Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1401: Reverse contract

The content ranges from simple to complex, from easy to difficult, and the medicine costs from a slight tingling to burning the whole body.

A warm-water boiled frog-style light body practice entered Xu Zhi's life.

"Cloud Dragon Nine Presents" is still too complicated and profound for him who is already a master class.

Some simple understanding of Situ Xuankong was difficult for him to integrate.

His qualifications are constantly improving and his strength is constantly improving, but compared to some top cultivators, his qualifications are not special.

Among some people he knew, Xu Zhi felt that he was far inferior to Li Duohuang.

The other party has already started to create martial arts in his cultivation stage, which is incomparable.

Not to mention that some of the top gurus and countless people dream of becoming guru.

Standing among the high-level practitioners, Xu Zhi felt that he was a very ordinary member.

In addition to daily listening, Xu Zhi had to work overtime in the dream world to ensure that he could keep up with the progress of understanding.

On this day, he had already practiced, and he was about to punch in on the portal to learn.

Suddenly discovered that the agency contract of San Theo was sent over.

The contract of the agency of San Theo: Recently, Ourisio stepped on the border of Xia Nong. I bought it from Ou, although I don’t know how to open it, but Mr. Squeak is my richest friend. Can you lend 84,520 gold coins to you-your dear friend San Theo.

Contract: Sanxio's Garland X1.

Okay, Your Excellency San Theo has already made a wreath to summon it.

There are all kinds of borrowed money, which looks pretty decent.

Summon the poor three generations, especially the high-end Druids, are generally not rich.

Of course, this is also related to the nature of the elves of the Apollo Kingdom. Although the elves can't dismiss money, they are not as enthusiastic as humans and other races.

Use it when it is useful, and live without money.

This is especially true for longevity breeds. The long days of making money do not lie in this moment.

This lazy attitude to life is usually not a problem, but when money is urgently used, it is a big trouble.

Few elves are particularly wealthy in money.

Xu Zhi remembers that the owner of the city of rain, Geralt, didn't have many deposits, and often worried about money.

San Theo, who has lived for more than three hundred years, can save hundreds of thousands of gold coins, which is actually quite remarkable.

"Sell garlands, the garlands woven by the goblins, the lucky garlands I personally sacrificed and prayed, look good and easy to use."

"It's okay to buy a wreath and put it on the ugly ponies you ride."


"Sell garlands."

"A wreath of gold coins."

"The garland we made looks good."

"Oh~, flowers, flowers, flowers."

When Xu Zhi came over, he could only hear a whisper in his ear. The group of talking creatures at the religious altar seemed to have arrived.

Regardless of the use of shouting, the call is quite lively.

The earth element squatted down there honestly, and was used as a pedestal for garlands.

The San Sio next to him started singing, the honest Jack helped, and the black crow made a noise.

There were little goblin chirping, and the wolves roared from time to time.

Today seems to be some kind of festival in the city. People are very busy, and San Theo took the opportunity to come out and sell flowers.

"According to your method of selling goods, you need to sell 84,520 garlands to make up the money of the void stone," Xu Zhi laughed.

"That's impossible. I can't earn sixty silver with a garland, and this number will double." San Theo said sullenly: "My business is not so good."

"Who told you to sell so high."

Xu Zhi looked at several nearby vendors who also sell garlands. The prices of these vendors are basically around five silver.

"I'm a person with identity," San Theo emphasized: "It's normal for those with identity to sell for a bit more expensive."

"You're too careless."

"Shut up, nobody in the Rain City dares to say that to me."

"But they don't buy your things."

Xu Zhicho said in a sentence, San Theo suddenly dropped his head, and seemed to be boring with a wreath of hard-working screaming.

"The account can't be calculated like this, squeaky lord."

The honest Jack trotting over, the unicorn's body seemed to be thin again, and it seemed lack of energy.

"Those hawkers earn a silver coin with a garland. If we sell one garland, it is equivalent to selling fifty or sixty. If we sell two, they are equivalent to selling them all day. This is a high-end route, which is very cost-effective."

The unicorn lifted the horse's hoof and calculated Xu Zhi's account. It was true that the account was calculated like this, but the sales volume was too miserable.

"Jack makes sense. If I meet Jack earlier, maybe I will follow the fortune."

San Theo's way of doing business seems to be inherited from honest Jack, listening to the words of a unicorn to do business, San Theo, is your head broken?

It’s right to do high-end business, but it is obviously the wrong product to choose.

Or is this kind of business just subsidizing households?

It is absolutely impossible to make a fortune. Xu Zhi felt that San Theo depleted his long life, and it was difficult to get a lot of money by this means.

"You didn't sell the fruit of the shelled tree of life? It's much better to sell that than to sell garlands."

"I went to sell, but those humans don't believe that eating that can increase lifespan," San Theo said listlessly: "They say this is a bird's food for Phoenix, and it will ruin your stomach if you eat it."

"Do experiments, do experiments."

"Without our level of natural perception, who can measure that the most powerful place for this fruit is to strengthen Shouyuan," San Theo said with a headache.

Goods are good, but the detection effect has become a difficult task.

No one has Xu Zhi's property panel dedicated to detection.

Except for a few high-level druids, few people can figure out the true effect of the fruit of the tree of life.

The fruit of the life tree with its shell peeled off is limited, and it is difficult for San Theo to give everyone a taste.

The fruit of the tree of life is a good thing, but like the garland sold by San Theo, even if it is actively promoted, few people are interested.

No wonder that Santos hasn't made a fortune yet.

"It's really hard to get rich in your life."

"Don't despise me like that, I definitely have a chance to make a fortune."

His unhappy mood drifted away with Xu Zhi passing the secret gold ticket.

"One hundred thousand, ha ha ha, one hundred thousand, ha ha ha, enough, ha ha ha, someone really generously lend me 100,000..."

San Theo raised his gold ticket and was like a to the laws of society, taking into account factors such as repayment, the poorer the harder to borrow money.

San Theo apparently did not escape this range, not to mention that his wealthy friends may not really be many.

The money given to San Theo was like splashing water, and Xu Zhi did not intend to take it back, so San Theo took the religious altar with a bunch of guys to sell flowers.

It is impossible to pay back the money, only to let San Theo take him to buy some Void Stone.

"You find a way to connect me and Xiaotian in the elemental world. It is best to let her take me around in the elemental world."

"Reward for this matter, one hundred thousand gold coins."

Facing San Theo, Xu Zhi also began to issue a reverse contract.

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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