Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1387: Lose all

Different civilization systems have different development paths.

But it is undeniable that whether it is the world of relics, the world of dreams, and the real world where Xu Zhi survives.

Each world relies more on strong personal capabilities to maintain stability.

When the end of cultivation, both sides are even incomprehensible in their ability.

Each cultivation system has its own advantages and disadvantages, and also has its own unique features.

Familiar with magic, but deceived by magic, Xu Zhi also encountered this situation for the first time.

At that time, he had just seriously injured Archimo, and was in great disparity with Malin Dan Sophie. His heart was more about how to get away.

The cover of the night and his inner thoughts made it difficult for him to make a more detailed distinction.

He was shot down by the other party's ice, and at the time, he thought that Malin Dan Sophie had a similar magic talent.

"What? Have you seen another me? That fake?"

Seeing Xu Zhi's face change, Malin Dan Sophie asked urgently.

"Yes" Xu Zhi dumbly said: "Just seen it on that hillside."

"This **** old thing," Malin Dan Sophie said angrily: "He faked my image and killed a lot of people. Laozi now has **** on his head."

As Malin Dan Sophie said, Xu Zhi was quite comfortable, at least he was not miserable.

"His physique is not strong, but the method is very strange. If you have the ability, you can join the chase to kill him. The Congress is willing to spend 10 million Westward Currency to buy his head."

"As long as one or two minutes have passed, he can transform into the other's form and get around."

Following Xu Zhi's hand, Malin Dan Sophie's voice just fell, his body jumped, and the man had already hurried away.

"Transform into the other party's form, get involved, for a minute or two?"

The situation is fully consistent.

Malin Dan Sophie has stepped into the feces pit. If this survivor is determined, Xu Zhi feels that he may also follow Malin Dan Sophie's footsteps.

What will Archimo do in the opponent's hands?

Xu Zhi feels that Archimo is a target that the remnants want to kill very much.

The other party is hiding behind, probably trying to kill him, but it is difficult to get rid of Archimo before he keeps following and waiting for the opportunity.

This is a very patient hunter, but also a hunter with many changes.

If it were not for the language barrier between the survivors and outside practitioners, disguise is a magic that is extremely difficult to prevent.

Thinking a little, Xu Zhi also mentioned the body and quickly rushed towards the direction of the star axis.

At least he had to confirm the status of Archimo, if the other party died, it was a hundred.

If Archimo was rescued by Malin Dan Sophie, he could push the matter to the survivors.

In case of an opportunity to take care of Archimo's children, it is also convenient to continue to point the hand.

The former has a 90% chance, the latter is only possible, but Xu Zhi also had to defend.

"Hey, if you can't get back to me, you are a fake. There is no doubt that you can't recognize you without my image."

"Old stuff, it's time to rest and rest."

When Xu Zhi rushed to the vicinity of the astral axis, he only listened to Malin Dan Sophie's explosions, and then the sword light flashed near the axe, accompanied by the sound of the explosion.

Malindan Sophie's angry voice came.

Xu Zhi stretched out his hand, and a piece of minced meat was immediately spread in the palm of his hand.

In just a few seconds, this piece of minced meat began to decay rapidly.

"It's Archimo's body."

The decay is so fast that Xu Zhi does not need to think much.

"Damn, why is he here?"

Malin Dan Sophie roared, and when he hurried to the astral axis, he saw a corpse with a broken body placed there, plasma, meat sauce, and broken bones all over the ground, completely unable to see the original shape.

"This is the means of the survivors. They refined us into products like corpses. As long as they withstand external forces, the bodies will quickly expand and explode."

Malin Dan Sophie's tone was a little heavy.

Compared with Dongyue, the number of high-level cultivators in Xiuliu is much greater, but the master-level cultivators are not cabbages.

An Aldridge is missing, followed by an Archimo, these are the best among master cultivators.

The former is the commander of the garrison's main battalion, and has a solid combat strength. Although the latter has some problems with his conduct, he has extraordinary qualifications and has an excellent record.

Rao Shi Malin Dan Sophie also felt distressed, the more important thing is that the time of Dongtian is not more than half at this time, and there are still a few days.

Who was the next victim.

"The remnants are really hateful" Xu Zhi nodded quickly.

In short, Archimo was dead.

Malin Dan Sophie did not mention the name, and Xu Zhi was lazy to ask about things that should not be asked.

Now that the responsibility is on the survivors, this is no better, he must assist.

"How long ago did you see the fake?"

Malin Dan Sophie is still quite satisfied with Xu Zhi's acquaintance. Smart people who know few things will live longer.

"Ten minutes, at most ten minutes," Xu Zhi assured himself.

"So, that old thing hasn't gone too far."

Malindan Sophie's eyes constantly scanned the surroundings, and without trace he took Archimo's sword.

After seeing it for a while, the air inside his body overflowed for a while, but he had already flown into the air in an instant.

Light like a meteor flew through the forest continuously, circling around in a burst, and then gradually away.

"Children, I hope you will be a little confused in your next life."

Suddenly thinking of Archimo's previous words to him, and then looking at the pile of dead bones in front of him, Xu Zhi also sighed.

If you are not careful, you will lose all.

Perhaps that is Archimo.

The family was born with extraordinary qualifications and strong strength, but it was only a wicked inner pursuit of stimulus. Eventually, things couldn't be managed. They could only run away in a state of panic.

Using people as mirrors can show the gains and losses.

When going downhill three times, Xu Zhi still thought about some philosophy of life and life when he went to the road to avoid making mistakes.

"Come on..."

Hearing a sound of horses when standing ears, Xu Zhi couldn't help but rejoice.

The horse that he was riding was quite honest, and he hasn't run away yet.

A horse with four legs travels, so he can avoid these two legs.

When I ran past, I saw that there was an additional horse beside the yellow horse. The two horses rubbed together from time to time, and seemed to be preparing to enter the stage of nightlife.

The passionate hiss comes from the horse that Xu Zhi had ridden before.

The little broken horse is quite can actually attract another horse.

See what the yellow horse is about to do.

"Don't move, keep some strength."

Xu Zhi shouted and quickly stopped the uncivilized behavior.


The sudden sound made Huang Qima panic and panicked.

Its behavior is very indifferent to that of a male horse, which caused the good-looking little female horse to suddenly suffer a lot of feet, only to see that her body shivered, and the straight side fell to the ground.

"Come on"

Huang Huma shouted with dissatisfaction.

Xu Zhizheng was about to ride this unsuccessful horse, only to see that the mare's body flickered for a few seconds, just a few seconds later, a sackcloth old man with his mouth full of blood appeared.

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