Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1431: Who will die

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Heroes of the Invincible Grand Master Chapter 1431: The Death Story

Entering the temple hall is only a few tens of seconds.

Agrinel felt that he had almost gone through his life.

Compared to some challenges in the past, the pressure in front of an assassin pioneer is too great.

The other party's ability outperformed her.

And her state at the moment is so bad, her body is suffering from violent poison, and she is half dead.

There is almost no chance of escape, even with the artifact of the minstrel.

The face of Spartz is far more risky than the various tasks she has done in the past.

After Xu Zhi was suspicious, she stopped playing the mandala.

"Are you dead?"

Agrienaire asked a question, and called hahaha again.

This may not be a proper question, but it is a straightforward approach.

Without encountering extreme environments, the assassin does not need to enter a state of zero breathing.

It was impossible for them to hold Spartz's breath in such a small trash, and suddenly he would take a one-strike action.

"Hi, His Majesty Spades, how are you?"

Xu Zhi extended his hand and said hello. The other party still didn't respond. They just stared at them in this direction. This made him and Agrienale keep eye contact.

"What kind of exercises might you be practicing, you know that our assassins have a very unique ability, zombie skills, imitating the kind of silent zombie..."

"Come on, return to zombie skills. I feel that he may become a zombie."

Xu Zhi's body moved slowly towards the side, and Agrienelle on the other side also moved slowly.

Guarding against the sudden assassination of Spartz, he is constantly verifying what he is thinking.

"He didn't look at me anymore."

"He never looked at me again."

A feeling of the rest of the life after the robbery came out from the bottom of my heart. Spartz really did not move, and his eyes did not move.

"The information should be true. Spartz is dead, or he is really having a big problem," said Ai Grenelle.

"Before you came, you promised that Spartan was dead," Xu Zhi said depressed.

"I bought the latest confirmation information from the Assassin Union. They rarely sell fake information."

What happened to Spartz is quite confusing to the outside world.

He was killed by Pope Ryan and killed by his son Madikos. He also said that Spartz had over-cultivated and turned himself into a shadow, and he could never walk out again.

In any case, in the outside rumors, Spartz's end is not very good.

But the top immortals had a lot of cards, and suddenly saw Spartz sitting in danger, Xu Zhi was also taken aback.

He was worried that Spartz, like Hexis, would swindle to death and stir up the situation on the western continent.

Real death or false death, until now the two are difficult to draw a conclusion.

But at least Spartz had a big problem.

"Go, let's go and see" Xu Zhi said.

"You go, you go," Agriner said, holding her stomach: "The toxin infected my body, and now I have pain all over. Look at my hand, look at my face, and I can show you my belly. , Ah, it hurts~"

"You think about it and think about it carefully."

Xu Zhi pointed to Agrienaire's body. He decided to paint a little bit. He didn't want to accept this kind of death to you incident. He was not the kind of low-level brainless summoning creature.

"If I die in the past, you will have no one to treat, and you won't be able to go out. You must stay with you for life, but if you are in the past, it will definitely be different."

"What's different?"

"Oh, in case you die, I will definitely be able to run back to the elemental world alive."

It has always been calling for creatures to actively explore the way, and today it seems to be the other way around, Agrienair's teeth hurt.

The truth is such a truth, and you are right.

In this case, it seems that Xu Zhi is at the safety priority level, but she has not thought of dying first.

"Come on two medical magics, I will randomly call for a few to die."

Agrienaire said sullenly, took three gold coins from his pocket, chanted a spell in his mouth, and the glimmer of the three gold coins turned into magic gradually disappeared.

In addition to the identity of assassins and thieves, Agrinel is also a big druid, and the two obviously have other options at this time.

At least not need to be a pathfinder.

There was a tremor in the air.

She was quick to summon this time and did not wait too long.

Three green skins came out one after another.

very familiar.

Introducing Xu Zhijin's small green skin in Dongfang Village, his younger brother Maggie, and a new little green skin, it seems to be called Diudiu.

"What are you doing here? Looking for death," Xu Zhi said dumbly.

The contractors who summoned him are relatively advanced, which makes Xu Zhi rarely see the green skin of Dongfang Village in the lower realm.

It’s okay if you don’t touch it, it’s three if you touch it.

This is probably the positioning of the jungle fairies in the lower realm.

"White, white tiger, the kind hanging at the gate of the village," the youngest green skin suddenly screamed.


"Squeaky King."

The latter two are much better, no matter what the appearance of Xu Zhi is, it can be recognized at any time.

"We are taking the younger brother to do tasks in the lower realm. Today is the first time that Didi is performing tasks. I rarely see such simple tasks," Ge Xiaoxiaopi cried.

"Don't pick up too easy in the future" Xu Zhifu said: "How to describe the contract?"

The summoners in the lower realm are so pitted. The task is simple, and they don't know how to die.

"Just come down and touch someone's head."

"Just come down and touch one's hand."

"Just come down and touch one's feet."

Three green-skinned whispers talk to Xu Zhixu about the experience of the lower realm.

"You know?"

Agrienale looked at the jungle goblin chattering, and felt a bad mood under her heart.

For the contractors in the lower realm, the humanoid green skin of the elemental world is very popular in killing demining, which is far better than the special forms of creatures such as wolves and goblins.

There is also an important reason. It is too convenient to carry a contract such as a gold coin. It is far more convenient than bringing a pile of meat, or pollen, special flowers and other items, and it is not distressing to use a gold coin.

In summary, it is a normal choice to contract a few green skins to die.

"Yeah" Xu Zhi said dumbly: "Can you send a little kindness in the future, and meet the mission to send a few jungle goblins, I thank you in advance."

"Hahaha, hahaha~" Agrienaire smiled and said, "I try to guarantee."

Without a sincere guarantee, Xu Zhi felt that there were not many jungle goblins dying in the hands of Agrinel.

He waved his hand, and the illusion magic used by the lawful wizards to clear the mines was released.

The duration is too short, Xu Zhi is difficult to illusion to Agrinair, but the illusion is no problem to reproduce a jungle goblin.

When the order is low and the duration is long, the illusions of green skin will not disappear for five minutes.

Xu Zhi looked at his new phantom as an advanced version of phantom magic, this magic showed a difference in the early days.

In addition to engraving other creatures, this is a magic that can illusion itself.

The twelve-point mana cost is four times the cost of illusion magic, and it has a double duration at the same level.

According to Xu Zhi's calculations, the object of this fourth-order magic copy is at least elevated to the creature of the lord stage.

If it takes a lot of experience to upgrade to level 10, as long as there is a reference object, it is very likely that a Phoenix lord can be engraved for a few minutes of battle.

Xu Zhi is not very interested in the illusion Xiao Tian Tian. No matter how powerful other creatures are, they need to adapt to their bodies before they can fight.

Even if he illusioned Phoenix Lord, the power he played was definitely far inferior to Xiao Tian Tian.

What Xu Zhi was really interested in was ultimately to engrave himself as the lord.

Hero Invincible Grandmaster

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