Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1472: Xiao Tian Tian

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The battle of the ruins of the elemental capital is coming to an end.

A white tiger lord fell, and most lords were damaged.

The Phoenix lords are constantly entangled with these powerful mantises based on their speed and talents that can be reborn.

From time to time, huge figures flew across the sky and the ground.

After the two surviving white tiger lords, the sun wolf and the moon wolf entered the safe area of ​​the jungle, the phoenixes spread their wings and flew, circling and rushing to the sky and scattered.

There are not many praying mantises whose height can still be pursued, and a large part of praying mantis lords are eliminated.

The struggle continues.

Xu Zhi understands why he saw these creatures fighting over the fairy tree.

This chase battle may last for a long time.

"This skeleton monster still has a little conscience, and didn't lose the oil bottle."

Hexis pointed to Sandru who had escaped, relying on his own perception, Sandro led the Little Phoenix to run around many lords.

As if it were a card position, he can always find the right distance to keep himself in a safe area.

The little phoenix in his head seemed to regard this escape as a game.

Follow the constant shuttle to go far.

"If you have the ability to take care of a few points, even if you raise your own pig, you have to catch the evil wolf when you are here. It's just the instinct of the creature." Somra replied: "This old guy kills people like hell, and he has no emotion."

"Same thing, it's really hard to find some good people among the undead."

The two of them whispered Sandro with a different heart, and the eyes of the sage swept the scene of the ruins of the elemental capital from time to time.

There are still many mantis lords stationed there.

The slow-running, praying mantises who could not catch the phoenix all gathered there, and did not leave.

The magic rainbow's light has slowly weakened, and the power of this holy weapon is almost exhausted.

It seems to be absorbing chaotic magical elements to complement itself, but this repair is extremely slow.

There was an attack by the Phoenix lords, the old wounds of the holy weapon had not healed, and the new wounds were born again.

As the battle continues, there is no chance of healing of this holy weapon.

Once entering the stage of near restoration, perhaps the praying mantis is guarding, and the opposing relationship of the camp destroyed by the Phoenix will be reversed.

For the praying mantis, what they need is a crippled holy weapon, which can make the elemental world chaotic and maintain their treasure of mutation and survival.

The Phoenix's requirements for the magical rainbow are either complete, which does not affect the elemental world, or is destroyed, and cannot affect the elemental world.

Over more than a thousand years, this opposite relationship may have changed several times.

Somra and Hexis analyzed lowly, and Xu Zhi also joined the discussion.

The topics discussed by the three bigwigs are a bit tall, and the green skins on the side felt that they could not intervene, and began to discuss the topic of raising a phoenix one by one.

Faced with such a disaster in the elemental world, so many big figures are powerless, not to mention the small corner of Dongfang Village, the green skins find this kind of thing difficult to worry about.

"The elemental world will not only have this weak point in space," Hexis murmured.

The turbulence caused by the tide of elements almost filled the entire elemental world, far surpassing the thunder pick-up device he had arranged on Long Island.

Naturally changed completely.

This scale is so large that all the magical elements become chaotic, so that the space barriers have a sense of weakness.

Relying on magic, or relying on power, after several simulation calculations, Hexis felt that it might be possible to get into another space.

But how to get into this ruin and make various attempts there safely is difficult for him and Somra.

Pursuing the long life of immortality, but if it is 100% killed by the mantis lords, this immortality does not pursue.

For example, if they only need to enter the area of ​​the elemental capital, they may roll over, not to mention the space near the magical rainbow.

"This continent has become a system by itself, whether it can enter or not, if it were not for Tanan to smash the magical rainbow, such weak points in space might not exist."

Somra put a tick on the map he painted.

The ruins of the capital of elements are a breakthrough point.

Maybe next time, maybe next time,...

In short, as long as the ability is in place, they may also be able to try.

Relying on the eyes of the sage to investigate for a long time, this is the only weak spot they have found so far.

With a life span of hundreds of years, Somra felt that he should have a chance.

As for Hexis, in just a few decades, Somra felt that his hopes were a little slim, and it would be most appropriate to leave something to pass on.

"Lord Hexis, can you tell me more about the magic of the Chaos Department, I am very interested in lightning" Somra looked at Hexis.

"I don't know how to release lightning. I just read some information blindly. It is likely to mislead you at this stage.

Hexis didn't notice Somra's thoughts. He rubbed his face and smiled: "I have a little bit of death magic, this subject can be said, maybe Lord Somra can become a future A noble death magic guru."

"I just want to practice chaotic magic."

The magic discipline he was good at before had no high-level information, and the two departments of nature and death who were not good at and had no interest were masters. Somra was desperate for the study of magic.

The lower realm is very strict with the magic data, Xu Zhimen turns the door, but the development route is completely different from what he wants.

Four of the five series of magic were chosen, and the only thing missed was the chaotic magic.

Like the two-line masters of Hexis, they are not good at chaotic magic.

With the exception of a few special places, the formal learning chaotic magic system in the lower realm is honored by Oriolius, but this island country has almost no practice of practicing natural magic.

In the past few years, Xu Zhi went to O'Reilly Europe a while ago.

As a result, the contractor has escaped, and there is no possibility of continuous development. The guy who is very good at lightning has already mastered the level of mastery chaotic magic. He will definitely be able to write books in the future. "

Xu Zhi patted his chest to ensure.

Possession and writing are two different things.

This kind of chaotic magic master of Kotzes is not the material for writing books, not even the magic parchment.

Xu Zhi hopes he can code a few words after receiving a formal magic education in Casa.

As for Bob, this old man is now only interested in advanced guru.

He gave Kotzes all the low-level things.

If you want this old man to bother to write, it is difficult to meet this requirement without a special contract event.

When the three of them whispered, they saw a red shadow getting closer and closer in the distance.

"Can it be so fast from the ruins of the elemental capital to us?" Somra looked up suspiciously.

In just a few dozen minutes, the Phoenix Lord appeared from the ruins of the far away elemental capital near the Goblin Lord, which made them turn the map several times, and it felt very unreal.

Such a long distance should not be this speed.

"This phoenix will send you ancient magic of different dimensions?"

Hexis is also a strange way, looking at Somra. Although this world has teleportation magic, compared to the different dimension teleportation of Somra world, it can only be regarded as an undeveloped state.

"It seems like Xiao Tian Tian, ​​I'll get closer to see."

With a flying appendage, Xu Zhi's body quickly flew up.

"Ah, sir, squeaky lord, are you under this fairy tree?"

"Feline. Julie. Angela. Alexia. Daisy is sweet..., where are you?"

"Did anyone pick up my baby, quack quack."

This is right for Phoenix Lord Xiao Tian Tian.

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