Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1388: Imprisoned spirit

The survivor mage was ravaged late at night.

Perhaps the old master of the survivor didn't expect that he was not a cultivator outside, but only a yellow horse.

The opponent's release seems to be transforming.

This is a completely different kind of magic from disguise. It can transform itself, or others into another kind of creature, so that the atmosphere that belongs to humans completely disappears.

Of course, there are corresponding disadvantages.

For example, the old mage came to an end.

Because of the variety of changes, this magic has not been included in the regular magic series.

For example, San Theo’s bear change and crow change belong to this category.

Normal transformation is just to become a normal creature, and there is no transformation strengthening method like San Theo.

The old mage's equestrian skills seemed to be slightly inferior in physical strength, and failed to outperform the yellow horse.

I couldn’t run, and the time after the transformation wasn’t up. I was about to accept it. I was kicked to the death by the yellow horse, and the deformity had to be destroyed.

Xu Zhi looked at the old guy who rolled his eyes and vomited blood, and touched the other person's body.

A black undead statue once seen in the ruins of Hushan.

The ancient imprisoned spirit.

Ancient imprisoned spirits: Anyone who comes into close contact with the statue has a 100% chance of changing their morale to a higher level. The 50% rate causes depression and the 30% rate causes them to cry.

[Remarks: The statue contains countless painful souls, and releasing the souls will bring more powerful forces]

It is different from the lifeless imprisoned spirit that Wang Zhongwang obtained at that time, as long as he is close to the imprisoned spirit, it seems that he can still hear the sound of a roar in the statue.

Perhaps because the statue has absorbed the soul, the black undead face on this statue is grim and lifelike, and the whole seems to be activated.

Good baby, at least for the master and master, they can hold each other and cry for two months.

Xu Zhi wiped her tears, and put it away carefully.

There was a wooden skull stick. After a while, Xu Zhi didn't detect any attributes, probably because the treasures didn't flow, or the attribute panel didn't keep up with the characteristics of the times.

Xu Zhi waved twice, but also felt the quality was ordinary, and could only be used as a stick.

Picking up this staff with his hand and chopping his head and covering his face for a while, the old mage with a smashed head and bloodshed eased over, twisting his body hard and looking angrily at Xu Zhi.

"Damn alien, kill if you want to kill, I will never frown."

"It's a man, what a mare you are."

After touching it up and down, and listening to the voice of the old mage, Xu Zhi confirmed that the old guy was a man.

The target chosen by the opponent to learn deforming is quite poor.

Xu Zhi feels that if he has the ability to learn this kind of magic, he will definitely choose the strongest stallion to simulate deformation, at least not be humiliated.

The other party's voice gave him a sense of familiarity.

Xu Zhi suddenly remembered the spiritual confrontation he once had in the mind of Boliphal.

Shake his head, it turns out that this is the righteous master.

The other party's magical attainments are extremely high, and it is this person who wanted to use the disguise to become Malin Dan Sophie.

Thinking of this, his staff pulled faster.

Ham endured the pain, released two mental shocks with his head up, and buried his head again, screaming there.

"Say, is there any place other than this star axis?"

The old guy was dying for a while and tortured hard, and Xu Zhi's mental thoughts violently penetrated into the other's spiritual consciousness.


Ham's eyes were round and he stared at Xu Zhi.

"You are that person, how can you strangers understand the technique of spiritualization."

He apparently also recalled Castelos's spiritual confrontation, and his weak mental thoughts struggled under Xu Zhi's suppression.

"You answer my question first, and then I will answer your question, fair exchange, you will die a little later to understand."

Familiarity with Dongtian, in addition to the official of Xiuliu, belongs to the remnants here, and even the latter know more about all the peculiarities of this land.

Ordinary survivors may not be able to tell the axis of the star, but a powerful wizard will definitely not.

Keeping the other party a little bit dead, Xu Zhi is the plan.

"We only have this star axis," Ham decadently, and finally gave up struggling.

"Only here, then you are useless."

Lies in spiritual thoughts are easy to see. Xu Zhi shook his head in disappointment. It seems that there is really only one star axis in this cave.

"You haven't answered me yet, this is not fair."

Feeling Xu Zhi's sudden and heavy spiritual coercion, the feeling that his soul was crumbling came, Ham shouted unwillingly.

"I was ordered by Xiao Suodi and drank a glass of blood of the ancient gods."

Small cable, the blood of the ancient god.

Hamm just flashed these two words, a trace of blood overflowed in his eyes, ears and nose, and a black in his mind, and he was unable to think half a moment.

When the spirit of the sea is destroyed, people are like idiots, and even strange magical means are difficult to use.

Ham's body fell softly.

Only a moment later, a gray shadow on top of the other party's head came out, and looked extremely confused, turning into gray light and disappearing.

As Ham's soul dissipated, Xu Zhi only felt that the wrapped imprisoned spirit was very hot.

In his rucksack, billowing black smoke continued to bounce out.

This baby, who had just started preparing for filial piety, was pulled out and thrown away.

Wiping tears, Xu Zhi's figure retreated.

"Come on..."

The inexplicable Huang Hu horse waited next to him screamed and ran away with his legs spread.

Countless ancient ghosts emerged from the thick black smoke.

"a ha ha ha"

It seemed that after being detained for too long, the ghosts sounded through the sky.

Cheers, violent voices, screams, squabbles, ghosts brought far more waves than the remnants of Castelos city riots.

Just a glance, Xu Zhi's scalp could not help starting to numb, followed by Huang Hu horse running furiously.

With his current practice and ability, hundreds of thousands of undead can sweep away easily, and thousands of ghosts can also withdraw easily.

It can involve hundreds of thousands, or even more ghosts, and Xu Zhi only felt dizzy.

There is no way to fight this. The amount of overlap is increased. When it reaches a certain level, it will break through to a qualitative level.

Even the masters need to avoid this scenario temporarily.

The ancient ghosts in the imprisoned spirit are still pouring out.

The number seems to be endless.

Out of Ham's control, this treasure"

As the voices of the ghosts came, Xu Zhigan felt the magic leaked out of him.

A ghost can extract magic power.

Just like the red skin jumps in South Australia.

This is an undead creature that extremely restrains the mage.

Who can collect so many souls to make ghost creatures like ghosts.

How many people died there?

Except for the dead Ham, perhaps no one can answer Xu Zhi's question.

So many ghosts, if the four abuses are coming, Xu Zhi feels that Castelos is a pill.

Not only do the cultivators and the survivors have a war, these mindless ghosts are also coming in to blend in.

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