Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1454: Indiscriminate blow

The third-level seventh-level plague magic can consume seven health points every thirty seconds, and the effect lasts ten minutes.

In the new world, if it cannot be exterminated, the accumulated damage and lethality is not low.

Zuo Qingqing cried and called his mother in the rear, calling from time to time, but Xu Zhi felt that Zuo Qingqing could not die, anyway, he was a master-level cultivator, and his physique was not so weak.

The voice gradually moved away, and Xu Zhi was relieved a lot. He should continue to release the plague magic and he should not accidentally hurt Zuo Qingqing.

There was a barbarian cow near Qiantong, but after a conversation, the two stopped the communication and allowed the barbarian cows to rush around.

As time passed by one minute and one second, Xu Zhi never stopped up and down.

He was glared by the bull and almost died. His courage was a little small now, hiding in a corner not far from the cave exit and waiting quietly.

A plague magic can't kill a barbarian cow, so here are two. Before this dangerous creature died, Xu Zhi didn't plan to meet each other.

Only five minutes later, he began to repeat the release of the plague magic, again confirming the number of wild cattle in the range.

Regardless of which great cultivator came to the stone city, this place is not a good memory.

Some escaped from the scope of the stone city, and some still hummed in the stone city.

Zuo Qingqing's face was pale, and she had been tortured by a dozen oily mice in her mind.

The mice successfully replaced the fear of the giant square snake.

Zuo Qingqing felt that he would have a deadly hatred with the mouse in this life.

"I must have been glanced at by the snakeskin beast and I can't survive. Please help. I will give this suicide note to Zuojia, Dingchong City, Xiangbei City, and the No. 18 Villa at the intersection of Lanxi Road. It's very easy to find."

Zuo Qingqing's pen walked like a fly, and hundreds of words of last words were written down.

"Just because you took a little compensation from me Parrot Grass, ah, hurt~"

Zuo Qingqing looked pitifully at Li Duohuang who was silent, the other party's look slowly relaxed from the beginning of the enemy.

After a few minutes, people have relaxed a lot.

"You must be nervous, it is impossible to be seen by the snakeskin beast."

Li Duohuang raised the back of his letter and wrote: "That monster will die at a glance. It is impossible for the time to last so long. I tend to be the ghost made by the little bastard."

The petrified chicken, snake, and beast, and the snakeskin beast that died.

Li Duohuang felt that the Stone City should not be against the sky to the point where a group of rats would die.

"You mean Xu Zhi hit me?" Zuo Qingqing asked.


"That's impossible. I was at least three hundred meters away from him at the time, and he was still facing away from me."

"There is no other explanation, and there are no threats nearby."

The perception has been maximized. Li Duohuang's mind flashed through the surrounding grass and trees, and he didn't even miss the whereabouts of mosquitoes and flying ants.

Except for the violent barking of the bull in that cave.

There are no chickens and snakes, no snakeskins, and no other monsters near them.

Compared to the fact that they drove along with the Vedic Veda at this time, she was purely relying on her own ability to judge at this time.

It's too unreliable to put your life in the hands of others.

The moment she saw dozens of bulls turn around, she was all hairy and her head was almost down.

At this time I had to exert all my strength.

"It's impossible for the guru to turn my back over three hundred meters and kill me."

Although it was only a few years since she first entered the master class, Zuo Qingqing was still very confident.

It will be a matter of time before the torture continues.

Although Xu Zhi can hang her, it is impossible to do such a thing.

This unscientific.

"The master is impossible, but he is a bit evil, maybe he can make trouble." Li Duohuang recalled his past and unwillingly wrote on the paper: "You have such a good relationship and have no in-depth understanding."

"The relationship is so good?" Zuo Qingqing shouted: "I have a better relationship with him. This dead man beat me up at the beginning and rejected our blind date. I was so faceless."


Li Duohuang scratched a pile of meaningless text on the paper.

She was beaten very badly at the beginning, and has been relying on her strong face to support herself. If the two did not interact a little more and each benefited, she would like to strangle Xu Zhi.

But the blind date was rejected, she had not experienced such a good thing.

Looking at Zuo Qingqing, there was a little pity in her eyes. The girl didn't enjoy the benefits, but suffered.

"You just have to take this suicide note... wait, the mice don't seem to bite me."

Zuo Qingqing rubbed his head, and the feeling of huge pain was even transmitted to the whole body.

After ten minutes, the mice were gnawed twenty times. The brain was extremely tired. She strongly supported the body, and the internal air slowly circulated, constantly eliminating the pain of the body, and also relieved the mind.

"I haven't come out in ten minutes. Would you like to give this kid a corpse."

Li Duohuang looked at the ruined cave and lurched in his mind.

Two seriously injured people were lying here, and she didn't want to bring out two bodies side by side here.

"The dragon has not been carried out yet" Li Duohuang looked at the cave silently and said: "People who do not follow the agreement are shameful, don't die inside."

In the cave, Xu Zhi's third wave of plague magic began to release. He had heard the sound of a barbarian falling to the ground.

In the plague magic, these wild cows are crazy.

Crashing around, moaning out loud moans constantly.

Has a powerful soul killing ability, and is also killed by the soul biting ability of the plague magic.

Like the sharpest knife in the world, it can kill anyone, but this knife lacks sufficient texture and can be cut off.

Xu Zhi was very thankful that the plague magic had worked, otherwise he would not know **** these wild cattle.

Where his perception can be extended, the number of barbarian cows is not much.

"Brother, how are you?"

Seeing that there were no more bulls near Qiantong, Xu Zhi crept past.

"The brain hurts and the whole body hurts."

Qian Tong worked hard to dig up the pile of rubble covering his Nearly half of a small stone house built by wild cattle breeders in this place has collapsed. Qian Tong simply broke the wall of the stone house. The whole person is hiding inside.

Relying on this temporary hiding point, he also killed two wild cattle.

"The critical distance of the attack they gaze at may be in the range of ten meters. It needs to see people to take effect. It cannot penetrate the building wall. It is not the kind of "potential" locking method, ah, comfortable~"

After several medical magic shots, Qian Tong's face was much better, and the damage caused by magic was also treated by magic.

Ten medical magic shots were taken, and Qian Tong was also hit with a "defense".

Xu Zhicai murmured the plague spell again.

"Yeah, there are mice."

A voice sounded at the cave, and Li Duohuang finally couldn't help it, and ran over very enthusiastically to collect the body.

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