Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1457: Ghost

   Wrapped around. Kuangsha Literature Network

   One is the aristocratic family who is good at sword-wrapping, and the other is the green snake around Situ Xuan Kong Mo.

   Split moves, feed moves, Xu Zhiyou walked without the slightest sense of stagnation, playing extremely relaxed, easy to move, is completely a big contestant to point out Xiaomeng's new contest.

   The other person's agile form kept hovering and playing in his mind, which made the nearby Li Duohuang's teeth look straight.

   "Hidden bastard."

  I don't know how many times she said it in her heart.

   Xu Zhi has hidden capital, but she has to show her head again and again and keep being exposed to the public.

   If you want to get enough benefits, you have to do a lot of things.

   has brought unparalleled benefits and has also been involved in many dangers.

  If she can, she hopes that like Xu Zhi, at least in her early growth stage, she will encounter a lot of light or dark calculations.

  With the grandmaster's heart of Shirakawa Shirakawa, the strength to break down a big realm is all helpless, not to mention her.

   fell from the top master cultivator, reduced to an expert stage of little transparency, and was beaten on the ground by the three new novice cultivators Xu Zhi, Yan Jinbai and Gu Yuxi.

  If she had risen from the low, she was a child who could not beat the death and refused to lose, and now it is difficult to stand here.

  Like Zuo Qingqing, she was pitted by Xu Zhi several times, but each other came over, and no one knew who was taking advantage of it more.

   Anyway, it was finally that she accumulated deeper, the background was stronger, and the master was just a short distance away.

  As long as she has the right place and the right people, she can't go without saying that she can't.

   "You can't let this little **** catch up easily, it will be very shameless."

   She looked at it, this was Xu Zhi's third reentanglement with Zuo Qingqing, the same move, but Zuo Qingqing could not get out of Xu Zhi's entanglement.

   The other party's ingenuity and the ingenuity of the green snake no longer have any mysteries in her eyes.

   "When it's time to get his strange poisons and secrets to hand."

  Li Duohuang was satisfied with the positive effect of swallowing parrot grass.

   Side effects are acceptable.

  Bapo mouth and the indifference of cold mouth are acceptable.

   During the period when this ability is in effect, the more she sees, the more she understands. If it accumulates enough, she will be able to blend in a combat scholasticism that is suitable for her.

  Li Duohuang just thought about it, and she was very beautiful.

  No matter how many people died on the island, she did not lose anyway.

  If the gold casting the large statue of bull head can be extracted and transformed into wealth, she can also buy some dragons and tigers and return to the pill, which can be used to assist the guru, or when it is in danger.

   "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, huh."

   Fighted for more than thirty minutes, Zuo Qingqing finally began to feel wrong.

   It was roughly Xu Zhi who felt that the hiring had ended, or learned the result he wanted, and slapped it directly.

   "It's not a dream."

   Covering his face, Zuo Qingqing yelled, "Xu Zhi, you are a bastard, you don't hit your face, what are you doing?"

   Xu Zhi looked at Zuo Qingqing whose head was back to normal, and the girl finally woke up.

   "After seeing the useful parts, the bull brain should have the effect of stabilizing the soul and reducing the influence of momentum and pressure. The shortcomings are also obvious. You should see it, you may be a little overconfident."

  Cowboys have the terrifying soul lethality. Even in the ruins of Yingguo, this kind of creature that only depends on chance will be awesome.

  When the fluke became mortal, the wild cattle stepping into reality had undergone unimaginable changes.

   Except for the moment he and Abu Han made a move by killing the barbarian cattle, none of them survived and died directly under their eyes.

   Corresponding to the powerful ability of the barbarian cow, a trace of effect remains in the body.

  Like the gold-headed skills he possesses, he can effectively reduce the ‘potential’ caused by the spirit. When fighting with Zuo Qingqing, Xu Zhi’s momentum against Zuo Qingqing is slowly improved.

   gave the opponent time to adapt, and also made this effect of Zuo Qingqing within the upper limit that he can help.

   "I don't know whether this effect is temporary or permanent. If I can reduce the impact of the imposing pressure, I will be so passive when I fight Abu."

   "Whether temporary or permanent, this benefit will not be small."

  Everyone was very satisfied with the effect brought by the bull brain. Zuo Qingqing stared at Xu Zhi for a while, but only felt that there was no fear of Xu Zhi in his heart.

  Relying on the light of the energy lamp, she always had a feeling of panic when she looked at Xu Zhi. Now that this feeling continues, she feels that she is equal to each other.

   At least the dialogue need not be so stubborn to be cautious.

   "There are also bull's eye and bull's joy" Qian Tong pointed to the plate.

   "Can you not eat it."

  Zuo Qingqing looked at the black lacquered ox-eye beads in the plate, and the eccentrically shaped Niu Huanxi, his stomach rolled.

   "The former is a weapon for snake skin beasts to stare at people, and the latter is a manifestation of their ability to multiply. Both of them may have strong effects. With our care, you should not die."

   Qian Tong explained the last sentence. Zuo Qingqing clipped the last two tastings. She closed her eyes after being hot.

   This is more uncomfortable than she has been eating sea fish for a year. Zuo Qingqing overestimated her endurance.

  When the bull's eyeballs were crushed in the mouth and the juice burst out, Zuo Qingqing felt that the whole person was bad.

   Want to participate in the share of the price is not small, others are desperate to kill snakeskin beasts, she is desperate to eat snakeskin beast test.

  The bull's eye that gave everyone high hopes did not bring special effects. This is somewhat disappointing. Except for the sparse water, the pupil is thick and hard to bite, which is not much different from the fish eye.

   "Rejoice, do you have any special feeling to eat this."

   The last piece was swallowed by Zuo Qingqing, and everyone looked at her expectantly, trying to find a little bit different.

   "The flowers are warm, everything is recovering, and it's a happy season again! The male turtle is lying on top of the female turtle and makes a sound!"

  Zuo Qingqing murmured for a while before rolling his eyes. "It doesn't matter to me anyway. Don't ask me to eat this thing in the future."

   "Okay, I know, remind."

  Looking at the pink face of Zuo Qingqing, he is struggling to get rid of this unexpected effect. Qiantong finally determined the can have an effect on the master cultivator, which is a powerful use.

  In addition to the edible parts, the nails on the bull, the corners and other items can not be used as food.

   "Would those two lizards try to eat?" Li Duohuang asked.

   "That can't be tried anymore. I saw someone picking up the complete monitor lizard" Zuo Qingqing said anxiously. "The remaining blood is vague, so it's not good to try it."

   Trying to eat a wild cow is already trying to die. With more giant lizards, Zuo Qingqing feels that he can lie down and return to Dongyue, and will not miss places like Nanyang Islands in the future.

   "They run fast, their hands and feet are not slow," Xu Zhi frowned.

"The monitor lizard's blood is poisonous, and there are not many places to slobber even the belt." Qian Tong shook his head. "Pick it up and pick it up. The four of us have trouble transporting this group of snakeskin beasts back to Dongyue Island. Quite jealous."

   "Why do we have to ship it back by ourselves, we can eat those important parts and let the people below take it back, then we can just divide them by hand."

  Li Duohuang began to hold the sign.

   "This place is completely safe. We can perform martial arts while eating in this cave. Isn't that beautiful?"

   "I can also guide you for free."

   thought in his heart, Li Duohuang blinked hard at the three people.

   She decided that the positive abilities brought by Parrot Grass began with learning the secret techniques of Xie Zhi's crooked ways.

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