Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1389: All are Archime’s fault

Xu Zhi knew how to make skeletons and zombies.

It is the transformation of vampires and liches, and he is also familiar with the process.

You can make ghosts. This kind of ghost belongs to the illusory, but has an entity. Xu Zhi does not have much experience.

As Doug Wuger ran around, only the Necromancers had good luck to randomly generate a ghost.

Why was there such a large-scale output.

Xu Zhi's eyes were also shining as his body continued to explode.

This is a scene where anyone has to retreat.

But after retreating, then we have to move forward. This is probably the scene he wants to see the most.

As long as the ghosts don't chase after him, they can be dispersed and it's time for him to fight back.

Singing is difficult to form a one-hit killing effect. The ancient ghosts are far stronger than the jumpers. They have the ability to heal themselves and absorb magic. They are also more resistant to fighting, but the experience brought by the ghosts is also more rich.

Compared with experience, Xu Zhi feels a little bit more bearable.

The only thing that made him a little pity is that the time remaining in Dongtian was limited, and even if he was staying up late, it would be difficult to get a big head.

This treasure is most likely to be the refuge of the remnants against the outside practitioners.

It depends on whether the imprisoned spirit can win, but it is entirely possible to fight for both defeats and injuries.

It is impossible for all the legions sent by the Siuliu to encircle and suppress all master-level and master-level practitioners.

Once this treasure is released in the legion, few cultivators below the master level can escape.

Countless ghosts are floating in the air, and they are constantly looking for aliens when they roar wildly.

Any flesh and blood creatures are within the attack range of this group of mindless ghosts.

Riding on the almost crazy yellow horse, Xu Zhi can also look back from time to time to see these manic undead.

Countless ancient ghosts behind him kept waving their arms, only the upper half of the body of the skeleton kept flying in the air, making a crazy cry.

The skull-like body has the same flying ability as the bone bird, and the noise of yelling.

As the former owner, Ham was the first to be retaliated against.

Xu Zhi glanced far away, but in an instant, the blood and flesh of the old mage were bitten clean, leaving a lick of clean bone racks there.

The remnants of the currency of 10 million Xiuluo countries disappeared, and Xu Zhi looked a little bit hurt.

Even if he put Ham's body in front of Malin Dan Sophie, they would not admit it.

There was only a skeleton frame left before the ghost could recognize it.

"what happened?"

Probably too loud, Malindan Sophie flew back with a meteor light.

As long as he followed the direction of the ghosts, he could follow Xu Zhi very smoothly.

"There are so many ghosts in your cave, the same as ours," Xu Zhi exclaimed.

"Yeah" Malin Dan Sophie said depressed: "Why are they chasing you?"

He had been to Dongyue's cave once when he was young, and he heard about the remains of Dongyue's undead everywhere, but he rarely saw it, but skeletons were rare, not to mention ghosts.

Seeing so many undead creatures for the first time shocked Marin Dan Sophie.

If there are so many undead in Dongyue's ruins, there is no way to explore, and the master will be crying.

Malin Dan Sophie felt that their cave had no way to clean up, not only to calm down the remnants, but also to wipe out the flying dead.

"It's not specifically chasing me, they are chasing this horse," Xu Zhi corrected: "If you remove the glory of your inner air and fly slower, they will chase you."

Xu Zhi patted the horse's bottom.

Having escaped the first wave, the speed of the ancient ghosts chasing was not so anxious, and the mad stallion began to slacken, which was not a good idea.

"Well, do you know how this thing came from? How could it be so much?" Malin Dan Sophie was not interested in being pursued by ghosts, he continued to ask.

"I don't know how to get here, or why so many, I know escape now."

Xu Zhi looked at the dark screaming space behind him. It was impossible to estimate how many souls were imprisoned in the imprisoned spirits. The ghosts still seemed to gush out.

"Then don't run away, there is Castelos."

Xu Zhi didn't care about Huang Pingma's pace, which was unrecognizable by his six relatives. He followed four rounds and drilled everywhere, constantly running towards Castelos. Malin Dan Sophie looked anxiously and shouted for a while.

With the help of bunkers in various buildings and even going outside the city, the survivors fought guerrilla warfare everywhere, even if they were masters.

His original intention was only to kill the leading survivors, to enlarge the deterrence, and to suppress the gang again.

More often than not, the rest will succumb.

After so many years of development, it has experienced countless confrontations and has always been in operation.

But to kill all the survivors of the city of Castelos and put everything into nothingness, Malin Dan Sophie has no such plan.

Without the decision of the members of Congress, this kind of thing cannot be decided by patting his head.

The remnants of the inexplicable resistance had been a headache.

The aftermath brought by the death of hundreds of low-level practitioners is even more headache.

Introduce countless undead to the slaughter city, kill all the remnants, and make them more painful.

If the undeads, in turn, kill the cultivators who are killing the survivors...

Just think about it, Malin Dan Sophie's face is already dark.

He felt he was more guilty than Aldridge, who had disappeared.

Why should he take on so many things.

It's all working in rotation.

Why is there a problem with him this time?

This unscientific.

"The psychedelic tower on the left, the ruins of the fountain on the right, the city of Castelos in front, and the ghost in the back, you point in the right direction."

Southeast, northwest, no matter where you go is a scourge.

The speed of the undead were not as fast as the yellow horse running, and fell far behind.

But the abilities of the undead are extremely high, as long as they are within the range of their tracking, they will endlessly.

Xu Zhi paused and said: "If you stay for a while, they will definitely run around with you."

"Be careful, I'll tell the practitioners who attacked the city of Castelos to retreat, otherwise we will all die a lot."

Malin Dan Sophie replied dumbly, the air inside and outside was suddenly bright and dark, and the distance from Xu Zhi gradually pulled away, his body hidden in the night sky.

Slaughter, search.

Malin Dan Sophie's situation has been going on for a long time, and his internal energy has begun to run down.

But all this is Archimo's fault.

Xu Zhi thought about it very seriously, and felt that it was Archimeo's rat **** that broke Castellos's porridge.

Xiao Poma exerted his ability to run at nearly four times the speed when he ran wild. After more than forty minutes, Xu Zhi saw the white brick city in the night.

"This horse has good potential and runs really fast."

"There are hundreds of thousands or millions of undead creatures."

"Great, I haven't seen Dongyue's undead yet."

"I didn't expect to have this kind of spectacle in the sky of Castelos. Although the risk is a bit bigger, it is really worthwhile."


Like the tide watchers, the cultivators who participated in the night raids in Castelos City were also interested in the undead tide.

"The undead have any good looks, so hurry away."

"Significant risk reminder, seeing the risk of the undead is very large, everyone runs away."

"That kind of bone shelf is not pretty at all, please don't look at the It will be dead, let's go."

"Open the record, open the record, in case of death, people in Congress will go to jump."


The few guardians of order still keep their duties, and according to the orders of Malin Dan Sophie, they began to dissuade.


"The aliens ran away and got out of our world, aliens."

"Not allowed to come to our city."


In the city of Castelos, there are also the wailing and clamoring of the remnants.

"a ha ha ha"


Far away, the crazy shouts of the ghosts were shaking, and the undead began to join in the fun.

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