Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1407: Mourning alone is not as good as mourning

The window of the sage, the eye of the sage, a national strategic treasure.

Mysterio refused very simply.

Don't borrow.

"Your green skin, if I show you a baby, I want a baby. If I take you to fly on Casa, will you have to borrow and use it."

The Window of Sage and the Eye of Sage definitely evoke Misterrio's unbearable memory.

"Actually, I'll just ask if you want to."

Xu Zhi made a hahaha.

If you don’t borrow, don’t borrow, why are you so fierce?

Knowing that the status has risen, pretending to be pitiful does not work.

"Sirre, do you have any friends who are willing to borrow your two artifacts?"


"That's right, you don't have such a friend."

Mistreo's ears listened very carefully, and before he had spoken to San Theo, he almost turned it back.

"Relying on national-level strategic treasures to command operations can avoid many military mistakes and is indistinguishable from the value of artifacts," San Theo explained. "How do you think about this set of treasures?"


Xu Zhi nodded, and he had to open a military reconnaissance satellite to play with in his previous life, or now he went to the military area to borrow electromagnetic giant cannons, and plasma giant cannons ended.

It is normal to be rejected.

But somehow I have to open my mouth, otherwise I don't know how simply rejected.

"We come from the elemental world with an old-world strongman, very strong and perverted, now messing around, trying to catch him through this set of treasures."

"Very strong, abnormal, how strong, abnormal?"

Mystra is interested in this topic.

Any strong man has a certain interest in all kinds of strong men, and he is no exception.

"He is not afraid of melee, and my halberd has no effect on him, even the defense cannot be broken."

"Don't be afraid of long shots, he can resist the arrows of flames, and the horn bow is also weak in the face of his output."

"Magic resistance is very high, not afraid of most magic."

"With a set of artifacts from the ancient times, under the influence of the artifacts, we must bear weakness, curses, delay, and guide the heartbroken effect."

"It's an undead big lich, not afraid of death, the spirit can be turned into a substance to detonate a large-scale shooting."

"Xiaotiantian has seen it before, and she has also suffered a loss."

Looking at the expression of the two people shaking their heads from time to time, Xu Zhi added another sentence.

The credibility of his words alone is not high, it is not the same as adding a witness.

Although San Theo cannot directly talk to Xiao Tian Tian, ​​it is not difficult to understand each other's meaning.

The Phoenix lord can help San Theo promote to immortality, and accordingly can estimate the strength of the opponent.

"You're not talking about Cardonis, but the big lich is a magic weapon split, as if not as powerful as you said."

Mistreo carefully thought about the memories of some undead big liches in his mind.

"Feng Tajin is also incomparable, this old lich's greatest ability is to be good at making all kinds of undead creatures."

"He is also very powerful in creating undead," Xu Zhi said depressed.

Sandro used local materials to build a plague of zombie seas, plague corpses, and undead knights. Wherever he was, almost one person could form a legion.

"The artifacts of the ancient times should not be of unknown origin, but those artifacts will not be used for too long, and they will eventually rot and cannot be used much."

"During these millennia, there are so many powerful people coming to our world, most of them are difficult to adapt to the environment and sink."

"The old world powerhouses on the eastern continent are much more powerful. It is said that there are still old powerhouses who have built large empires."

"After all, there are some stiff and undead people. Gavin Magnus was the immortal king of the old world before. It is powerful enough to be a god. It is normal for him to build an empire."

The topics of Mistreo and San Theo diverged and casually mentioned the Eastern Continent. Xu Zhi had no right to speak over there and could only listen to the two big names.

He also wanted to go to the East Continent to find the Tauren people to see if he had the opportunity to catch the earth to protect the sacred objects, but there was always a shortage of contractors there.

"Squeaky Lord, I am worried about the old world powerhouse in the elemental world. I am worried about the debt that I have to repay in the future. Ruio, why are you worried?"

The faces of the three were all very sad, and now only Leo’s mourning was unclear.

Mourning alone is not as good as mourning, and San Theo is also very interested in the performance of Mistreo.

If he could speak out and balance each other, he would feel more comfortable.

"Worried" Mistreo wiped his face hard and said: "I just have a slightly bad complexion, don't I look very worried, serious enough to be seen at a glance?"

"Yes, yes."

"Yes Yes."

Xu Zhi and San Theo have affirmed Mysterio's questions.

A bitter gourd face looked like someone who owed Rio some artifacts, worrying about his appearance properly.

"Come on, drag the waitresses who have arranged my manners and dresses for me to fight for twenty boards. I actually said that my face is rosy and my face is overjoyed. This group of villains can deceive the king one by one."

Mistreo scolded a few words indignantly, leaving some people to the board before saying: "I can't hear a few people telling the truth in the palace, and I have heard too many falsehoods. I believe it."

"It was still a battle in Rodovo, and something stabbed, which made me a little sad."

After venting his anger, Mistreo began to describe his melancholy.

"Your Excellency should be a little clearer, we have failed to kill the immortal Hexis."

"The civil strife caused by Lien has caused us to fall short. Although no one died, Hexis did not die."

"I can feel him staring at me somewhere, wanting to take revenge on me, he must cause some war, I have to find him..."

His suspicion has been committed again by His Majesty Leo.

Hexis really knew the king well, and determined that his immortal spinning would scare Rio for a while.

This can be regarded as the spiritual victory of Hexis.

I haven’t beaten Ruiou and others, and it’s okay to scare them.

"He died tragically twice, maybe he will never be able to trouble you again" Xu Zhi comforted.

Hexis is now in the elemental world, and he really wants to do something without help, and does not need to be prepared at all.

"No, he certainly will, just because of his uncompromising character, right, San Theo."

"Huh, what does this matter to me?" San Theo said.

"Just say you have been hacked to death twice now, do you want to take revenge?" Mistreo asked.

"I don't want to" San Theo shook his head: "I have died twice, I have died completely, I can't think of such a thing."

"If you have another chance to be resurrected, you survived."

"I **** my mother and dared to hack me to death twice, so I had to find the place."

"Look at it."

Mistreo felt that his worries were not unreasonable, and Hexis would definitely come to the door one day.

He even felt that Hexis was now secretly preparing to make trouble and needed some precautions.

"But you shouldn't be so worried," San Theo said: "You are one of the strongest people recognized in the mainland anyway. Lexis is definitely not as good as you in fighting, and he will be killed if he shows up."

"He has offended a lot of people, Lien wants to kill him, Bollinger wants to kill him, and Irutan is no exception, because Spartz died and couldn't rebound."

"I'm a bit I want to shut him up for me to make medicine." Mysterio's tone is a little weird: "He will make a youthful immortal medicine, maybe he can get a hint of longevity from it. Secret."

"Compared with Hexis' trouble, I am even more worried that I have not much life. If I can't catch Hexis in advance, I need to go to Ryan. I heard that he used Hexis to do this. Research to make yourself 300 years younger."

Young people do not understand the preciousness of time, and old people know the beauty of it.

"Would you like to buy the fruit of a tree of life here in San Theo and eat one, and live two more years, the effect is a bit lower than the youthful immortality, but it is also very powerful."

Life is still young, it is difficult for Xu Zhi and San Theo to understand the mood of Rio.

But it does not prevent a little marketing.

Xu Zhi felt that San Theo was too blind.

At present, there is such a person who needs Shouyuan, and the first choice for the marketing of the fruit of the life tree must be Mystra.

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