Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1435: Dragon Blood Jungle Goblin Full of Village

The green skins of the Eastern Village did not eat less flesh and blood of higher-order creatures.

From the early Soliphan Wolf, the Gaoyan Giant Wolf, to the Praying Mantis, to the White Tiger Lord, the green skins have almost enjoyed the meat that is difficult to enjoy in the life of many creatures.

Although it belongs to the meat of high-level creatures, the meat is still those meats, and may have the effect of strengthening the body. After all, eating more meat will always be stronger, but these meats are not too special.

Compared with the other three villages, the individual strength of the green skins of Dongfang Village is significantly higher.

It is still classified in the weak chicken column, but the green skin has become a master of the weak chicken.

In particular, the old green-skinned Badan wood that has become silver-grade can directly break the wrists of those high-rock giant wolves in the past.

These meats do not bring about direct and powerful growth, which is a subtle and slowly increasing.

But the blood contained in the heart of the Black Dragon can bring intuitive effects.

Many tragic dragon blood warriors who died in the past are examples.

Black Dragon Heart: A black dragon heart with powerful energy.

[Remarks: According to different regions, providing the heart of the black dragon can attract the help of the dragon family opposed to the black dragon, which will also provoke the hostility of the black dragon. 】

Xu Zhi didn't care about the remarks prompted by the property panel. He didn't know how to call it, and he didn't plan to call it. This huge black dragon heart would be used to share and eat.

How much dragon blood is in the heart of a black dragon, and how much green skin can be drunk in Dongfang Village, this needs to be tried first.

Just attracted the eyes of Sage's Eye and Sage's Window, and in a blink of an eye, Somra and Hexis were startled by the huge dragon's heart again.

"Which black dragon did you kill?"

Hexis made two rounds around the heart of the black dragon, deliberately measured the size, and felt that this black dragon might not be weak during his lifetime.

"What's Chimila, Ahai, you have a lot of research on biology, and see how much dragon blood we can drink."

Xu Zhi pointed to the green skins who were rejoicing and gathered around them. The green skins had strengths and weaknesses, and there were some dragon blood that they could drink.

Drinking less is no problem, drinking too much may kill you.

Drinking dragon blood is a big happy event, and Xu Zhi doesn't want to be a big funeral.


Hexis recalled a little bit before saying: "I've seen this old dragon once. He was one of the twelve guards of the black dragon king Aolang Marassa. I didn't expect to see this scene again."

Looking at Chimila's dragon heart, Hexis snorted.

"Do you drink a little of his blood?" Xu Zhi asked.

"That's necessary," Hexis exclaimed. "I've played Black Dragon's idea long ago. It's just that these guys are hard to get rid of.

"With such a fresh heart of dragons, you haven't got some dragon horns, dragon teeth, dragon claws, dragon tendons, dragon bones, dragon skin?" Somra asked.

"Don't mention it. It's too much trouble to strip the dragon corpse. The black dragon was smashed into ice by me, and it was a mess."

For the use of the Black Dragon, Xu Zhi and Ai Ge Naier can be described as violent.

Knocking, beating and smashing around the dragon corpse did not remove many complete areas, and finally cut this most valuable part of the body.

"Dragon whip corpse, this hatred is just a little bit big. Once a creature that has drunk Chimila's blood is found, Orang Malassa will chase it to death."

Hexius frowned and looked at Somra: "If we can go down to the realm in the future, but can't return to the elemental world, drinking dragon blood is a big trouble."

"At that time, the Brakada people didn't slaughter the dragons, how could I be afraid of a dragon king?" Somra finished his breath, and asked in a low voice: "How powerful is that Olangmarasa?"

"I don't know how powerful it is. Except for one sing-song, the other immortals who challenged him in the lower realm are dead, and even the chance of resurrection is not given," Hexis replied.


Somra laughed twice and touched the huge dragon's heart. For a moment, he didn't know what to think about.

"All take their wooden bowls and sit in rows. Uncle Hai will drink as much as you want, not much."

The people in the lower realm are afraid of the Black Dragon King Orang Malassa, Hexis and Somra also seem to have some taboos, but the green skins don't matter.

This is a low-level creature that cannot be lowered, and still lives in the elemental world. It is difficult to create a possibility of interlacing with the Black Dragon King.

For the green skins, the main problem is to make the body stronger and survive safely in the elemental world.

Xu Zhi also took a small tub.

There is an attribute panel for detection, and the body is also a body abandoned by the gods. He can take the fruit of the life tree continuously.

"You got dragon blood."

"You used Dragon Blood."

"Hint: Take the baptism of the dragon's blood and gain +4-4 damage, +4 attack, +4 defense, and +10 life."

After drinking enough blood of the dragon, Xu Zhi finally waited until the prompt appeared.

The enhancement of multiple attributes exceeded Xu Zhi's budget.

When I drank, I didn't feel anything in my mouth, I didn't feel anything in my body, but my ability really became stronger.

"How do you feel?" Somra asked with a concerned expression.

"It's amazing," Xu Zhi replied: "The body has become more powerful. I now understand why some people are always thinking of killing dragons."

As the first person to drink dragon blood, everyone was waiting for his feelings.

After listening to Xu Zhi's introduction, the green skins cheered and stared at the huge dragon heart.

What is the Black Dragon King Aurangamasa, they are lazy, I haven't heard of it.

Squeaky King can drink, they can drink too.

Compared with the hesitation and struggling of Hexis and Somra, the Green Skins are quite simple.

"Are we brave?" Somra looked at Hexis.

"They are ignorant and fearless. We know too much."

Hexis took a small wooden bowl to hold a bowl of dragon blood, smashed his mouth, and swallowed it.

"The immortality is gone, and the demon summoning is also banned. I have almost become a waste, and there is nothing to fear. After the big deal, I will go to the east and hide in the east."

"Somewhere to hide and drink."

Somra finally came down hard, and they were more willing to accept the immediate benefits than the threats that might exist in the future.

"It's so hot, it's a bit uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I suddenly grew taller."

"I have grown to one and five meters."

"Look at my arms, my thighs."

"The clothes and trousers are so tight. I want to change my clothes."

"Don't throw away your clothes, our little ones can still wear them."

"You are not thirsty, I want to drink water."


Dragon Blood's transformation of the green skins seems to be different from Xu Zhi's. The amount of drinking is less, but the improvement is not small.

In addition to several jungle goblins who have been promoted in the past two years, some of the jungle goblins who are at a low level, or at the critical point of their strength, have their bodies raised.

The change of body means that the strength of the jungle goblins is increasing.

This is the most intuitive external performance of the creatures growing on the BOSS route.

"Our village is definitely the strongest jungle goblin village in the elemental world."

Old green skin looked at the bright red under his green skin, and his face was full of satisfaction.

In the past, he hated the red blood most, but at the moment he felt that red was no problem compared to his inner strength.

The blood in the body is boiling, and dragon blood seems to be improving everything in his body.

The power is body is also stronger.

Even the speed has become faster.

According to Hexis' analysis, maybe one or two years, or two or three years, he will become a real jungle goblin leader.

"Squeaky, our village is the best jungle goblin village."

Dadam was delighted to see that he was the same height as the old green leather, and the second silver-level jungle goblin in the village appeared.

"Dragon blood jungle monsters full of villages, this is a bit magical and unreal."

Hexis looked at the fiery jungle goblin village and always felt a little wrong.

"They are not as capable of restraining the breath of the black dragon as we are, and their strength is not much, and the momentum is very scary." Somra pointed to the green skin. "Have you heard of the story of the fox and the tiger, they are now the dragon. Prestige."

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