Grandmaster of Heroes

Chapter 1473: Big hearted parents

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Dongfang Village ushered in the first real-world neighbor.

Lord Phoenix Mountain Xiao Tian Tian.

The name Julie Angela Alexia Daisy is sweet...

Because of the peculiar hobby of the Phoenix family, when the green skins of Dongfang Village shouted her name, Dongfang Village quickly won the respect of the Phoenix lord.

Of course, more than seventy green Pigasomla and Hexis have no more names than Xiaotiantian.

"Your village is a magical existence."

Xiao Tian Tian looked at Dongfang Village, which was full of evil spirits. If it wasn't for Xu Zhi's introduction, she didn't want to land near this village.

The fierce beasts and fierce beasts that have a strong sense of creatures are particularly afraid of this breath. If they rely on taste or close their eyes to perceive, there seems to be a lot of dragons in the village.

When not seeing the true colors of these green skins, any fierce beast must be deterred by this breath.

The breath of a dragon is not terrible. What is terrifying is to let this breath surround and gather in a pile, which is very easy to bring a huge sense of fear.

"not bad."

After Xu Zhi's bird language translation, Badan Mu. Da Da Mu. Squeak... The face of Diu Di Village was glorious.

It’s great to be respected by a lord of the Phoenix.

The long name of a hundred words is not easy to get, and it is difficult to remember, but it is no problem to report one by one according to the official position in the village.

Except that the small green skin at the end is still a two-word name, other green skins have long names, at least four words.

In order to have the best diplomatic status with this lord of the phoenix, the rehearsal in advance in the village was very successful, and there was no green skin off the chain.

Even the two artists are sitting in danger.

Just like San Theo, or His Majesty Leo.

Lord order, especially higher order creatures have been able to obtain their equal dialogue.

Wherever it is strong, it always brings equal voice.

"I like your village. I remember this position. We will be friendly alliances in the future. I will come here often."

Looking for the village of Dongfang where Xu Zhi is located is a long-term task, and Xiao Tian Tian did not expect to complete so fast.

In the plan of Xu Zhi and others, it is likely that a certain phoenix found that the two sides exchanged some information and waited for the phoenix to report back. Xiaotian is here again.

No one in the village could speak birds, and Xu Zhi had to rotate the world. For a time, he felt that there was no way to find this method of ascetic monks.

Compared with other worlds, the communication convenience of the elemental world is at the weakest link.

Traffic basically depends on walking, and communication basically depends on roaring.

It is too difficult to meet in the vast continent.

But it is precisely because of this long distance that each other's acquaintance has become extremely long, at least the two sides have decided to be long-term friendly neighbors.

According to Xiao Tian Tian's estimation, based on her flying ability, Phoenix Mountain will take about eight hours to go to the Fairy Collar.

This is a very far distance, at least nearly ten thousand miles away from each other, and it is likely to span the jurisdiction of six to seven lords.

If Xu Zhi and others walked and walked in the jungle, I don't know what year or month it would take to reach the correct destination of Phoenix Mountain.

"Are you going out now to find a lady?" Xu Zhi asked.

"Yeah, this kid is so uneasy. Now it's time for the elemental tides to erupt, and it's easy to get confused. I'm really afraid that she will die outside," Xiao Tian Tian is very embarrassed: "Because film Julie Angie Pulling... Running away from home, I didn't even go to the source of the tide."

"She is my only child, only a hundred years old, and ignorant, alas."

"You don't know the troubles with the child. She was too naughty. I just scolded her angrily at the time and didn't expect that she would run away from home."

"I haven't seen Philine Julie Angela Alexia Daisy in months... sweet."

The adult time of the Phoenix family is amazing, Xu Zhi feels that if he wants to bring a child for more than 100 years, he may have been crazy.

This little Phoenix, whose name can be abbreviated as film, will run away from home for a few months. No wonder Xiaotian is downcast.

"Is the ugly bird carried by Sandro a child of Xiaotiantian?"

Hexis touched Xu Zhi's arm with a hint.

"Is that little phoenix over a hundred years old?"

"Who knows, I am a demon expert, not a turkey expert, and it is difficult to judge the age."

Watching in the window of the sage is not much different from Xu Zhi's watching TV in reality. A lot of information is extremely vague and can only be judged reluctantly.

Whether Little Phoenix next to Sandro is a child of Xiaotiantian, this is a little difficult to determine, and can only be identified by Xiaotiantian.

"Speaking of which we discovered a little phoenix while exploring the world. Do you see if it is your own child?"

Xu Zhi waved and pointed to the window of the sage placed in the village.

The window of the sage is only one-third of Xiaotiantian's head. Looking at her in the past is like looking at the mobile phone screen five meters away. Xu Zhi hopes that her eyesight will be better.

"God, it's our little cute."

When the angle was adjusted again, Xiao Tian Tian finally saw the little figure in the Window of the Sage.

"How did you keep our children inside? Oh my gosh, that skeleton spirit is also inside."

Xiao Tian Tian looked at Xu Zhi, and finally issued torture on her soul.

"It's just a remote view, it's okay. If you look closely, we can still see the source of the tide here."

At this time, Sandro was nearly a hundred miles away from the ruins of the capital of elements, lying under a tall tree to rest.

Without the protection of his spirit and withstanding the effects of the tides, Little Phoenix started the woodpecker mode again.

Xu Zhi looked at the big lich's blank face, the soul fire was motionless, he felt that Sandro had given up the struggle.

The window of the sage has been adjusted several times, and different scenes are reflected in Xiaotiantian's sight, and she finally understands it.

"The feathers are a little bit longer, the colors are brighter, and her figure is a little thinner, oh my god, she will breathe fire."

I haven't seen my child for Xiao Tian Tian feels that her child is growing up quickly, which makes her look at her.

"He will take care of children more than we do. There are so few good-tempered, steady, and diligent men now."

Xiao Tian Tian pointed to the unsuspecting Sandro and couldn't help but sigh.

"The grumpy guy in my family will be holding film. Julie Angela...throwing outside the den, never playing with children like this."

"This is really great. Someone helped us take our children. We are free, quack."

and many more.

Xu Zhi looked at the restoring Xiao Tian Tian, ​​the bird head of the Phoenix lord was not on the same channel as them.

Didn't you find that the kid who was abducted rushed to find it in the first place?

The anxious one must beat Sandro fiercely.

But Xiao Tian Tian's meaning seems to be a successful dumping.

"I haven't killed my child for a few months. He shouldn't be too malicious. This skeleton is very powerful and can definitely take care of my children."

"In another 20 years, my children will fly, and they should automatically fly back to Phoenix Mountain."

"I don't know if he will bring other children. We still have several children there."

"It would be nice if I could grab it and take the children."

Analysis and understanding are in place.

Xiao Tian Tian also thinks about Xu Zhi's other unimaginable things.

"You help me to see the film a little..., wait for me to go to the source of the tide, and I will let Billy Thomas... come to the Oriental Village."

"Once it was found that he was impatient with his children, we went together to pick up Phoenix Mountain."

Tinker Bells clanged.

For the time being, Dongfang Village also needs a strong foreign aid.

This is a good thing, a win-win situation.

At present, the only unlucky one is Sandru, who looks like a tree under a big tree.

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