Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1408: No. 1 customer

The effect of increasing the Shouyuan for two years is a bit low, and San Theo does not know how Xu Zhi's data came from.

Two years is two years, anyway, he can't feel so careful.

Will taking Shenfu cause abnormalities in the body?

What about security?

Can it stimulate the body of the immortal?

"I have eaten, no problem," Xu straight shot his chest assured.

"I have also eaten, and it feels pretty good," San Theo said: "This is also the fruit that Xiaotian wants to eat all year round."

"Bird food," Mistreo said meaningfully.

This caused Xu Zhi to stomp on San Theo. How could he sell the product on the basis of the sales level of this product?

If not for being a high priest with a salary collar, Xu Zhi suspected that San Theo could hardly support his life by selling wreaths and other businesses.

"This is a godsend from the Kingdom of Apollo. It is worth 50,000 gold without peeling the shell, and the value after stripping the shell is high."

Re-transferring the fruit of the life tree from the classification of bird food to the gods feed, Xu Zhi also defined the original price according to San Theo's trading void stone.

"Only a few talents in the world are eligible to enjoy this precious fruit, and the high-end atmosphere is high-grade."

Take a life tree fruit from San Theo, and take another shelled life tree fruit.

Two completely different forms of life tree fruit placed on the table, immediately attracted Mistreo's attention.

"Really extend your life?" Mysterio asked.

"Surely no problem" Xu Zhi patted his chest assured.

"Although the main effect is to heal wounds, it can indeed prolong life. It should be about two years. Unlike the immortal light that slows aging, Shenfu seems to have broken the limit of life and directly increased the life." San Theo explained.

Even compared to the lifespan of human beings, two years is not much.

If you want to know the difference between life before and after taking it, only a great cultivator who is particularly aware of it can do it.

In order to fully understand the efficacy, San Theo also took several tablets before finalizing.

Mistreo’s natural magic level is one order lower, and trying to figure it out is a difficult task. San Theo is not sure if the other party can get the information after taking it.

After hesitating for a long time, he did not find this old friend who longed for Shouyuan to recommend.

If he can't perceive it, he is almost the same as a liar in the eyes of the other party.

After that, I can't be a friend.

"Shenfu and immortal light have the ability to break the limit of life. The role of immortal light has been basically discovered, but how to use divine feed and how to perceive the role of divine feed is difficult."

"Life tree fruits, ice crystals, fire crystals, chaotic fires, tarsal poison, bright Shenshui, too many people are planted on these gods."

Mistrior looked at San Theo and Xu Zhi strangely.

"The fruit of the tree of life has the property of void protection. How did you peel off the shell?" Mistreo asked curiously.

"This is San Theo's secret, it has nothing to do with me," Xu Zhi laughed and pushed the matter to San Theo. Anyway, San Theo had to find him to peel the shell, no matter who traded.

"Confidential, yes, it's my secret, quite unique," San Theo smiled.

"This shelling ability is actually useless, we can enjoy the fruit from San Theo," Xu Zhidao said.

"Yes, it's useless, anyway, you don't have a few fruit of life tree, you might as well buy it from me."

Clearly talking about the primary and secondary targets of business, San Theo was very willing to take the top spot.

Anyway, he is basically guided by honest Jack in business, and it is no big deal to have another jungle goblin. Druids are very used to borrowing the capabilities of contract creatures.

"God is nagging, dead green skin, and took me so many ice crystals and fire crystals, come on one, I will taste it."

Just look at the two men's eyebrows, Mistreo didn't even think about it.

It would be an eye-opener if he could say that he had not yet reached the point where he had to fully explore his friends' secrets.

"How much is it?" Mysterio asked.

"How much does it cost you, how much does it cost?" San Theo touched Xu Zhi's arm.

"Ask me how much your baby sells."

"Give me some advice, how am I so good about asking a friend a price."

"I'm sorry I'm not asking for the price," Xu Zhi smiled: "Your Majesty Ruiou, San Theo invites you to try it. If you are dissatisfied, you will not be charged.

"Then I'm welcome."

Mistreo opened the crystal bottle and looked at the tender white life tree fruit, swallowing it without hesitation.


Seeing Mistreo swallow, closing his eyes and feeling there, San Theo's outstretched hand shrank back, and the words held in his throat, when God could still try it.

For every ten fruits of life tree, the sacrifice is divided into half, Xu Zhi takes two, he takes three.

If the normal life tree fruit can sell one coin of 50,000 gold coins, this shell will have at least 150,000 gold coins.

If Ruiou couldn't perceive the effect and didn't pay a penny, he would lose 150,000 gold coins.

"My one peeled fruit can call Xiaotiantian to work three times," San Theo said listlessly. "Sir, you can't do this business, we will be in a loss."

"How much did you intend to sell those humans before?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Two hundred thousand, but they are not willing to pay even two thousand gold coins."

"Have you ever sold it?"


Shouyuan is a very fictitious concept, and it is fictitious than life value.

God-fed is precious, and it is not convenient to provide sample food. San Theo is difficult to sell.

Not only are the target customers scarce, it is even more difficult to sell the price.

"If you give me the ownership of this fruit of life tree, how about I give you 200,000 gold coins?" Xu Zhi smiled.

"Are you serious?" San Theo questioned.

"of course it's true."

"The deal."

This business is a bit circumvent, the fruit of the life tree that Ruiou eats has become the green skin payment in front of him, and the transaction relationship is very chaotic.

I did not expect to kill San Theo. The first person willing to pay was actually this green skin.

If you owe a lot of debt to this green skin, you are not afraid of the other party's debts. This green skin is also afraid of him.

The money must be true, and San Theo decided to settle in for a bag.

Xu Zhi looked at Mysterio, who was silently aware, and the other party swallowed the fruit. No matter how clear the effect was, he would not lose much.

The house of San Theo has been emptied, leaving only a few life tree fruits for self-defense. The branches serve as deeds, and there are still artifacts called Elves from the holy beetle hanging on the neck.

He is not lacking in the former, and the latter will not kill San Theo.

In addition to the fruit of the life tree, the two can no longer do mutually beneficial transactions in the short term.

Xu Zhi's gaze turned to Mistreo, who had at least one trading opportunity with Mistreo.

This majesty has too many items stored in the void, and don't lose anything. Just look at the face of San Theo, and he will never send him away with garbage.

" This seems to be looting the vitality of the tree of life and passively transferred to us."

"It's just because the fruit is young and the vigor won't be much. It is very likely that it will be two years. This time is a little short, which is a pity."

Mistreo opened his eyes slowly. Compared to his life span of more than a thousand years, the two-year period was too short, which made him quite sorry.

"You can serve a few more," Xu Zhi is busy doing marketing "eat more and accumulate a lot of Shouyuan."

"Yeah, you should have saved a few fruits there, we can take the shells off," San Theo echoed.

"This fruit is too much for the body to bear. I can take up to five life tree fruits in a certain period of time," Mistrior said with a headache. "The fruit can only be used for temporary life extension."

"I like this peeled fruit. Let's make an official price."

The first customer of Life Tree Fruit is here.

"Ore car, gem box, mercury bottle, crystal statue, sulfur brazier, are there any?"

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