Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1470: Mutation reproduction

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Sky, land.

Among the ruins of the elemental capital, many top creatures have entered a violent battle.

It was only in an instant that the aura of lords opened in unison.

The violent fire bombs banged a raised local earthquake.

A few meters long ice arrows, whirlwind blades.

The four elemental lords are the first to use magic.

The fairy dragon lord is only slightly slower, and a giant fireball has spouted out of his mouth.

The moon wolf and the sun wolf roared, and the body that was only more than three meters long suddenly grew to be twenty meters long, and turned into a giant like a dragon.

The **** aura of the three white tiger lords opened, violently, and rushed towards the mantis lord.

The two flying goblin lords stroked their hands, and countless wild bees drilled from behind, rigorously encircling the two mantis lords.

Creatures on the ground are engaged, and airborne engagements are faster.

Within a few seconds, the three giant griffins and the phoenix lords found their opponents.

In the sky, the sacred phoenix and the purple mantis have already started a melee fight.

The dull sonic boom swayed in the air, and from the perspective of the window of the sage came shocking ripples from time to time.

Red feathers drifted, red blood splattered, and some purple dura mater fell.

The angle of view is switched from time to time, from the ground to the low altitude, to the high altitude.

The people who stood quietly watching near the window of the sage did not speak a word, silently watching this peerless battle.

It is difficult to describe such scenes with adjectives.

Xu Zhi insisted on a side-by-side description and racked his brains. He felt that "what kind of lying trough" was more appropriate.

Each lord has its own characteristics. In the lord stage, the abilities of many lords have shown some differences, and they are no longer the same version of the creature.

Xu Zhi looked at the other party from time to time, compared with himself, and made his position in the elemental world.

This ruin probably gathered most of the top creatures in the elemental world.

As for the sacred phoenix and the purple mantis, it is very likely to be one of the most powerful creatures in the elemental world.

As long as they are compared with these creatures, he can know the gap.

"They seem to want to destroy the magic rainbow."

Somra pointed to the Phoenix lords who circumvented the praying mantis from time to time. These creatures were more fighting with the praying mantis, and once they had the opportunity, they rushed out and sprayed a blaze at the magical rainbow.

More times, occasionally I can see a little colorful light flying out.

It was a fragment of a magical rainbow, Xu Zhi looked a little hot.

"The mantis is guarding the magic rainbow."

Two distinct groups of forces, one is a mantis group headed by a purple mantis, and the other is a mixed army of leaders of various ranks.

The dispute between the two parties is the magic rainbow.

From the confrontation to the outbreak of fighting, it is precisely because of this magic rainbow.

"It should be because of a problem with the magical rainbow, that caused the tide of elements. The source of the destruction is understandable, but why do mantises protect this treasure."

When fighting with lords such as Phoenix, these praying mantis were obviously also affected, making it difficult to freely release their power in this elemental storm.

Somra watched it for a while, and didn't understand the reason.

"You came from the old world and don't understand the history of our past."

Hexis thought about it and said: "More than a thousand years ago, in addition to the eastern and western continents, there was a magical continent in the ocean."

"The elemental empire ruled that area at that time, with a very high degree of civilization. There used to be a place longed for by everyone on the eastern and western continents."

"But after some unknown reasons, the continent disappeared, and we have a choice of where to call the creatures. In addition to the creatures that can summon distant nests in the lower realm, they can also contract the creatures from the elemental world to the lower realm. The demon-world creatures guided by the art say something else."

"More than a thousand years ago, the lower realm did not call the mantis this fifth-order summoning magic, but I do not know when there was an unexpected calling error, the phoenix did not come out, and the mantis was in the lower realm."

"After that, the Nether learned about this powerful creature."

"The praying mantis at that time was extremely good to summon, only need to provide enough meat, this greedy creature will work in the nether, as long as they are allowed to deal with the corpses of the defeated, they will not even care about the contract, they will easily go to the nether."

"This creature appeared after the demise of the element empire, but it did not develop for more than a thousand years."

"There are many people in the lower realm speculating about the reason why this creature suddenly appeared."

Hexis looked at the praying mantis from time to time, and the phoenixes who tried hard to destroy the magical rainbow. The reason why it was difficult for Somra to guess, for him, the fog had been set aside.

"You mean that the tide of elements caused by the magical rainbow caused the appearance of this creature?" Somra doubted.

"Yes, they may not even have fertility. They can only be produced by the variation of elemental tides. The praying mantis in the lower realm is only so big."

Hexis gestured with two fingers.

The same appearance, the same structure, but the strength is different.

He has seen the skeleton of the praying mantis left by Dongfang Village. If it is weakened countless times, it is a normal praying mantis in the lower realm.

In the lower realm, these creatures can only prey on small insects, unlike the elemental realm that can devour white tigers, hunt griffins, and eat large creatures.

If he hadn't analyzed and contrasted the biological remains, he wouldn't believe this fact.

The praying mantises in the lower realm also have girls who look like prayers because their forearms are raised. They have a nice name, the prayer bug.

Praying mantises in the elemental world are obviously unable to use the name Prayer Worm.

Only pray that you will not be too painful when you eat them.

"This is the disaster of biological reproduction" Hexis finally added.

It is rare that he explained so seriously that Mistreo would be relieved if he saw it.

It was for this reason that he had killed Hexis.

The Nether is no longer needed, nor can it bear the reproduction of special creatures.

Once it appears, even with qualified sage, no one can completely kill such creatures.

Involving interests, war forces, these creatures will be divided up everywhere.

Even he can't handle it in place~ rioters, hawks, centaurs, half-orcs, and even creatures such as evil eye demons.

Countless generations of these artificial creatures have multiplied and have been reasonably integrated into the social order.

Of course, these creatures also cause a lot of trouble.

In addition to human nature, they also possess part of the animal nature, uncontrolled births, and even uncontrollable killings, which cause headaches for managers.

In the elemental world, many creatures clearly cannot bear such an accidentally generated creature.

If the continuous production of praying mantis cannot be restrained, this continent is likely to have little room for other creatures to survive in the future.

The kingdom of Apollo in the lower realm may face a war, and Xu Zhiben has the intention to report to San Theo.

Thinking of the living environment of the elemental world, he also fell silent.

These mantises must be removed, even with the help of lower-level wars.

Compared with other biological groups, there are too many lord creatures produced by mantis.

Now it is the pattern of resistance in the Chambers, and even to suppress the Phoenix.

It is not difficult to think about what the scene will be in the future.

Station selection is simple without thinking through the brain.

"Holy Phoenix has been killed twice."

After a few minutes of fierce fighting, the sacred phoenix on the sky clearly lost to the purple mantis, but its ability to resurrect from time to time supported its continuous fight.

Decline is gradually showing.

The situation between ground fighting and low-altitude fighting is not much different.

One concentrates on fighting, the other distracts to destroy the magical rainbow.

The strength is not as good as the opponent, and the number is slightly less.

The members of the mixed lord regiment struggled to overcome this disadvantage, and began to shrink and retreat.

"Where is that Phoenix Lord Xiao Tian Tian?"

The result of the battle is not difficult to guess, Hexis and Somra are already counting down.

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