Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1456: Barbarian courage

"Why should I test the drug?"

The pale-faced young woman looked at the corpses of the barbarian cows piled together and instantly understood her position.

"Why do I have to test the drug? Quack, do you think I can still eat it like this?" Li Duohuang whispered his own misfortune.

"Don't look at us, our side effects are very painful."

Looking at the eyes from Zuo Qingqing, Qian Tong pointed to his body, he was better, at least partially restored normal functions.

For example, it's not scary in the dark, but in the evening afterwards, you can get together in a normal way.

Correspondingly, he also lost his ability to night vision, and he only saw a little clearer in the dark.

Xu Zhi had never practiced the White Tiger Qiqi, and Qian Tong didn't know how to get rid of this side effect in his body.

Maybe after returning to Dongyue, you can go to Master Zhuang Baiqiu. That master is famous for breaking the sha, and this kind of sha can also be broken.

"We were fairly normal two days ago."

Xu Zhi stared at the red eyes, and when she looked at Zuo Qingqing, she made a chill in her heart, only to see that Xu Zhi in the cave was cold and abnormal, looking like a square giant snake she had seen before.

A hint of fear permeated in my heart, and a small thought in Zuo Qingqing's heart instantly succumbed.

"If you see me poisoned, you must save me, I still yearn for life."

Zuo Qingqing thought about it, his heart thumped, and took out his suicide note on his chest again, and handed it to Xu Zhi.

"In case of death, I must pass this on to my family. My family lives in No.18 Villa at the intersection of Lanxi Road in Dingchong City. The place name is easy to remember."

The shape is very similar to that of a cow, but the wild bull brings terrifying lethality.

Even if they are great cultivators, they are no exception.

The meat of a nibble cow is like an ordinary person eating meat of a highly venomous snake, and his heart is full of anxiety.

It's just useless, only to satisfy the appetite, after everyone eats up.

If the meat contained undetectable poison, Zuo Qingqing had to admit her fate. Anyway, her suicide note was already well prepared.

Within the scope of the ruined stone city, apart from Abu Han, who was lying unconscious on the ground, she was the only one with a normal body.

If the snake skin animal's flesh has a tonic effect on the body, this is the capital of her dividends.

The more powerful the creature, the more magical it is. Looking at the corpses of more than fifty snakeskin beasts, Zuo Qingqing couldn't help but feel a little bit hot.

Ordinary people will bet on fortune and go on adventures, and practitioners will bet on the fortunes of heaven and earth.

They can't avoid human nature.

There are always so many big cultivators who eat themselves every year, for example, the three in front of you are examples.

Great cultivators are always rushing to find time and consume time.

The purpose of the practitioners who came to the Nanyang Islands is very clear, that is, they are interested in the possible cultivation materials in this area, and Zuo Qingqing is no exception.

"It shouldn't die. You don't have a headache anymore, and your body has no other problems."

After shooting several medical magics, Zuo Qingqing's spirit recovered a lot, and her pale face is purely scared.

Swallowing beef is rich, and Li Duohuang cares.

Induce vomiting, detoxification.

The two work and cooperate, and all preparations have already been made.

As long as it is not a poisonous death, coupled with his medical magic, how can the girl's life be resumed.

"Can't die, can't die, I definitely can't die."

Zuo Qingqing swallowed several times and tried to calm down the ups and downs.

"Xu Zhi, why are you bringing kitchenware when you come to the wild?"

If something is okay, Zuo Qingqing also finds some other topics.

The beef that she tried to eat was cut into various pieces.

Including thigh meat, beef nose, beef blood, beef tongue, beef heart, beef liver, beef stomach, cattle brain, cattle eyes, cattle joy.

Pieces of bits and pieces, as long as the parts of the snake skin beast, were cut by the money and placed on different plates.

Next to it is a large pot of boiling water.

The requirements for tasting are not low. You need to eat a certain amount of each. The food you eat is just boiled and the taste will not be good.

