Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1374: Battle of Spirits

In the tent area, Bolivar has apparently discovered his sister's anomaly.

Double swords pumped, glanced around, trying to see who was messing in secret.

The cultivators who want to manipulate their strength must have at least master-level strength.

Or by virtue of talent, or by rare mysteries.

However, it is not particularly difficult to manipulate Boli Pill. Boli Pill is only a level of physical fitness, and there is not much cultivator strength.

Xu Zhi put his hands on the body of Bolippo, his eyes glanced from time to time, and his perception was spreading.

There seemed to be a silk thread in the air that pulled the body of Bolipier.

It seemed that someone had controlled Boliphal's thoughts, so that she formed a sleepwalking-like effect.

"Step aside"

Boli Pierce turned his head, his eyes radiated a strange light, and a deep voice spit out of his mouth.

"No matter who you are, get out of her body, otherwise, I will find you and remove the skin on you."

Just like the morning bell and the drum, Xu Zhi's mental thoughts echoed in the mind of Bolipier.

A painful frown appeared on Bolipier's face.

Xu Zhi nodded at each other's eyebrows with one hand, and communicated this evil thought with spirit.

It was cold and bleak, as if there was no emotion.

The evil thoughts of controlling Bolipier showed a black awn in her mind.

Like a machine, Hemang repeatedly controls the body swing of Bolipier.

If you can make a sound, the other party must be a human, and you must be paying attention to the body of Bolippo.

The other party can make a sound, and surely can also perceive his mental wave thoughts.

"We have already handed over the memory card we photographed, don't provoke us, she is Yuanzong Bokong, you should not want to provoke this old white hair."

Xu Zhi's thoughts continued to change, lifting the biggest backstage of Bolipier.

The evil thought fluctuated for a while, and he began to repeat the operation repeatedly, manipulating the body of Bolipier to move forward.

who is it?

Who is it?

Killer of Kris.

It was still the survivors behind him.

The thoughts in Xu Zhi's mind kept turning.

The dim and blurry figure of Dirk's body in the camera, many people in the residential area examined in the daytime continue to float in his mind.

For the missing case of Chao Aldridge, Boli Pill only played a media role in the middle.

She only recorded a few interviews, all the information has been submitted, and it is useless to manipulate her.

With both money and goods cleared, it is impossible for Bolippo to get the memory card back from the guardians.

In order to kill Bolipier, there is no need to use manipulation, nor to choose such a large public.

The killer who killed Kris is not the one who caused Aldridge to disappear.

From the killing of the survivor Kris to the disappearance of the garrison Audridge, things have become more troublesome. This person may have a headache for this incident.

There is no need for the other party to choose a reckless character such as Bolipine as revenge.

Then it caused Yuanzong Bokong the big trouble.

Xu Zhi turned to the survivors of the city's first line.

The city owner Vickers must have known about the disappearance of Aldridge. These people must have hidden some weird abilities.

If you manipulate ordinary people like Bolipine, it may be possible.

But why do these people stare at Bolipine.

Bolipine recorded the case, and had nothing to do with these people, and did not offend these survivors.

"Go away"

Boliphal looked at Xu Zhi, who was constantly shaking in front of him, and growled in his mouth.

"I know who you are, and I will find you, Vickers."

Xu Zhi's mental thoughts were shaken, and he even spit out the name of the city owner Vickers in Erasian.

The black mandrel attached to the head of Boli Ping's mind shook, and the sound of Xu Zhi's conduction obviously affected the emotions of the controller.

"Bolivar, tell people to go to the temple, there are remnants of the ghosts, pay attention to the people of the city's line, they have problems."

A completely different response, the quality of the controller is not as good as expected.

Heimang seems to have a trace of confusion now.

Seeing that Boli Pill was still struggling, Xu Zhi's hand flicked gently, directly controlling Boli Pill, and there was no possibility of flicking in the flesh.

With Bolipine, Xu Zhi started running.

As long as the distance continues to increase, the difficulty of control will continue to increase.

The weird abilities of the survivors must have controlled distance.

Breaked by Xu Zhi's words, the black mans got into a panic. This was the best time for him to get rid of the opponent's control distance.

Xu Zhi has a good eye for timing.

When the other party was in control of the heart, he dared not have any excessive behavior.

The operation on the soul is faced with great risks step by step. If the other party's ability to detonate control, it is bound to easily cause Boli Pell to suffer huge brain damage.

Xu Zhi didn't dare to make that kind of bet.

But now, this is the best moment.

The controller must be related to the city master.

The wind on Xu Zhi's feet generated the fastest speed in just an instant.

A cloud of dust smoke was far away from the temple, but a cloud of dust smoke flew towards the temple.

One south and one north.

Bolivar is also desperately attacking.

Actually getting his sister, the sin is not forgivable.

Xu Zhi wouldn't make jokes about his sister, this is really a relic of the relics, staring at his sister.

In the city, there are very few cases of desperate attacks such as cultivators.

Only a moment later, some guardians noticed this abnormal situation.

"There is a situation."

"what happened?"

"Quickly, that is the disciple of Yuanzong Bokong Master."

Some great cultivators stood up, and some recognized Bolívar's identity.

When the practitioners gathered, a lot of people stood up together. Some people watched, while others began to assist, trying to see what happened.

Harukawa Akiko glanced, and his body was running straight.

Qingchuan Shixiu stared a little, nodded, and ran to Bolivar.

In the city, the voice of the remnants began to grow louder.

This is a prayer for the survivors to bid farewell to the dead.

It is their private activity.

Among the temples, nearly 20,000 or 30,000 people gathered around the temples.

This is almost one-third of the residents of Castelos.

As the sound sings, the eruption is huge.

The closer you are, the more noisy your ears will be.

In the huge firelight, the crackling of Kris's body burned, and no longer could see the human form.

There was sadness on the faces of the remnants near the firelight, with a solemn look, and a flash of fanaticism flashed from time to time.

"The dead will return."

"The imprisoned will be born again."

"In the supreme heaven, the glory of the gods is protecting."


In Xu Zhi's spiritual perception, the sounds of prayer came from Bolipier's mind.

Seems to perceive Xu Zhi to take Bolippo away.

The manipulators were excited and no longer had to disclose their identities. The manipulative methods completely showed the unique ways of the remnants.

"The operation can be maintained so far, the other party has at least the spiritual operation ability of the master magical practitioner, and Xi Liuguo has missed this person."

"Go away."

Seeing a black awn begin to form again in Boliphal's mind, Xu Zhi's mind rushed, the anger brought by the morale spewed out, and his mental thoughts instantly passed. 2k reading network

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