Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1453: Bison shed

After running a few steps, Xu Zhi's body was like a dragon, and he began to dig into the air, and flew over the ruins between his body shaking.

"Hidden bastard."

Looking at Xu Zhifei's figure, Li Duohuang took a sip.

Because she thought Xu Zhi was an expert cultivator, she didn't expect to be a master or a master with a very high level of silence.

At least she would have difficulty achieving this coherent flying style.

"It's good to lean against the big family."

She belongs to self-reliance. In the early years, she relied on the combination of Thor's helmet and bone breastplate to continually draw out her own route from many martial arts and Qi training.

As for Xu Zhi's ability to inherit the great aristocratic family, it is impossible to say that she has no envy in her heart.

The more she practiced, the slower her enlightenment became.

Not only is this class able to provide her with more and more comprehensive information, but she also lacks the previous plug-ins, which made her guru's path slower by a few steps, so that she still suffers from Abu Han's pursuit today.

Thinking that Xu Zhi had piled her up in the Luo family ruins in the early years and seized the bone breastplate, she was still angry with a little liver pain.

"Can you help, help them?" Zuo Qingqing stomped on Li Duohuang urgently.

After all, there was a slight gap with Xu Zhi, but the other party was someone whom her uncle Chen Jingsi highly recommended. Chen Jingsi not only adjusted the family resources, but also always wanted to make her stick upside down.

Now it seems that Chen Jingsi's resources have been reduced a bit, and people simply can't use the medicine for the master sprint.

"I save him, why should I not be him?"

Li Duohuang shaved a few words on the paper, and Zuo Qingqing looked a bit ignorant in the Nan'ao characters of dragon and phoenix.

Judging from the look of the other party, she failed to ask for help.

The beaten hoodie came out and wanted to go back to rescue again. There were no relatives, teachers and other relationships. This is something that makes it difficult for people to make decisions.

Just as it was difficult to escape from the sea of ​​fire and ran back to rescue the trapped people, either the mind was noble or too concerned.

Li Duohuang felt that he did not belong to these two categories.

"I'm going to see, not to save them, at least I have to know a little bit about their situation, otherwise Uncle Chen will definitely kill me if I know."

Zuo Qingqing hesitated for a while, patted his chest, lifted his gall, and crept up.

"So concerned about that bastard, is it his little girlfriend?"

Li Duohuang looked at Zuo Qingqing's sneaky figure, and she felt the relationship between the two was indescribable.

"It's really unsightly. She is older than me."

The dissatisfied murmured again, and then looked at the half-dead Abu Han, who jumped up a tall tree.

It would be impossible for her to risk her death to save people, but if she went to collect the body, she could barely do her best.

"Our friendship should be worth so much."

Li Duohuang thought about it, and felt that it was not easy for him to do so many things when he was sick.

If there is not much friendship like Abu Han, if he can't recover himself, he lies on the ground and kills himself. When he escapes, no one cares.


Flying to the entrance of the ruins, Xu Zhi whispered, his heart jumped violently.

He is now like an ordinary adult facing a group of children with guns, as long as he is shot, he will die.

Holding the big killer, it is difficult to control, and the release is completely in the mood.

Barbarian makes everyone feel terrified.

This kind of "eye-killing" is unreasonable. In reality, no one has such a talent for abilities.

Holding power, but not knowing how to control it, just like Leo’s fear of Hexis, the great practitioners present were also afraid of the bull.

This is a creature that does not allow reproduction in the real world.

If the barbarian is strong enough to go against the sky, then it can only follow the other party.

However, compared to the strong offensiveness, the barbarian's physique is not strong. By removing this'eye kill', expert cultivators can overcome the barbarian, and even advanced cultivators can kill each other.

But the action to suppress the barbarian cattle failed.

The number exceeded the cultivators' expectations.

In this wave of exploration in the early stage of the new island, too many great practitioners died.

