Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1400: Yunlong 9 now

Many martial arts, light body techniques, even talents and secret techniques in this world are accumulated from low to high.

The rough embryo of "Yunlong Jiuxian" originated from a not so good light body technique, "Green Snake Winding".

This is a light body technique that is only about five levels.

The domineering "Green Snake" is suitable for fighting, not for Xu Zhi's fighting style.

Xu Zhi once saw this book of light body surgery in the library of the Yunling Academy, which belongs to a variety that has been seen at a glance.

Without Situ Xuankong's explanation, Xu Zhi could hardly believe that "Cloud Dragon Nine Presents", which caused headaches for almost all Grand Masters, originated from this volume of exercises.

The rough embryo was beaten and evolved into a jadeite.

After reaching the limit, Situ Xuankong continued to pass through references, learned many light body exercises, continuously modified, and eventually evolved into his own unique masterpiece, "Yunlong Nine Presents."

From the snake to the dragon, this light body technique has undergone an extraordinary transformation, but Yan Xingxia is envious.

In revising the light body exercises, it is difficult for anyone to match the experience of this grand master.

This is a light body technique that is extremely suitable for Situ Xuankong's style. Whether it can be suitable for Xu Zhi, Xu Zhi also needs to perceive clearly to make a judgment.

The master stage has formed his own fighting style. If he forcibly learns techniques that are not in his own style, it is like a swordsman learning a sword, going all the way, acting in the east, and even ending up in a hand-to-hand walk.

Any kind of cultivation practice requires a lot of time to practice.

Situ Xuankong whispered his knowledge of this light body technique.

"Cloud Dragon Nine Presents", stepping out in one step, directly deflecting in the air, step by step like a lot, the air can achieve high-speed nine-turn strike.

Outsiders find it inexplicable and difficult to estimate this set of light-body exercises, but in fact this top-level set of light-body techniques is still mainly entangled, but it is only the ultimate in light-body techniques.

"Your "SCUD" technique is a critical strike in one step. The focus is on the sudden burst of blow. There is a huge difference between playing and fighting."

"One is straight, and the other is about twists and turns. You listened to me, what do you think of this set of "Yunlong Nine Presents"?"

Situ Xuankong smiled and looked at Xu Zhi.

No matter how good the skills are, they must be suitable for learning, comprehend, and form your own fighting characteristics, so it is necessary to practice.

Because of a better volume of exercises, there are very few cultivators who overthrow everything they own, and such cultivators are rare until they are successful.

Now what Situ Xuankong asked was the school test.

If this book of light body technique is to learn, how to use it, how to use it well, and play to its strengths, this is a problem that Xu Zhi needs to think about. It is not that he, the teacher, can do anything.

"Everything is divided into yin and yang. The masculine path of my Dao is more sturdy and not soft enough. Although this book of light body technique is mainly entangled, when it comes to evasion in the air, it should be the most advanced level in light body technique. ."

"For me, the lowest level of use is body protection."

"If it is used for warfare, I only need to practice the skills of "Eight Dragons and One Reality", adjust the position, blend the yin and yang, and I can kill the enemy in one step."

Xu Zhi's research on the fight in the air began a year ago.

Level 10 flying magic has the ability to turn in the air.

Without the help of trampling, he can easily complete the steering action in the air.

Relying on the short-distance flight ability of the master level, coupled with flying magic, he can smoothly switch between these two abilities to achieve a turning point when flying fast in the air.

It's just that this transition method is ultimately to switch between the two major cultivation systems.

When Xu Zhi relies on flying magic, he can only give up his inner energy and rely on the physical strength to move forward. In this mode, there is not much possibility of aerial violence output.

It is extremely difficult for him to put this kind of twisted fighting into instant fighting.

"Cloud Dragon Nine Presents" will make up for this flaw perfectly.

If "Scout" can be combined between the three, for him, fighting will become agile and unpredictable.

"You don't stick to my form, you have the thought of mixing the "Yunlong Nine Presents" and "Scud legs" exercises. This is no better, you can learn with confidence in this volume of exercises."

The most taboo of Situ Xuankong is the reputation of others taking pictures of his grandmaster. When he practiced, he was shrouded in higher brilliance and he forgot himself.

If that's the case, it's only a moment of benefit under practice, and it will be extremely difficult to step out of his shadow in the future.

Regardless of the form, taking the essence and removing the dross is the vision and ability of the masters.

Situ Xuankong looked straight and nodded.

How could he know that Xu Zhi was specifically instructed by Yan Xuankong, and that he was a temperament to eat a hundred meals, and it could be matched with a useful place no matter how appropriate.

As with all kinds of magic, it is good to be able to learn and spare in it.

Apart from the various medicines he wanted to obtain, the Hou Tu Xuan Jing did not cost him much.

The Great Stick and Crazy Devil Sticks have already been practiced to great success. Without a higher vision, these two martial arts techniques have reached the limit he can study.

"SCUD" has been blended into one body.

Hidden dragon claws have tempered their unique tricks, and the three major guides have room for improvement.

For Xu Zhi, the current stage is mainly to study the overlord stick method, and the time is quite ample.

It would not be a burden for him to practice another light body technique.

With the previous experience, this light body technique is likely to be relatively quick to get started.

"Master, our light body technique is more than that of the Akdos family?"

Xu Zhi recalled that Aqimo, who was severely injured by a stick, was so fast at the time that he was hard to respond. He took a dozen swords hard and relied on the reflection of the magic of compensation to find a chance to kill him.

Relying on the shield of heaven and inner air to support the body, there are many magical aids. He is not afraid of speed flow, but he has some thoughts on how to play speed flow.

If the stick is fast and fierce, that is his current thinking about the ability to develop in the future.

"It's a coincidence."

Situ Xuankong said happily: "After my severe wounds were healed, the sword was cut and provoked by Grandmaster Akdos. The turbulent incident was quite fierce for a while, and I had a lot of fights against the side of Xiliu. Field, it was just that Aktos acted in a loss, and finally it was gone."

"The people in their family are very scheming, like to jump, jump the fastest, and die the fastest, they can't compare with us."

An Akdos died in the hands of Situ Xuankong, and an Archimo died in the hands of Xu Zhi, which is really incomparable.

Xu Zhi felt that the people in this family were purely unlucky, and each of them bumped into the object of hardening.

Archimo made mistakes, and Akdos was no exception. After all, Situ Xuankong didn't know that he was awesome, let alone Akdos.

One sword, one stick.

Xu Zhi thinks, this is a fate.

The death is so bad, the grandfather and grandson will probably cry with a headache under the Come and come, let's learn the exercises, Xiaoyan has transferred 40 million yuan in medicine, I can still be small Earn a little. "

Situ Xuankong smiled happily, and his old face was blooming like a chrysanthemum in September.

Forty million.

Xu Zhigulong swallowed a spit, the old account had just gone, the new account was born again, and the financial affairs were endless.

Probably I think that the pits for practicing the thick soil Xuan Jing are too large. Yan Xuankong is now actively sending money, and it has been a long time since he has mentioned the debt.

But there is a small book of Yan Xuankong's bookkeeping, and the money is destined to be repaid in the future.

The price of Situ Xuankong's box-pressing value is even higher than this price. Perhaps the Yan family really only paid for a medicine.

Like a frog, Xu Zhi jumped into the giant urn full of liquid medicine.

Situ Xuankong ignited a fire underneath, and began to explain the "Yunlong Nine Presents" slowly.

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