Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1432: Poison killing

   "Look, this is the price to touch your head."

   manipulated the small green-skin illusion that he wanted to play with his head, Xu Zhi walked about 50 meters away.

It was more than ten meters away from Spartz. A floor tile bounced off silently. Two hooked iron claws like Xu Wen sent by Shang Wenwu immediately grabbed the legs of this poor illusion. The claw is torn into pieces.

   "This is the price to touch your hands."

   A row of crossbow arrows strong enough to hit the wall flew over, and the second green-skin illusion also became fragments.

   "The cost of touching your feet."

   An iron spear on the top of the temple pierced instantly, allowing the green skin to poke a pair from the head to the lower body.

   This turned everyone's attention to the seemingly decorated metal objects on the top of the temple, and wanted to walk safely to Spartz, at least ten green-skin illusions.

   "Mother of the mother tree, the lower realm is terrible, I want to go back to the village," the freshman Xiaopi Didi cried bitterly.

   The first experience of the lower realm may have a little shadow on this little green skin, but it is better than dying once inexplicably.

   "There is a squeak king with contract mission, you still want to go back to the village, be careful I beat you" Maggie issued a criticism without hesitation.

   "I'm doing a task with Squeak for the first time, wow wow wow, so exciting, do you usually do such a dangerous job?"

  In addition to the loyal younger brother Maggie, the most admired Xu Zhi in the East Village is probably Grid Little Green Leather.

  His dream of a wizard has not changed. From the perspective of the green skin, Xu Zhi is the most powerful wizard in Dongfang Village, far more powerful than the blue skin and grimace of those two teachings.

"Hard work is not dangerous," Xu Zhi said with a smile: "The real danger is those scams, next time you don't take the contract of this big druid's name, remember the other party's name, Go to the village to promote."

   "I always feel like you are talking about me."

  I don't know the language of the jungle goblins, but Agrinel seems to feel something.

   "I never say bad things behind my back" Xu Zhi shook his head.

   "You are expressing it in person" Agrienaire spit out: "I can't understand the language, but I can feel it."

   "Haha, look at the surroundings carefully. The troubles around Spartz seem to be almost checked by me."

  It was very bad to say so clearly, and Xu Zhi suddenly changed the subject.

  If you want to enter the Spartan Temple, there is no top reaction speed, or if he relies on continuous illusion of mine clearance like him, it will definitely suffer.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "What is in his mind, no one can pass this test, I ensure" Agrienaire said dissatisfiedly: "People with this ability no longer need to learn from him."

   "It may be that he set the immortal resurrection point, now he is not in the assassin test, he turned on the protection mechanism."

   For the setting of the immortal resurrection point, many immortals are different.

   has confidence in his strength and carries the resurrection mark with him, just like Basil Ray.

  Into the sneak immediately after resurrection, can also play revenge after the body recovers.

  Challengers with two lives against many one life have a very high win rate.

   Of course, there are disadvantages, too much play is easy to smash, Basil Lei's end is an example.

   Most immortals will choose a safer zone, such as some guarded places.

  Like the life box stored by the lich, it is not only confidential, but many people have enough points to protect themselves.

  These protections will at least allow them to survive the weak period after resurrection.

   Xu Zhi's body closely followed the illusion of Grid's little green skin, and kept approaching Spartz.

  After many trial and error, they have completely confirmed that Spartz can not move, and it is difficult to make any response.

  'S body is still intact, but the other party seems to be in suspended animation, or has died, leaving only the body here.

   "Look under his left hand, is that the temple's organ?" the newborn little green skin shouted.

   was warned by Maggie for a while, this jungle goblin called Diudou had been courageously looking at it, and he was still looking very carefully. At least Xu Zhi and Agriline didn't notice the little bit of red under Spartz.

   "Retreat, slowly retreat, let me see if it is an institution."

   maneuvered the small green leather illusion of Grid, Xu Zhi bluntly pushed away Spartz's left hand, and hit it with a fist.

   The temple hall was suddenly bright and bright, and there were several clicks.

   "Damn, we still have at least five deadly traps not found."

   The dim light returned to clear, and Agrienaire took a breath of air.

  If you don’t have a lot of luck and want to seize Spartz’s relics, a few will die.

  Although as long as she has the financial and material resources, she can also set extremely powerful traps, but the setting of the Spartan temple is still beyond the expectations of Agrinel.

   "He is dead, there is no phenomenon in his body" Xu Zhisheng said.

   was pushed by the illusion, and the sitting Spartz crooked, and finally fell down.

   The switch was reset, the trap in the temple was lifted, and all the people gathered around Spartz.

   "He died after taking rehabilitation medicine."

  Agriline looked at several used potions around him, smelled it a little, and then put it down.

   "Will taking a rehabilitation medicine die?" Xu Zhi doubted.

   He lifted Spartz back to his original position and looked at Spartz's face.

   The other person's expression is solemn, his eyes are still radiant, and there are not many abnormalities on his face. This is not due to the death of Lien's blood spell.

   Frightened by the death of Spartz, this is not only for them to bear. Those who enter the temple behind should also enjoy the same treatment.

   "It may be okay to take one by itself, but it may be impossible to take several in a row. The life-saving medicine may also become a deadly poison in an instant."

   "Someone should have replaced this medicine."

  Agriline distinguished for a long Finally took out one of the potions.

  Xu Zhi compared the two potions, and didn't see any difference. The property panel just showed an empty potion.

   This distinction can only be understood by highly professional people.

  Agrinayell must be distinguished for a while. If Spartz does not have too much defense, it is not surprising that the stroke is the mark of his resurrection. All security has been set to a very strict level.

   is probably the hand of a very familiar person.


   "It's a pity."

   can maintain the body is not bad after death, Xu Zhi is difficult to guess what level Spartz was in his life, the elderly Basil Ray can kill the Phoenix Lord, Spartz will only be stronger.

   is only capable of turning against the sky, and finally it is a pile of bones. This situation made him and Agrinael sigh for a while.

   But within a few seconds, they were excited.

  The Lord is really dead, they can do the business with confidence.

   "The traps have all been lifted. Look around and look for any good babies. When you see the good babies, shout and don't move."

   "There is also the eye of the sage, remember to contract for a while, I will wait for the big eyeball."

  Xu Zhi waved his hands and rushed the little green skins to find the baby, and he looked with Agrienaire.

"found it."

   With the surprise cheering of Agriner, officially entered the harvest stage of the Spartan Temple.

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