Xu Zhi did not want to add the names of him and Qian Tong. He clung to the broken rock that was used for isolation and kept listening to the movement after the broken rock.

The sound of small broken hooves and small steps came from time to time, which made Xu Zhi's forehead cold and sweating.

Crushing a stone, like a rainstorm hitting pear blossoms, he sprang out of the gap, and his body flew back.


The croaks of the barbarian cows sounded in the cave,

Judging from the screams of the bulls and the suddenly messy footsteps, only seven or eight bulls stopped at the entrance.

It's no wonder that the big cultivators escaped very fast, and wanted to lock their eyes faster than the bulls. This is a very difficult thing, especially in this dark and limited cave.

After stocking the electromagnetic blaster that had been useless for nearly a year or two, Xu Zhi lost two of them in succession without thinking.

The sound of an explosion came, and the sound of the barking cows at the cave entrance and the sound of small broken steps disappeared without a trace.

The collapsed broken stone ruins were directly exploded, forming a space large enough to enter.

Xu Zhi stared at his red eyes and saw the body of the barbarian cow lying in the cave.

It is enough to threaten the electromagnetic blaster of the master cultivator, which is obviously an unbearable blow for the bulls.

I glanced around, except for Zuo Qingqing, who was followed by sneaky behind, there seemed to be no more people in the area, and Xu Zhi's mouth wriggled.

The top shield of heaven possessed.

Immediately followed by the tenth level of anti-magic, almost all magic, will also directly get rid of its own magical state, and only reserve a blessing magic.

If the shield of heaven is not broken, you can do this temporary match.

Can be anti-strike, anti-magic, opposition and conflict exist at the same time, double top magic while guarding.


Xu Zhi waved his hand, and the black light in his hand went out like a viper.

A range of 7th-level plague magic.

Within the range in which his vision and spirit can be extended, the maximum upper limit is not more than 350 meters square, and they will withstand the plague.

The existence of anti-magic magic is more to prevent the mental damage caused by the plague.

"How could a mouse bite me and hurt."

In the distance, Zuo Qingqing screamed, leaping, and destroying the hidden figure.

"go with"

Lifting a huge stone, Xu Zhi slammed down a vine forest more than 100 meters away. The dull collision between the huge stone and the flesh came. His eyes did not glance at that place anymore. The man had quickly entered the cave. in.

Some energy lamps were scattered in the dark caves, and the messy light showed the panic of the practitioners.


Opening the way with the plague magic, Xu Zhi at this time also can't care about accidentally injuring, whether it is Zuo Qingqing, Qian Tong, whose life and death is unknown, or a cultivator who may still stay in range.

To save people, he needs to ensure his safety in the first place.

Within perception, several bulls with a long distance have already made a move.

The grumpy sound kept ringing, and the mooing cry in this cave kept on.

The breeders may also be guarding against the special ability of wild cows. There are many curved passages in the cave, and many places still show 90-degree angles. Xu Zhi looked at it for a while and was relieved.

Although Qiantong is slow and intercepted behind, Qiantong has advantages that no one else can match.

Like him, during the dragon blood effect ~ ~ Qian Tong will be very sensitive to the things in the dark, and will be very sensitive, at least he can make precautions in advance.

Perhaps he was the first barbarian discovered and the first to attack and dodge.

As long as it does not hit head-on, Qiantong is unlikely to die in this short period of time.

Dongyue Master's top ten, and the tenth place in the four-nation exchange competition, it is impossible to die so easily.

"Brother, bear with a mouse biting, I made it out."

There are eight targets in the magic range, Xu Zhi is also not sure whether it includes Qian Tong, and he yelled first.

"Second Junior Brother, what kind of ghost poisoning did you learn? My brain hurt when the mouse bites during the attack. Don't babble. These snakeskin beasts are too dangerous. They will follow the sound to find someone."

Qian Tong's low voice came from the winding passage.

Xu Zhi's heart was filled with joy, and people were still alive.

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