Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1410: phantom

  Master order magic: allows learning and using fourth-order death magic.

  Master charm: 40 magic points, 4 magic points every hour.

  Master magic power: 80% of death magic effect.

   "Royal Association of Magic Masters of Advanced Orders, Middle and Lower" started with three volumes, and the orderly magic in Xu Zhi's mind finally began to advance.

  The books in Bob's research room are messy and messy, but they are very complete. You don't need to learn one at least, and you have to find another one.

   happened to catch up with Kotzes in learning the magic theory of the lawful master. Xu Zhilai was very timely and took a bit of an advantage by the way.

   It is good to take the high-end route. The inheritance of the Casa Magic Association is quite complete, so that he will not run around.

  Like his combat learning, he didn't find a suitable learning object, so he needed to find one in the east and one in the west.

   seems to be more troublesome if it is improved again in the future.

   There is no complete book to guide the entry into the guru class, and he is really uncomfortable with the habit of eating books.

   Masters like Bob are worried about the magic of the guru class.

   Many abilities are a good thing, but if many abilities can only look up at the altar to offer sacrifices to improve, Xu Zhi thinks he will want to die.

  【】I wanted to come over to find Bob's trouble. At first glance, the old man was like this, and Xu Zhi wasn't embarrassed to find it.

  In case Bob researches something, the theory of forming a system is useful for the property panel learning, maybe someone will be asked in the future.

   "Chong Duck Chong Duck" Bob mum.

   "Bang Bang Bang Bang."

   The sound of the head knocking on the table.

   "He's crazy" Kotzes pointed to the bleeding mage and said: "I'm going to die again, I'm going to die again."

   "Wait, we still have some problems, don't die first."

   shook his head straight, shot a medical magic to the old mage, and temporarily stopped the injury.

   "He is stuck in the obsession of knowledge, and his mind has always been maintained at a point of interest, where he is horny, and if he can't think of it, he will be stimulated by external physical forces."

  San Theo explained, and waved his hand, I saw a green magical light covering Bob's body.

   A natural and fresh smell came, and several pots of dry potted plants placed in disorder around them began to re-emerge new buds, and several leaves began to grow slowly.

   Several bean sprout-like seedlings got out of Bob's collar.

   saw that Bob, who crept crazily, was getting slower and slower, and there seemed to be a little more clarity in the bloodshot eyes.

   "Natural breath soothing has certain benefits for the peace of mind, maybe Master Bob can calm down and think about it," San Theo said.

   "You are so magical, can I learn?"

   In addition to the regular magic of various classes in the magic tower, there are many non-influential magic, or personal innovation magic is not recorded.

   Such as the floating technique used for lifting, the water spray technique for watering flowers and trees, the bright light technique for exploration, etc.

  The magic of San Theo is obviously one of them.

  Bob's situation of obsession is called "getting mad" in the real world.

   There are a lot of abnormalities caused by fire escape, such as guiding the wrong operation of Qi practice.

   In this respect, Venerable is an example, which eventually leads to the stagnation of internal qi, the meridians are twisted, and it is difficult to circulate the internal qi normally.

  Some people also got into trouble and thought that there was something abnormal in their heads, thinking about digging it out.

   There are many examples such as his own hands and feet.

   For cultivators, once they get caught in the fire, they will be partially disabled and severely killed, making it difficult to cure.

  Xu Zhi is a little envious and it is no surprise that if this ability is learned, he is prepared.

  Natural breathing seems to have the effect of stimulating the growth of plants, similar to spawning. This is no different from the power talents of many plant breeders in the real world. It can be used to specifically take care of herbs.

   "If you have a master's level of natural magic, I can teach you" San Theo laughed.

   The starting point of learning is too high, which instantly dispels all kinds of small thoughts that Xu Zhi generalized and cannot learn.

   "Guru Magic."

  Bob raised his head violently, and his red eyes stared at the people in front of him.

   "Chong Duck, Chong... Your Excellency San Theo, Your Excellency, how are you here?"

  The highly excited Master finally finally awake a lot, and sat for a while holding his head for a while before buffering.

   "Don't rely on yourself to be an immortal, just don't care about your body, and it's very expensive to resurrect once," Xu Zhi persuaded.

  The noble immortal sacrifices real gold coins to vanity gold coins, the ratio is about one to one hundred, and the resurrection will consume 250,000 gold coins.

  Many people rely on trading with the noble immortals to obtain Void Gold.

  If you do not choose this method, you can use the hostile killing to obtain the void gold coins, and you can also complete this accumulation.

   For example, for the way of heaven, to promote justice, or for example, the war of opposition.

  Just as Xu Zhi occasionally obtained void gold coins during the killing, immortals also have a chance to get void gold coins in this kind of killing.

   The higher the target's strength, the more so.

  In addition to security risks, I have to say that some immortal ascendants also want to use war to accumulate wealth in this void.

  However, in peacetime, few people use killing to accumulate void gold coins, and have to rely on sacrifices such as money and treasures in exchange for void gold coins.

  Due to Bob’s promotion to immortality, he studied the magic in the research institute after finishing the Dragon Island. Xu Zhi felt that this old man could not be resurrected by killing.


  Bob shook his head vigorously, finally waking up completely.

  Xu Zhi's reminder was timely.

   If it weren't for some golden tickets from Cardonis and Elita, Bob's economic situation was no different from San Theo.

   The number of free resurrections is used, and the ability of immortal resurrection will become empty talk, and I have to go to pay for the cost of survival time in the void. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

   "I'll accompany Your Excellency to come over to see you" San Theo smiled happily, explaining why he came.

   Speaking of money, he couldn't help but feel happy, even if someone was crying, he could laugh out of his face.

   "I came here to get paid, you owe me a bunch of contract items."


  Bob laughed a little, and he obviously thought about something.

   The summoned creature ran to the house to collect debts, which is probably not much in the history of summoning.

   "Look at what is valuable in my laboratory, just take it my family is all here."

  Bob patted his chest and shook a few sprouted seedlings.

   "Old liar, all your good things are hidden in the void, how can I turn over to baby here."

   Xu Zhi turned over and picked up for a while, and found that most of the books in Bob's laboratory were useless for him to study.

   is based on a variety of basic theoretical books derived from magic, and is also mixed with various miscellaneous books. Starting

   There are not many individual magic analysis books, and it is difficult to add some magic experience.

  If Kotzes was studying lawful magic, he couldn't even find the three volumes of the "Royal Masters of Law Ordering Master Advanced Middle and Lower".

   "Slow, a few sheets of parchment for the group slow."

   "Thinking about beauty, portraying that kind of high-end parchment is very expensive. How many more pages do you want?" The old man said suspiciously: "Can you learn fourth-order order magic?"

   "I like collections, and collection collections will make sense, and there is no exception to fourth-order magic." Xu Zhi hardly supported a very thick face.

   Apart from chaotic magic, he did not learn anything else, he could always learn.

  The consistent excuse for collecting tickled Bob's teeth, and the rare vampire touched the magic parchment before.

   "The group slows down for at least one month. I'm doing research now. I don't have time to get that. You look at this parchment. This is a very powerful fourth-order magic."

  Bob reached out and a blue magic parchment appeared in front of him.


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