Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1471: It's just a child

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()Compared to the seven Phoenix lords who participated in the ruins of the elemental capital, Xiao Tiantian's body seems to be slightly larger, and the body lines are also smoother.

The most important thing is that the sweet halo of Lord Lord is a deterrent.

No lord of the Phoenix released this ability in a fierce battle.

"Maybe she is too far away from this ruin and time has not caught up."

After identifying among the seven Phoenix lords, Xu Zhi finally came to a conclusion.

If there is Xiao Tian Tian, ​​the Phoenix side will not retreat so fast.

Once the deterrent aura is released, it has the effect of an ugly mask, or it is still a collective influence.

Without the ability to be immune to deterrence, there will be fear of slow movements or even pauses when fighting, which can easily lead to fatal risks.

Among the many auras, deterrence is extremely practical and a rare aura.

This aura has a higher chance of appearing in the Dragon race, and rarely appears in the Phoenix group.

The appearance is difficult to distinguish, but it is not difficult to identify Xiaotiantian by its ability.

Xu Zhi's once imagined aura was deterrence, but the fusion of the four-element monarch magic book brought Xu Zhi back to the magic aura.

After getting used to it, he thought it was good to return to the aura of magic.

At least to help him brush his magic proficiency daily.

A pile of green skin, water elements, including Somra and Hexis are also rubbing the light of this ability.

During the time of returning to the aura of magic, they can practice magic without any care.

When Da Vinci was commanded by the water element to let the new water element rotate positions, the heads of these water elements shook their heads with water droplets flying all around, and they had to stay in Dongfang Village.

This made Da Vinci very melancholy, and felt that the water elements under his own betrayed.

"The tide of elements has been enough for the Phoenix Lord to fly from the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent for a few days. Could it be that Xiao Tiantian's ability to fly is poor?"

Hexis said with great interest: "In the history of the wild, a phoenix commander was recorded, because he was too fat to do gliding flights, but it was very resistant to beating."

"Xiao Tian Tian is flying fast. Maybe she hasn't been to the ruins of this city and doesn't know the way."

"You might as well say it went to sleep, and fell asleep."

A group of people laughed and laughed at Xiao Tiantian's joke, but there was a little tension in their hearts.

Even if they belong to the audience now, they can't help but pinch a cold sweat on the side of the mixed army.

The balance of power at the top of the elemental world is in the hands of these creatures.

Once the miscellaneous soldiers lose their power, the winner is the mantis.

This is not the result they want.

"I knew that this was the case for the Elemental Realm, and I let it go when the Dumqira giant tiger begged for mercy."

Xu Zhi murmured, chilling under his heart.

There is no power to resist the mopping of more than twenty mantis lords, not to mention the monarch-level purple mantis.

There are various levels of mantises under these lord creatures.

Once attacked, Dongfang Village is no exception and they have difficulty escaping.

There are so many strong people in a group, which is hugely different from other biomes.

What's more, it only took more than a thousand years to beat the long-life Phoenix strongman.

Even if there is any contradiction between races, the face of this mutant will unite.

These creatures can realize that Xu Zhi is also very clear.

This is a battle for living space.

Allow the magic rainbow to exist, and let the praying mantis continually mutate. The elemental world will have no place for other creatures in the future, and any creature will be reduced to food for the praying mantis.

It is no surprise that these lord creatures who have never met have survived.

"I don't know how many will die?" Hexis muttered.

Fighting enters the battle royale mode, almost every mantis lord has locked the tracking creature, even chasing one by one.

When the battle ended, these dominant creatures showed their fangs without hesitation.

In the sky.

on the ground.

Hunting, hunting, running, and death fighting continue.

The body of the sun wolf and the moon wolf regained their original shape, and relying on small and flexible walking, the fairy lord began to drill into the woods and fly.

The earth element lord sank into the ground and walked underground.

Lord Fire Elemental's body shattered, igniting the nearby jungle fire, and turned into countless small firemen running around.

Lord Water Elemental escaped into the river near the ruins of the elemental capital.

Lord Wind Elemental encourages the wind to whirl and continually drills into the sky. As long as it flies high enough, it can also get rid of the mantis.

Giant griffins, fairy dragons and phoenix lords flapped their wings, clashing with mantises in the air from time to time and lifting their bodies higher from time to time, allowing such creatures that can only fly in low and mid-air to fall.

Among the many lords, only the White Tiger lords are the most embarrassed.

It is not as powerful as the Mantis Lord, nor as fast as the Mantis Lord, and cannot fly.

When falling into a run, the white tiger lord who fell behind quickly shouted loudly, and then the sound of his roaring became weaker and weaker, and his head gradually lowered.

A mantis lord lay on the body of the white tiger lord, and several mantis lords also followed him around. The mouth was wide open, and the sound of the numbness of the skull was heard.

Somra glanced, and solemnly adjusted the glance of the Sage's Eye away.

This kind of behavior of directly eating the opponent's corpse on the battlefield can only be done by creatures who are blind to the stage of low intelligence.

Even with strong power, these mantises are still in a very primitive and brutal stage.

There is no normal communication, only power can deter this creature.

"Damn mantis, so edible, with no bones left, why not eat shit."

Sandro, who was hiding from a peep in the distance, cursed, hiding for a long time, and he hoped that both bodies would be injured by both defeats.

But in perception, the dead white tiger lord was devoured cleanly, even the fur bones did not spit out.

For the necromancer who is used to picking up corpses, this behavior is simply unforgivable.

The forces on the Phoenix side are fleeing, and he must also leave.

It doesn't matter if he himself, few creatures want to eat a bone It's a big deal to find a pit to bury himself underground, but Sandro II can't do it.

Like this, it is extremely delicious. If it is a human state, maybe he has a bit of a slice of meat.

"Sandrew II, sober head, we are going to run."

Slap on the little phoenix who pecked hard at the head. The little phoenix began to move in a vain motion, dizzy and turned, and the fruits he saw in his mind were all gone.

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow~"

"Don't cry, I'll find you delicious fruit when I escape."

Now I still want to eat fruit. If I don't run hard, I will be eaten by others in a while.

The spirit of Sandro wrapped the little phoenix, comforting him, seeing that little phoenix opened his eyes, still crying, he had to raise the flaming sword, and a magical flame rose from the tip of the sword.


Little Phoenix looked at the Sword of Fire, and he spit out a small flame with a nervous reflex. Sandro began to interrupt the magic, and the flame on the tip of the sword suddenly disappeared.

"Quack quack"

"Second World II is so powerful, you spit fire better than me, we are now going to start another game, to see who runs faster."

The old lich sullenly opened his bones and thighs, and entered the horse-escape mode.

It is much more troublesome to raise a living creature than to make an undead.

This nanny career made him uncomfortable.

Sandro recalled his long life's escape career. His memory is unbearable, but compared to taking children, that kind of life is simply happy.

"It's just a child."

"If it wasn't because the little bird was a child, I..."

Sandro ran ahead, saying hello to Little Phoenix from time to time, trying to seduce it to run.

He was bored for a long time before saying: "I am an undead soul, and when you grow up, you will repay me by being a bull and a horse."

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