Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1434: Violently

The skills of the small green skins for treasure hunting are not weak, at least much better than Xu Zhi's blindly searching.

It's also better than the luck of professionals like Agrinaire.

At least not poisoned.

With regard to the poison in Agriner, the green skins had to die in a few seconds.

"We took the eye of the sage and left, and I couldn't hold it."

Agrinel looked at the ring of cobras all over the ground, looked at it a little, and made sure he was not poisonous before putting a bunch on his fingers.

Some scattered bits and pieces were also recovered in the pocket.

It's convenient to take heavy and heavy items, and to get some small items.

"This is the drug assassination of the high-level assassins of the Assassin's Union. There are too many of them, and there is no way to contract one by one.

"Let these two books also agree."

Xu Zhi reached out and fetched two whispered books by Little Green Pigger.

It is a book, but it is more appropriate to describe it in a proposal or a manuscript. It is not thick, only a dozen pages.

This is a zodiac manuscript for Spartz’s review.

One book reads "absurd", and one book reads "to be discussed".

Xu Zhi turned a few pages easily. This was to study with usefulness, but to uselessness. Everything was reviewed on the property panel.

Until he saw several familiar words in the proposal.

‘Anduran Hills’ ‘Rusty Desert’ ‘Frost River’...

These are two combat proposals, which have been rejected by Spartz, but in fact, Madikes' marching operations at this time are almost consistent with the proposals, which makes Xu Zhi more suspicious.

Xu Zhi didn't see through the treacherous situation in the lower realm. At most, he knew a little about it so that he would not be confused.

This is basically similar to the mentality of ordinary people looking at news hookups.

Understand a little bit of dynamics without losing.

According to the combat proposals in the manuscript, Oriolius will excuse the huge grudges with Shannon, take Apollo, enter the Shannon border through the Kingdom of Cresson, and then join the Shannon army and go south to the forest of Eastern Apollo. .

As long as the elves keep watching the drama, or in a state of low vigilance, it will inevitably be broken.

Occupying Apollo's land and splitting with Xia Nong, O'Reilly will also turn from the island country to the western continent and occupy a large area of ​​land.

For the suggestion of this battle, Spartz marked ridiculously on the last page.

Xu Zhi looked at the submitter of the combat proposal, Spartz Madikes.

It's really polite for Spatz to scold his son.

Another copy of the same author with the same signature is ‘Card’.

This name reminded Xu Zhi a little bit of the leader of Card in the Labyrinth Labyrinth, but there were many people with the same name and surname. He just glanced at it and handed it to Agrinel.

"What kind of good is this kind of thing?" Agrienaire sullenly reached out and contracted the two manuscripts.

"You don't understand the trading rules of elemental and lower realms."

Xu Zhi wants to be contractual because the two proposals may be valuable.

A manuscript with a little magic value is not expensive, even if it is not valuable, it will not lose anything at that time.

The eye of the sage was placed on a high platform of the temple. The treasure was found to be unharmed. The protective magical cage did not harm the people who normally entered the temple.

"Unfortunately, if we can break this magical cage, we can fly away from here."

Xu Zhi looked at Agrienaire with a pale face and shot another medical magic.

The little green skins were rushed back to Dongfang Village to wait.

He also has to do a tail-cleaning. At least he needs to **** Agrinel into safety, so that many of the contracts he has concluded are in a completed state.

While leaping back over the Dragon Cliff in the Guarding Land, Xu Zhi heard the extremely angry dragon roar on the cliff.

Countless firelights illuminated the place.

The time for them to escape from the temple is just right. If they continue to delay, they may be encircled or chased by the black dragon.

Agrinael's figure escaped into the darkness, moving away.

Xu Zhi looked at the distance and felt that Ai Grenelle should not be poisoned. He let his bamboo basket hit the water and his body flickered slightly. Then he broke the contract and returned to the elemental world.


It was already three days after seeing Agrienaire again.

The minstrel wrapped his head in white cloth, and his arms were entwined, like a mummy.

The emotions in Agrinel's eyes are rejoicing, melancholy, and sorrowful, and it is difficult for such emotions to appear on a person's face at the same time.

One side is professionally responsible for the treatment of exhausted Elita, and the other side is Doug Wugg who is sullen drinking.

Seeing Xu Zhi's lower realm, he looked over very disgustedly.

"It's been only three days since I took your baby, and our relationship is not such an expression. In fact, I don't like to use a hammer. I want to return it long ago, but Agrinel did not move..."

"Not this thing."

Doug Wurg looked at Xu Zhi, who was disarmed and lost his white tiger's head, and said: "The King of the Black Dragon is angry. All people who use powerful frozen weapons are wanted. The fart has not been caught. I have to carry such a big bite for you. Pot, don't dare to use weapons in the future."


Xu Zhigan laughed, and the weapons that could be frozen were scarce.

The black dragon is immune to magic, and Chimilla is still a very powerful black dragon, and the weapon range is narrower.

As the national beast of Ourisio, the status of the Black Dragon is very respected. The King of the Black Dragon has extremely high wisdom and almost belongs to the role of the Emperor.

If the assassin union of O'Reilly was launched to investigate, Doug Wuger was found to be sooner or later, and the subsequent troubles would not be less.

He didn't do anything. There was a bite in the pot, and it was not surprising that he was depressed.

"Would you like to drink dragon blood and go back to this book, as long as Agrinel completes the contract, we will share the blood of Dragon Heart."

"You must think that I will die earlier so that I can inherit this three-piece suit. I won't drink it."

Doug Wooler put on his armor sullenly and simply rejected Xu Zhi's proposal.

There are a lot of troublesome things, and he doesn't want to add any more trouble now.

The power brought by the artifact gave a little more peace of mind, and at this moment his emotions slowly adjusted.

"We may have to go to some remote islands to hide from the disaster, and wait for this wanted boom to pass before returning."

"Or we can go to the eastern continent, and the king of the black dragon cannot touch the power of that continent."

Elita made her own suggestion. She had a lot of experience in disaster avoidance and was used to it all the way.

"If you want to escape to the East Continent, you must let me inherit your wealth. I heard that the gold tickets issued by the West Continent cannot be exchanged on the East Continent."

Xu Zhi took the dark pastor's hands and made his unreasonable request.

"I can come back in the future," Elita said weakly, and very gently refused Xu Zhi, which made Xu Zhi sad.

"Return the book to me first, and avoid touching it. This book is miserable."

Agriline opened her swollen mouth and saw the "Assassin Union Leader's Book" edited by Spartz. Her mood was quite complicated.

It is obviously more reliable than the immortal space of the two little friends around the element

"I must study hard after reading it, and I also like this poisonous book."

Xu Zhi reluctantly returned the skill book edited by Spartz to Agrienaire. Before studying this high-level skill book, he had to find some other scouting books to make a base.

"Rest assured, this book will be a waste product to me after study," Agriner said.

"me too."

Xu Zhi moved the window of the sage and the eye of the sage, the proposal, a large number of cobra rings and other objects back to the elemental world, and the next item is what they can now get enough benefits.

Chimila's Black Dragon Heart.

Oncoming blood, with hot heat, a huge dragon's heart emerged from the void.

An extremely heavy feeling came, Xu Zhi grabbed the corner of the dragon's heart, lifted it hard, and the person had disappeared from the settlement of Agrienaire and others.

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