiuliu played far more ridiculously than the ice and snow caves in northern Xinjiang.

Those order maintainers are only selling spirits, and a variety of possibilities have been developed here.

As for Dongyue's Wan Guidongtian, Xu Zhi felt that there was nothing to sell in the big desert. Everyone can sell some gold coins even if they are doing business.

The three of them were busy for a day and were invited by the guardians to eat meat for free, which was more or less a welfare.

Constantly eating the grilled beef, Xu Zhi's eyes occasionally cast on the side of the temple.

Kris’s body has been placed outside the temple and fire purification has begun.

The survivors have objections to this unknown method of death, arguing that flames are needed to remove the stains on their bodies, and they have not reached the level of peace.

The blazing fire made the city of Castelos look very red, and the mist rising up into the gray night.

One side is roasted cow, the other side is roasted.

Different societies, different situations.

Xu Zhi ate a small half, and no longer had an appetite.

"Does it feel like this cannibal society?"

Harukawa Akiko eating beef not far away joined together.

"Yeah, you heard a lot of eloquence in the Motuo Kingdom, and want to enlighten me."

Xu Zhibai gave this guy a glance. He wanted to beat Qingchuan Ako in the temple. He didn't expect the other party to come over, which made him want to move.

But thinking about the end of the battle with Akako Harukawa, Xu Zhi pressed his mind depressed.

You can't play head-on, but you can't play head-on.

"Don't mention the slang words of the Motuo Kingdom. I heard the name and my head hurts. It's impossible to use slang words to guide you," Qingchuan Ako whispered.

Wanting Xu Zhi to stay away from him, and having no acquaintances chatting, thinking of looking for Xu Zhi to chat a little more to get more information, Akiko Harukawa felt that she was guilty.

But Dongtian is really boring, there is nothing to relax.

Except for some food, the thousands of gold coins needed by the psychedelic tower, Qingchuan Akiko didn't bring any other items. After finishing the business, it took time and waited for the end of the cave.

Xu Zhi looked at Qingchuan Akiko's lower body, and the young man covered it.

"I tell you, I'm fine, good morning, now it's easy to use, don't keep staring at me."

"Do you still want to hear about the dolphin bones?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Don't listen, furry guys like you, how can there be any past experience."

Qingchuan Shixiu reminded that Qingchuan Akiko understood that Xu Zhi's ability in this respect was totally unreliable.

"Ask you" Xu Zhi sneaked a glance at Shiukawa Shiukawa who was eating meat not far away, leaned over his head and asked in a low voice: "How is the effect of taking that yin and yang and tying the twin lotus, I also want to make two Come nibble."

"How do I know how, I haven't eaten again" Qingchuan Akiko shook his head: "Don't try me, my body is normal now, I will find my wife when I step into the guru."

"Xing Xing Xing, you are normal, Chengzong Daji."

It seems that only Qingchuan Shixiu knows this kind of problem. Chizi is easy to blow hair. At first glance, he is still ill.

"It's not easy to hear a good word from your mouth," Qingchuan Ako smiled.

There was no fruit in exploring the secret, and Xu Zhi had nothing to talk about.

The longer he stays with Akiko Harukawa, the more he thinks about beating each other. This idea is very dangerous.

Just moved his **** to the side, but the guy thought he was giving him a position, and inserted it in the way. Xu Zhi didn't mention how depressed he was.

"You haven't seen the ruins on our side. The relics there are very cruel and eaten by everyone. I watched as a few entrants were eaten."

After chatting a few words, the two turned to the ruins.

For high-level cultivators, the ruins are relatively common topics.

"So miserable, did you go to save them?"

Xu Zhiqi said that he had also seen people who had eaten people. In the ruins of the werewolf, Chen Yingzhuo was almost cut into pieces by peeling the meat.

The ruins of South Australia are not bizarre, and the jumping people have this habit.

In the eyes of some survivors, humans are just a type of food, and there is not much difference.

"Can't beat" Qingchuan Chizi said dumbly: "At that time, I was a weak chicken, and I didn't even have the courage to rush out."

"It's really miserable, you had a psychological shadow at that time," Xu Zhi asked.

"There are always some. I go out and revenge every year on the Vulcan Festival, killing one, I feel a little bit better in my heart," Qingchuan Akiko sighed.

When mentioned by the other party, Xu Zhi remembered the lovely experiences of South Australia.

Now he is super capable and has the reserve power of returning to the aura of aura, but it is a pity that he has no courage to go to South Australia. If he can improve his relationship with each other, it would be nice to let him jump in South Australia.

"Actually I am exactly the same as you, we all have the same experience."

Xu Zhi sighed and said: "At that time, I saw my companion being torn and eaten by the jumping people. I was very uncomfortable. I thought about cutting two more jumping revenge, but unfortunately there is no way to revenge."

"con man"

Qingchuan Chizi thought about it, and then cursed at Xu Zhi: "You went to the Hatut League, and everyone in the group went back intact. Last time I put a jump in the southern Yunnan military area. No dead people, your companions are eaten."


Xu Zhi turned his face and directly exposed his old background.

According to Qingchuan Chizi scolding him for his small appearance, Xu Zhi, who had added morale, wanted to punch him in the face, letting him understand the courage of the survivors.

"Sleep, see you tomorrow."

Xu Zhi stood up.

"Don't, long nights, sleepless, let's have a good communication, I am curious about your ability to kill and jump."

Finally, it was easy to lead the topic out, and in a blink of an eye, Qingchuan Akiko felt that the topic between the two was easy to talk to directly. This is very bad.

"Who hasn't slapped and slapped one by one, and where is the killing? You've watched too many movies and don't wake up, you need to wash them carefully."

"What little movie?"

Qingchuan Chizi mumbled, he hadn't finished talking yet, only to see Xu Zhi strode towards the tent area.

"Who controls?"

In the tent area, Bolipine drilled out and walked around as usual, not even Bolivar next to him.

The girl suffered from severe insomnia and asked Xu Zhi for a massage at night.

Xu Zhi's mental ability is far superior to that of Bolipier. As long as the ability of mental suppression is reduced to a certain extent, spiritual comfort can be formed, which makes people very relaxed.

In Xu Zhi's calculations, Bolipine can at least sleep until dawn, and it is impossible to get up now.

This is not normal.

Someone is making trouble.

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