Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1409: Master Order Magic


  Walking on the streets of the Imperial City of Casa, San Theo made a burst of laughter from time to time.


   "Your Excellency San Theo, thirty-five people along the way scolded you for being mad."

   Xu Zhi had to remind the high priest who was a little smug.

   went all the way with a laugh, which was somewhat strange, and some people were even taken aback.

  The grumpy dwarf also wanted to raise his fist to shut him up, and saw that the two court guards leading the way stopped.

   "I have never saved so much money in my life, ha ha ha ha, I can't save so much business in the rain city for two hundred years, ha ha ha ha"

   "Your immunity to money is low beyond my imagination."

   shook his head straight, somehow it was the high priest and the immortal again, and could not bear the bombardment of sugar-coated shells like money.

   It's just that Ruiou prepaid one million gold tickets in advance to buy the fruit of the tree of life, happy like a fool.

   "That is that you have never been poor, the city you are in is not poor, there are too many poor people in the city of rain, and there are too many things to do."

   San Theo excitedly said: "While wanting to subsidize others, at the same time saving money to promote immortality, this kind of day is too difficult, now everything is over, how can I be unhappy."

   "You don't want to be poorer than our jungle goblin, except for some gold coins, we have nothing, much worse than you."

   "Inherited from the memory of the mother tree, the jungle goblin believes that gold coins are a good thing. You can buy all the treasures in the world, but we can’t actually buy anything."

   The elemental world has a special location. Even if you earn gold in exchange for your life, it is difficult to spend these gold coins.

  Almost all druids think that this green little guy likes gold coins, and most people also use gold coins, which are the useless elements of the elemental world, to call.

   Xu Zhi sometimes feels that even a brick is more useful than a gold coin.

  Whether it is wood, masonry, etc., it is a very difficult thing to convert the contract. No one is willing to spend a lot of magic to do this kind of thing.

   "So you prefer to trade? Including two ore carriages this time."

  Remembering that this green skin came from the elemental world, San Theo calmed the ecstasy in his mind.

  Compared with the lower realm, the environment of the elemental realm can be called harsh.

  Elemental people's civilization is almost destroyed.

   From the most powerful element empire to the barren, everything in the element world seems to be a prehistoric civilization.

   has no country, no commerce, no development, all development is in a very primitive state, far worse than the city of rain.

   This is the elemental realm he constantly perceives from the contract calling creatures.

   is harder to survive than the lower realm.

   "Yes" Xu Zhi nodded and said: "You can only accumulate little by little, and hope that one day you will no longer worry about survival safety."

  He is already extremely powerful, but the little green skins are different, it is difficult for a jungle goblin to reach his level.

   Born physical weakness can only be compensated by the acquired day.

   or practice magic and martial arts, or strengthen weapons and armor, or possess legion treasures that improve collective survivability.

  Or build a strong fortress.

  He hopes he has a safe place to live, and he hopes that the little green skins will not worry about survival one day.

  Step by step, Xu Zhi was moving in this direction.

   Seeing that the two court guards came to a square building and stopped, Xu Zhi walked forward, pulling the door knocker.

   "The Archmage opened the door, Archmage Bob opened the door."

   finally came to the imperial city of Casa. In addition to meeting Ruiou, Xu Zhi wanted to collect some debt.

  Bob owes him a lot of affection, at least he has the right to refer to this old mage research institute, and he can take away a piece of magic parchment or a book.

  If the old mage died, he still has the right to visit the institute at any time, which is almost equivalent to the right of inheritance.

   It's just that Bob is now an immortal and has a lifespan of thousands of years. Xu Zhi feels that this right is useless. He has a great chance of dying in front of Bob.

   "Don't hide inside, I know you are at home" Xu Zhi knocked a few times and added: "I specifically asked His Majesty Ruiou to know that you are inside."

  The promotion of lawful magic fell on this old mage. At least there is a high probability that Master Bob has the information of master order magic.

   Adding the natural magic materials compiled by Shanghai Kesis in the future, in terms of magic theory, he can supplement what he needs to learn.

   The master-level archery skills he lacks will also be taken by San Theo to the Moonfall Canyon in the city of waterfalls, where there is his cheap archery instructor Aretha.

  Xu Zhi hopes that Irisan's "Arisa's Life's Archery Skills Guide" has been completed, so that his master-level archery also has a landing.

  There was no movement for half a day in the research institute, Xu Zhi had to go over and pick it up.

  He remembers that Bob's door key was placed under the second flower bed in front of the institute.

   Gently lifted the flower bed, and a piece of bronze key really caught underneath.

   "Can you still find the key to this house?" San Theo said.

   "If I had a hard time then, this laboratory would have to belong to me."

   Xu Zhi inserted the key into the door and twisted it hard. With a click, the door slightly cracked a gap.

   Extremely heavy door, sound insulation measures seem to be very strong.

   Xu Zhi felt that Bob didn't like to receive guests very much. As for the size of this door, you might not hear it when you knock on the outside. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  No wonder the old man likes to put the key outside the door.

   "Wrong, wrong, derivation is all wrong."

   "What are you doing wrong and hitting me."

   There was a boring roar from Bob, and there was also a voice of grievance by Kotzes.

   The research room is extremely messy. Scattered calculation papers, books piled around, including some magic research instruments, are all placed in a random state.

   "Which unit of yours do we not pick up here?"

The unkempt Kotzes stared at the panda's staggered and stood up and lived in the chaotic area of ​​Kudelos for a long time, which at least made him still vigilant.

   "Science, it seems that your life is very pleasant."

  Xu Zhi picked up a book, "Surveying and Application of Circles-by Bob"

   is useless.

   "Sir, how are you here?"

   Kotzes looked at Xu Zhi with a sleepy look, and finally recognized the green skin that had not met for a long time.

   "Goddaddy, your summon has come to your door."

   "If you don't pick up guests, you won't pick up any summons, and I won't pick up when you're down. I can definitely study and understand that I'm going to sprint magic masters and ducks."

   "Bang Bang Bang Bang"

   The sound of the head pounding on the table came.

"He's crazy," Kotzes pointed to the white-headed and mad Bob: "I didn't study the magic theory last year and knocked my head back, and I was resurrected once. At that time, weeping and crying, the sad cry, you were not there to watch the fun What a pity." First launch https://https://

   "Bang Bang Bang Bang"

   "True Dedication" Xu Zhi replied: "According to the frequency of this knock table, you may be able to see it for a while."

   "Royal Master of Law Order Master Advanced-Ruiou"

   refers to the book that Kotzes is studying. Xu Zhi doubted: "What about the middle and the second volume of this book."

   Master Order Magic Book starts, you can practice fourth-order order magic.

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