Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1469: Magic rainbow

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In the ruined city, various transcendent creatures confront each other.

Strong breath of life spreads everywhere.

Even Sandru, who was full of thought, was lying on the ground and loaded up with corpses.

The soul fire in his eyes flickered occasionally, watching the scene in the distance.

Every necromancer is interested in powerful corpses, and he is no exception.

Now that there is a problem with undead witchcraft, he can only count on the original strength of the corpse, so that the creatures obtained in this way can be used.

"If they fight each other, die together, corpses everywhere, what a wonderful scene."

The old lich hides the idea of ​​the snipe fighting for the fisherman's profit, cursing the armor has been put on the body, only to activate the power.

He wants to cry for this artifact, which is too expensive.

If it weren’t for the blood of the demon that the **** thief was looking for, the artifact had collapsed for so long.

Thinking of Xu Zhi, Sandro hatred for a while, and he felt Xu Zhi's pot fell into such a ghost place.

Moving from one small world to another larger small world is a bit boring.

Without civilization and communication, he seemed to become a primitive man.

This kind of ghost place is not much better than jail.

The only little phoenix that confuses to get started is a dementia, and will only squawk.

At the moment, the underdeveloped little phoenix casually put a foot on the rope, and was thrown far away by a big tree to play the fragments of the magic rainbow.

This mindless little phoenix didn’t even care about the undead that followed, and he didn’t care about the powerful lord creatures that were dozens of miles away. The debris swallowed from time to time in the mouth, and occasionally sprayed a small flame to grill, and I was very happy to play. .

In order to get rid of the fate of traveling on two legs, Sandro had to act as a poultry breeder.

He hopes to ride a phoenix in the future and take a dip in this sky. It is best to find the weak points of the space and travel to other places.

He was fed up with such a ghost place.

This is a lonely world, boring, he can not feel the joy of life.

The most important thing is that because of the different rules of the world, he lost the ability to release magic.

As a powerful necromancer, one can imagine the end without magic.

Sandro was a little annoyed that he hadn't learned some combat skills. If he had a comprehensive development, he would still be able to use at least a bit of martial skills, so he wouldn't be beaten.

Without any information for reference, he can only search for himself, looking for true knowledge as if he was headless.

Lupi and Somra must have learned a lot.

But the start of this new world is a bit bad.

His enmity with the other party is a bit big.

If time comes again, Sandro feels that he will still choose to strip the treasure of the little thief.

At least with the cursed armor, he has a foothold in the elemental world.

Although it is far inferior to the powerful creatures in the ruined city, he is also a disturbing little boss, at least no one can beat him.

But it may be that they did not meet those two.

Sandro looked at the purple mantis and the sacred phoenix hovering in the sky.

On these two top creatures, he felt threatened.

That is a fatal risk.

Enough to let him lose his helmet and remove his armor, and even need to rely on the life box hidden in the void to resurrect.

The purple mantis sickle-shaped forelimb may really be able to cut his bones, just like the bombs thrown by the little thief.

No matter how tough the shield is, it will be pierced by a powerful spear once it breaks through the critical point.

The golden flame burning on the holy phoenix is ​​the most powerful nirvana fire in the old world legend.

No one knows how many times the holy phoenix under this kind of nirvana can be resurrected.

Powerful, fast running, and continuous resurrection, the sacred phoenix can be called the darling of the gods, and is also the best master of death.

In the face of any creature, it will not palpitate.

Even the most powerful holy dragon has no choice but to take it.

Sandro could sense that the divine phoenix was weaker than the purple mantis, but looking at the occasional flash of annoyance in the purple mantis' eyes, it was clearly the opponent in front of him.

"Quack quack"

The holy phoenix's crisp voice resounded through the sky, as if it was making some kind of hint.

The little phoenix playing in the distance raised his ears and listened, and then stepped off his thighs. The rope around it was only a symbolic struggle, and it was torn into two sections.

"Wait, don't rush in, it's the place to die."

Looking back, Sandro flew out and hugged the little ostrich-sized phoenix.

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow" little Phoenix shouted.

"Sandrew II, don't yell. Let's communicate. Communicate well. If you go to that waste city, you will definitely be killed. You will be like me in the future. There are only a bunch of bones left in your body, and no meat." "

Sandro pulled on the thigh of Little Phoenix and began to communicate with the little Phoenix called Sandro II.

"Think of your beautiful feathers and powerful flames, which will be gone in the future."

Sandro looked at Sandy II, who was covered with hair. The growth of this little phoenix had a long time, and the feathers had not been transformed, and it looked ugly.

As for the flame, let's just talk about the little flame.

As long as Little Phoenix is ​​willing to listen, he can say what he says.

Temptation, intimidation, compliment.

Controlling the mind is nothing more than a few, and controlling the bird is no exception.

The little mindless Phoenix started to enter the thinking period.

From time to time, I compare myself with every place on Sandro, thinking about whether to keep the current state is good, or just as strong as Sandro.

The direction of the Abandoned City began to experience great energy fluctuations.

Countless colorful brilliances emerged, and the world seemed to become colorful.

Endless magical elements circulate wildly.

White light elements.

Dark elements.

Blue water element.

Red fire element.

Blue wind earth element.

The magical elements that build the world are constantly evolving and dying, and even converted into other elements.

This extreme situation makes the magical elements riot.

It was only a moment's time, and a crippled colorful rainbow crossed the sky.

Sandro II's thinking about the transformation of bird life lasted only a few seconds. With the appearance of this rainbow, it yelled, and the confused mind couldn't make any more thoughts.

The white light of Sandrew's head in front of him seemed to become a fat and juicy fruit. It spit out two small flames and pecked at it.

"It's the magical rainbow of the capital of elements, Andrew II, you shut me up."

Sandro just exclaimed, and there was a bang-banging sound from his head.

This made him feel like a big tree, being treated by a woodpecker who didn't know what to do.

"That was the holy artifact broken by Tanan, the magical rainbow. I didn't expect to run through the old and new worlds. After being broken, it still has this powerful power."

By the window of the sage, Somra couldn't hold back his exclamation.

"That place is the weakest point in the space of the elemental realm. If we want to go to the lower realm, we must go to that ruined city," Hexis said bitterly.

The Sage's Eye had peeped at the Abandoned City before, but that was not the case.

Until the tide of elements advances.

The magical rainbow appeared from the void, and this space became turbulent.

If you want to travel through the lower realm, the location where the magic rainbow appears is their best choice.

But the premise is not to be killed by the creatures inside.

Hexie's earthy face.

Because of the appearance of this magical rainbow, the top creatures in the waste city confronting the sky instantly entered a state of fighting.

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