"This is a long story, benefiting from the series of "Two Hundred Talents of Survival in the Wild". I usually have all the items I need. You can also refer to this set of books in the future."

"I don't know if it will be later."

Zuo Qingqing muttered a sentence and picked up the piece of beef thigh.

Among many varieties that need to be tasted, this piece is considered a normal part and can be eaten.

After being scalded in boiling water, she looked at the beef, her eyes closed, and she started chewing and swallowing.

"how is it going?"

While no one was intervening, Li Duohuang had finished what he wanted to express in advance.

Qian Tong's palm on the side was pressed against Zuo Qingqing's back, and when there was something wrong, he would push inward and vomit the beef swallowed by the other party.

Xu Zhi also stared at Zuo Qingqing's expression, in case something went wrong, he would release medical magic in time.

"It's very hard, it's too much fiber, it's hard to chew, and it has a bad meat taste. I feel that I'm not eating beef, but cowhide. There may be no more unpalatable meat in the world."

"Don't pay attention to taste, is there any effect, such as physical fitness or something?"

Xu Zhi looked at Zuo Qingqing who kept vomiting. One heart was considered to be down, at least the beef was not poisonous, and he didn't die when he tried it for the first time.

"Who can swallow a piece of beef will know that he is fit and strong." Zuo Qingqing vomited: "This meat tastes terrible, non-toxic, and can be eaten. After the trial, the next course."

"Hahaha, there really is meat that is harder to eat than the piece of meat just now. This is just meat."

After eating a beef nose hard, Zuo Qingqing gave a laugh. For the part of the snake skin beast, there is no difference except for the worse taste.

"It was a sticky feeling, a bit disgusting, and the status of the food in front of it was elevated."

"Can't bite, like a piece of rubber, I swallowed it, the effect is unknown."


Xu Zhi looked at Zuo Qingqing. She thought about coming and going, and she picked them first, and then she almost picked them. From the aspect of taste, it would only get worse and worse, and no better.

"Shizi can kill, not humiliating, this is not human acceptable food."

Swallowing the white bovine brain hard, Zuo Qingqing began to jump up against eating these foods because the next part would be more unpalatable.

"No, I don't need it. The suicide note was brought back to me. The old lady stopped eating it."

Staring at the eyes, Zuo Qingqing snatched the suicide note in Xu Zhi's hand and tore it to pieces.

"Hahaha, what a snakeskin beast, everything is dead at a glance, fake, everything is fake, I came to this cave is also fake, I must have had side effects by eating parrot grass only entered Such an absurd dream."

"What yin and yang two ghosts, what four-legged oxen, what cuboid snakes are fake, ha ha ha."

"In my dream, I am the supreme only being, the strongest being."

"What a beautiful pearl, what Piduo ring phoenix, what Li Duohuang, **** my parrot grass, die to death, and Xu Zhi's red eye disease, beat me again, retire my marriage, scare me if nothing, Go to die."

"Qiantong, hahaha, cut me so much bad meat and die."

"It's all false, all false, all die to me quickly, hahaha, die quickly."

Zuo Qingqing's face was flushed. For a while, new hatred and old hatred flooded her heart.

From time to time, he laughed a few times toward the top wall of the cave, pointing to the people one by one.

"Her brain is not broken," Li Duohuang whispered to the two watching.

"Why do you think the current situation is false, all this is true" Qian Tong.

"Ah, you two line up in the back, Xu silly X who did not give a blind date opportunity, you are the most bastard, go to die first."

The young woman who was so eager to hold her arms could not bear it at last, and lifted up the blue steel sword in the sky for a 360-degree jump. The swordsmanship of the swordsmanship turned into stars, stabbing towards Xu Zhi.

With a slight retreat, Xu Zhi avoided the sword of Zuo Qingqing.

The moment that Zuo Qingqing used the momentum was broken by him at a glance.

Like the green snake around the column, his body began to swim around Zuo Qingqing.

Zuo Qingqing ate the leopard gallbladder today and actually raised the challenge again. When she was content with all the big moves, Xu Zhi would tell her what was real and what was despair.

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